Archives, Letters to the Editor|February 8, 2012 1:41 PM

G’Head and Embed, Getting Help, Goodbye Hot Shots and MORE!

Love the New Embedded Game Pages!

Editor Tahd,

Thank you to whoever has designed these new ways of playing. I am talking about all the information on the page as well as not having to have a pop-up window! YES!

I have seen many letters to you of people complaining about it and I for one could not be happier. It looks and feels so much safer. I hope eventually all the games go to this!!!(ok, not making you rush and I understand if they all don’t).

I like all the info given. I have seen many changes on Pogo and I know each time you change people get frustrated (I was one of them) although, this is one change I really, really like!! I can only hope people give it a chance and see that this is a wonderful change.

Don’t get me wrong, at first I was confused as to how to find the rooms I usually played in but I played around with it and it is pretty easy to figure out now. This is the BEST change Pogo could have made if you ask me!

So thank you all of you at POGO for making this site better each day! Now,since I did my fair share of brown nosing Lol (kidding) could I see more games get more ranks. I.E. Crazy Cakes, Stellar Sweeper and Wonderland Memories.

Thank you,


Glad That Chat is Coming!

Happy Wednesday (Badge Day!), Editor,

I just have a few thoughts that I would like to forward regarding embedded games… The first being, THANK YOU for announcing that Chat is coming soon to the new embedded games. I’m really excited for this, and will definitely be spending a lot more time in those games.

While on the Embedded Game topic, I’d like to say that I really like the new format of the game pages (such as Poppit! and Sweet Tooth). I love the fact that I can activate Challenges right there, without having to go though Badge Central. I know others say the page is cluttered, however with the pop-up games you still have the room list, favorites list, etc behind the game. I’ve noticed that games (especially flash games) work better in this format.

My only complaint is the white background, it’s a little bright and boring. I’d like to see the pale green color that’s used through out the Club Pogo site.

Overall, I’m loving the changes, and I hope to see all of the games be brought into this new format. I also hope that the rest of the Club Pogo site gets a fresh look eventually, seems like it’s been a long time.

Also – Thanks for announcing on the homepage that Stellar Sweeper is having issues. Great idea to keep everyone informed.

Editor: Thanks for your positive feedback! It’s great to hear that some folks are enjoying the new look. We are looking at ways to address the super-white background, and we’re also taking into consideration much of the other feedback that’s been coming in. So, stay tuned!

Not So Bad if You Reduce the Screen Size


I found that it is not so bad if I move the side and the bottom of the page in, and hide all the useless clutter like “game recommendations”, “my stuff” and other unnecessary things. I can then concentrate on the game or the chat.

You might want to pass this info along. Leaves a cleaner playing area.



Editor: Thanks for the tip, Margaret! You can find out how to re-size the window in the Questions About Embedded Games Answered article from last week.

Hope You’re Reading All the Feedback!

Sure hope you read all the bad reviews on this new design. Terrible mistake on the new design. No one can find the rooms they play in. Can’t check to see friends, messages etc. without closing out the game. I for one do not care to see that my friend played that game 24 hours ago. Too much going on , on one page. The pop up is just the game. A nice clean page. Yes we can resize it but who wants to do that every time. Leave enough alone.

I truly hope you listen to the players on this one. Embedded games was a bad mistake. Please change it back. People have stopped playing their favorite game because of the change.

Another Unhappy Pogo player

Editor: We are reading all of the feedback on this – and there’s been a lot! You can still find the rooms you’ve played in – you’ll find a graphic showing you where they are in the Questions About Embedded Games Answered.

We do recognize that this is a big change, and we do hope that you’ll give it another chance. There are a lot of great things about the new pages as well, and we do our best to address the concerns of our players, so keep the feedback coming.

So Many Changes, Nowhere to Turn

So many changes, so many problems. The rumors of Pogo folding, taking our money and running, and on and on.

As human beings, we are all resistant to change, especially in something so integrated into our routines. Usually, we become accustomed to the changes and think “hey, this isn’t so bad after all.” While reading the chat rooms and the forums, it is apparent part of the problem with the changes made to Pogo Help/Support is that no one knows exactly what the new policy and changes are. It seems everywhere you look for an answer, you get a different one. So frustrating for so many. Perhaps Pogo should clearly spell out the new procedure for contacting Help/Support in an email to members, on Facebook, in the Pogo News and in the forums, to reach as many members as possible.

Then, whatever those new procedures are, it should be Pogo’s goal to follow through. The email I received this morning, thanked me for an in-game violation report I’d made for racial slurs and threats over 2 weeks ago. Hopefully, this is not the speed with which help with technical problems will be addressed. I cannot imagine two weeks without getting to play Pogo.

This morning when the Challenges were not working, there was no where to turn. Had there been an avenue for even a few people to contact someone, word would spread through chat, forums and Facebook, and perhaps a large amount of the frustration for players could have been avoided. Eventually the banner was placed on the home page and that was WONDERFUL! So many people were relieved to know that Pogo was addressing the issue… but this banner was put up hours after players first started having issues – thus the chat room and forum rants about Pogo not caring about their players, the lack of customer service.

None of us is perfect. I know the wonderful staff at Pogo makes every effort to ensure we can play our games. Things happen, problems come up – please consider getting the word out in a manner that’s clear and prompt. It would save a lot of ranting – lol

Sign me a Pogo supporter (even when you mess with my routine)

Editor: Thanks for your letter, and thanks to everyone who has written in about the changes to Customer Support.

The good news is that we still do provide live Customer Support to our Club Pogo players, and we did just post a story entitled Club Pogo Members Can Get Assistance with Live Chat or Email! in the Pogo News.

That said, on behalf of our Customer Experience team, we do apologize about the sudden change in support. We should have done a much better job of communicating the changes.

Disappointed About Daily Hot Shots

Just want to voice my disappointment in the announcement that you will be ending Daily Hot Shots in March. I have really enjoyed playing this every day. Sometimes I do really well and other times I “foul out”, but it has always been entertaining.

I have been reading comments on the forums, and do agree that there are other outdated games that only a few would miss if they were eliminated. I also understand that DHS takes more man hours (or woman hours?) to offer. But come on now, yours is a big outfit with lots of employees. And… sorry, but I have trouble believing that the number of members playing DHS is very low. I very seldom see a player name that I recognize when I am voting.

I, for one, would be very pleased if you would reconsider.


Editor: Thank you for your feedback, and (again) thanks to the many folks who wrote in about the decision to retire Daily Hot Shots.

While the game did have more players than many of the others, it did require a fair amount of work to maintain, while the others require none. It also required quite a bit from the Mini Mall, and was destined to become very repetitive.

And usage was declining, thus, we felt it was best to retire the game. Thanks to everyone who played the game, and we hope that you’ll continue to play through March 6, 2012.

Why No Claire Hart Challenge?

Dear Mr. Editor:

Why did the Challenges for this week get changed? A bunch of us were really looking forward to playing Claire Hart. I went to look this morning and its NOT those games? Why do you people keep changing things?

Its bad enough that you decided to confuse us with embedded stuff, but now to change horses in mid stream?? What’s goin’ on in your offices?

wow… this ain’t a good thing… disappointing every time you change… soon it will be POGO-BOOK… tsk tsk… Shame on you!!


Editor: We did change this week’s Challenge from Claire Hart to Stellar Sweeper. Why? Because there were some issues with that Challenge.

You weren’t the only one upset. When Claire Hart found out, we suspect she used her clairvoyant skills to cause issues with the replacement Challenge in Stellar Sweeper. Yes, that’s right. We’re blaming Claire Hart for the issues in this morning’s Stellar Sweeper Challenge!

Okay, we’re not really. It would be nice, however, to be able to do that. But alas, that was a technical issue. Thankfully, that one is fixed. Is it Friday yet?

Red Hat Separate from Hair, Please!

I have been a member of Pogo for several years. I have a couple of questions for you.

First, I would like one of the red hats in the Mini Mall, but it comes with hair attached. Could you separate these into two pieces or could you just offer the hats? Would you also add some jewelry and flowers for hair to the Mini Mall selections. We ladies would like to have some earrings, bracelets and necklaces to wear and something to put in our hair when we wear it plain.

Would you be kind enough to let me know if you can do this for the ladies. Also, I saw a letter to the Editor that asked if you could bring back some of the older outfits and clothing you had in the Mini Mall because they were newby’s. Are you going to do this? I would like that very much too.

Thank you so very much. Anxiously awaiting your reply, I am,

Sincerely yours,


Editor: Ah, I wish we could! Unfortunately, the way the Minis are set up, if we were to separate the hats from the hair, it would look really weird. Imagine putting on a hat, only your hair stays exactly the same and actually manages to show itself outside of the hat.

As for re-releasing older items – we do that a lot! Just keep checking the Mini Mall every week or so, and you’ll see what we’ve re-released.

Truly Love the Endless Love PBA

Dear Pogo,

I just wanted to tell you how impressed I was with the Endless Love Badge Album. I know some people were complaining about the price and how you get fewer Badges for your Gems but I think it was a bargain.

The amount of time and energy it must have taken you all to illustrate, animate and bring together a whole story must have been insane. I appreciate the hard work put into it and so far it is my favorite Badge Album yet. I loved the whole story line idea and the theme of it was just beautiful. I was so excited when I finished it to see the last chapter of that couple’s life play out. What a great idea to tell a story with the badges. I hope you all continue with the storytelling. Well done!

I will admit that I have recently had my own complaints about Pogo, like the change of some of the games formats and things, but to tell you the truth this album made up for it. I think that sometimes we all just get so wrapped up in the Challenges and Badges we forget about the hard work you are all doing to make sure we have fun.

Thanks again for such great dedication and creativity. I also liked the new limited edition Valentine’s badge. The animated icons are great! Way to go pogo! Keep up the great work.


Endless Pogo Love

No Mini Judge in Friday’s Show!

Dear Editor,

I am very upset no judge for the last four rooms today why have eight rooms and you only judge four? But is that fare to the rest of us? We have been here two hours and still waiting.

We spent gems to show off our mini and what did we get no judge, but we did get to enjoy our friends please try to do better next time. Please use my screen name thanks.


Editor: I don’t blame you one bit. Unfortunately, due to the big reorganization in Customer Support, they will no longer be helping us judge the Amazing Mini events. And, in the confusion that followed the big change, there was a communication breakdown and we were not aware that no judge would be appearing.

Thankfully, we have scoured the Pogo studio for judges, and we have found replacements, so the Mini events will continue as planned, and we don’t expect any interruption like that again.

I do apologize to you and to everyone who waited and waited.

Pogo Rhymes with Nothing? Read THIS, Editor!

Nothing rhymes with Pogo,
Except the ubiquitous “logo”?
Mr. Editor, think anew
A morning ritual may help you
Log on to Pogo
And go, go, go.

I’m just a hobo
Who loves to Pogo
So when the day begins
One option always wins
At Club Pogo
I’m never a no show.

I use Pogo
To keep my mojo
Playing trivia, searching away,
Then a crossword to rev for the day
Don’t want my mind to go slow
So I get it primed with Pogo.

Editor: Well, I think the kids of today would say “The editor just got SCHOOLED!” Nicely done! This is, for those who don’t remember, is in response to a letter towards the bottom in the The January 25th Column.

Do you have something you want to say? E-mail

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