Archives, Letters to the Editor|April 11, 2012 3:39 PM

Pogo & The Droid, Poppit! Blitz Mode, Fuzzy Friends, Finland and MORE!

Yes! Pogo on the Android!

Oh My, imagine my surprise today when I saw Pogo for Android pop up!!! I am so happy that I can now take Pogo with me. I am hoping that you will be adding more games in the future for even more fun! Just wanted to say Thank you Thank You.

Happy Pogo Player on Android

Kudos on the Android App!

YAY!! Thanks so very much for the Android app released today. Wooohooo It works great on my Samsung Infuse 4G smartphone.

I appreciate your diligence in getting ‘er done! Great looking badges too! Thank you Pogo artists and engineers.

Thanks again!

Would Love Pogo on My Android, BUT…

Hello Editor,

I cannot tell you how excited I was when I saw that the Android App was finally released!!!

I instantly grabbed my Android phone so I could download the app. But then my WORSE NIGHTMARE happened!!! The app was unavailable for me to download, and I did a little investigating, and found out that the app is only supported on Android OS 2.2+ (whatever that means), and my phone does not have this type of Android OS.

So now, for the first time ever, I am extremely disappointed with POGO. Why release an app that can’t be downloaded by everyone that, like me, owns an Android, and have been patiently waiting for its release? I am sure that this will not be the only letter you receive, as I am probably not the only one that will have this issue. But I do hope that the issued will be addressed sooner rather than later.


Editor: As excited as we are about the launch of the Pogo App for the Android, unfortunately, we were unable to make the Pogo App compatible for every Android phone out there. There are just too many phones and versions, that we did have to draw the line somewhere.

Poppit! Sprint Confusion

I have played this game for the Weekly Challenge and am not receiving credit for my game play. I can not even find the game (mode) we are to play in. I believe it was classic. It does not offer the choice that it says we must play in.

What is going on with this week’s Challenge. Others are saying the same things. I think I like the game but I want to earn the points as I play.

thanks for an answer


Editor: It is a wee confusing – I played a couple games in “Casual Mode” before I realized something was wrong. Don’t look for the word “Classic” – look for the word “Blitz” – it’s the upper game made. Click on that, and you should find that popping those balloons will eventually lead to a Badge. ;)

Poppit! Sprint Badge Confusing at First – Then Fun!


I just wanted to say a little bit about the Poppit Sprint game. At first I was having problems getting the game to work and I admit I was a little frustrated, but I kept saying I will keep trying, it’s only the first day of the Challenge, I have a week to get it.

I saw your name in my friends list saying that you had played the game recently so I knew it must be working. I said maybe I am playing the wrong version even though I swore up and down I was playing the right one.

Well guess what? I was playing the wrong one. Started the game again, started earning progress towards my Badge and had a great time! I love games that are timed like that. Fast quick ones. I know a lot of people were having problems with the Badge but I do hope you will have another Challenge for it again some time in the future.

Thanks for listening!


Editor: That’s great to hear! Yes – I’ve heard from a few players who are playing the “CASUAL” version of Poppit! Sprint, and not the “BLITZ” version. The Blitz one is at the top – make sure that’s the one you’re playing! It is a fun little game, isn’t it?

I Have More than 100 Friends!


I am a member of Club Pogo. I do enjoy playing as well as hosting on the Pogo site. I was excited to see the Friends list had been changed, because I had to be satisfied with only being able to save 200 people as my friends. I tried to see if I could add more friends, because currently I have 196 in my friends list.

To my surprise I found out that I already have the “maximum amount of 100” friends. This does not sit will with me, and I know that this will become a serious fuss among the hosting (MyLeague) communities. It was bad enough that before that the max friends we could have was 200, and now it’s 100.

Please, please, convey this message to the right people to get this fixed or updated. We are in a computer age where games on Facebook (and Facebook itself) and others like Facebook compel us to add so many friends, as many as we can, to meet new people regularly, so Pogo should follow suit and not limit us on our friends.

Thanks for your time.


Editor: This is a bug. There are two big bugs that we’ll be addressing in the next few releases – the maximum number of friends you can have (and it will a lot more than 200), and the issue where you can’t see all of a person’s screen name. Right now if a player’s screen name is longer than 10 characters. We’ll be extending that (although, if it’s super long, it will likely be truncated).

Disappointed With Representation of Finland in CLUE: Secrets & Spies

Greetings from cold and sunny Finland!

I was very happy when you released new episode in CLUE: Secrets & Spies called FIGHT TO THE FINNISH. I think other European countries were in game before us in north.

But I was disappointed when I opened Helsinki there: couldn’t you find anything else from beautiful Helsinki or Finland than that old garage? Maybe next time something else I hope? :D And big thank you for Poppit’s new look, at least we know how much games we have to win for next rank. Before it was impossible to know or guess.

Keep doing good work with games and so. I am patient with bugs sometimes, it only takes hours or next day to fix problems, and that’s not too annoying.

Have a great spring there!


Editor: Greetings from rainy and cold California! Please return the sun, we kinda miss it.

Thanks for your feedback on this – I’ll pass it along. Obviously, it’s a bit too late to change this episode, but perhaps if the agents end up in Finland again, they’ll visit somewhere more beautiful.

Time to Get Albert a New Uniform!


I am from St. Louis and I play Top Down Baseball all the time. I have been noticing that Albert Pujois’s picture is still showing up with him in a St. Louis Cardinals uniform. Can you please either remove his picture or change his uniform to his correct team, the “Los Angeles A’s” ? Thanks, my screen name is : Racerx713

Editor: Well, my friend, great eye. Alas, that game is super old, and we won’t be making any changes to it, so I’m afraid Albert is forever a Cardinal, at least as Top Down Baseball is concerned. ;)

Infestation of Pretzels and Gophers Gone in Poppit!

My Google Chrome NO LONGER has the dreaded gopher/pretzel plague that I had since…? it’s been so long I forgot… some time late last year. Big THANK YOU to the development team for finding the “bug”gers that made me stop buying pretzels and making me want to bash rodents that pop up.

These type of bugs aren’t easy to find and it’s even more frustrating when people with the same set up would be seeing different things. I remember the article in your column about this topic and one husband’s computer was infested while the wife’s computer next to his was fine. Then I got infested right after reading the article lol. I’m confident the development team will find these strange bugs eventually and figure out the proper fix. Sweet Tooth 2 is still infected, and last I checked so is Beaker Creatures.

Wow, lots of disgruntled players as soon as something major and even MINOR shows up. Patience is the key here. The development team is hard at work trying to fix all these glitches and bugs.

With that said, I for one am NOT cancelling my account. My account does run out soon and won’t be able to renew for awhile as finances took downward turn, BUT I’ll still be playing free Pogo.

Moral of this story is 1. Be Patient, 2. Be helpful by providing specific details. 3. Editor is the messenger not the bug. 4. The Pogo Forums are a good source of information, often times another member like us found a workaround solution or temporary fix until the bug has been exterminated. The big one here which i had to do was downgrade Flash Player to FlashPlayer10. I’m keeping that for now so I have all my candies in Sweet Tooth2 using Firefox… still only two candies with Chrome.

Thank you again to development team for eradicating the gopher/pretzel plague. I checked it out on Chrome and I finally have all my prizes in that browser. :)


Editor: The International Pretzel Association recently released a press release discussing a dramatic up tick in pretzel sales, and I’m pretty sure this is why. ;-)

Thanks for the information – it is nice to hear it’s fixed! As for Sweet Tooth 2 and Beaker Creatures, I have forwarded your e-mail on to our development team for their review.

Have something to say to the Editor? E-mail Please note – if you are having any customer support or technical support related questions, please contact our Customer Experience Team

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