Archives, Letters to the Editor|April 25, 2012 3:44 PM

Prairie Bonnet No-No, Chuckle Buckle Yum, Vaults A Lot Easier! and MORE!

I Can Finally Mark The “Island Holiday Badge” as Complete!


I just re-did the Vaults of Atlantis “Island Holiday” Premium Badge where you have to beat the three sharks. Before this, I played it for around four days and got sick of it. I went in today and redid it and got it in under 3 hours!!!


Now I’m re-doing Monopoly slots, wish it would go easily! lmao

Editor: Glad to hear it! Yes, yesterday the change was made and now those attempting to earn that Badge should finde it a lot less time consuming! Thanks everyone for their patience on this!

My Mix-n-Match Albums Are Now Complete!

Dear Editor,

My albums #8 and #9 did not have a gold “COMPLETED” ribbon. I was so very surprised when I checked this morning and saw them corrected.

A very big thank you to the people that made this happen.



Editor: Yup, this, too got fixed. I wonder what else we broke and then fixed?

Prairie Women Do Not Go Out in the Buff!

Dear Editor:

People in the forums yesterday were referring to a “glitch” with the prairie outfit with bonnet where instead of the outfit, after purchase your Mini appeared to be naked. This is NOT a glitch. Someone had to have programmed the “naked body” picture, otherwise the central area of the Mini would have been empty.

Or is the mini a totally layered picture, from the body out? In either case, this is totally unacceptable. When I first saw a “naked mini” I thought “what is Pogo doing now?” Then I saw many more in the forums and realized there was a definite problem.

Some members were having “fun” with the “glitch” but that is not my idea of having “fun”. I’ve never said anything about it before, but I won’t get into how I feel about the “black bar” minis that have been around for awhile, or the plunging gowns where “not much” is left to the imagination. I prefer more conservative ways of having fun dressing my mini.

Usually I don’t have to see other people’s Minis, unless I choose to look in their profile. But there is no choice when I am in the forums.

If this “naked mini” effect was a deliberate act by a Pogo employee, there should be some consequence to their action.

A Concerned Member

Editor: We are very sorry about the “Naked Mini”. It was definitely not deliberate, and we do regret not catching it in our Quality Assurance process. But, as soon as we realized the mistake, we did get it fixed pretty quickly.

The Minis are layered. You’ve got the background in the backmost position, and the Mini on top of that – with a few layers in between so we can put in things like wings and back-hair – hair that goes in back of the shoulder -not “back hair”! Although, we could and nobody would ever know!

At the “Mini” layer, we have an unclothed Mini. Please do notice that the Minis do not have any reproductive organs. This does prevent players from seeing anything too offensive. It’s a little bit like a toy doll, if you will. They can be stripped, but you’ll never see anything.

Also, this has the added benefit of keeping the Mini Mall from becoming overpopulated. (That was a joke. Chuckle gently.)

Seriously – the folks who work on the Minis (and I’m one of them) would never purposefully let a “naked” mini get released. This was merely an oversight.

Blueberry Buckle Brought Back Memories

Deer Editor,

I just found the Pogo Cookbook. Hopefully I will figure out how to download it so I have it but that is not the reason for this letter.

I was so excited to see a recipe for Blueberry Buckle. My mother used to make a Chuckle Buckle with wild huckleberries or wild blueberries. Years have passed and my mother is now gone. I have been trying to find a recipe for this cake but I have not been able to find one that I think is close.

Until now. The recipe in this book sounds like what she used to make. I cannot wait to get some blueberries and try it. Thank you so much for finding this old time recipe for me.

Lynn (Anteelynn}

Editor: You can thank Sharron F for that one. :) You can download the .PDF version of the cookbook by clicking the little “Download” button, next to the “Zoom In” and “Print” buttons. You may need to download Adobe’s Acrobat Reader first.

Chess Tell Me You’re Kidding!

Next weeks chess will be impossible for most of us, win so many games. Well, most of us can never win at the game as we are not chess players this is a very unfair challenge

Chess Don’t Do It!


I want to implore you to change next weeks Bbadge of chess. I, and most of my friends, hate chess. It’s hard enough to win one game, let alone 5. Perhaps you could put in a card game. I find card games fun. Anything but chess.


Editor: Alas – next week’s Challenge is going to be in chess. Pogo has a ton of games and chess is one of ’em.

But you know what? I’m not going to be a broken record this time. This time I’m going to say – give it a try. There’s a reason that this game is so incredibly popular. It’s a really rewarding game and simply understanding how to play it will give you a new understanding for all things chess.

I’m not a great chess player myself, but knowing how to play has given me an appreciation for how incredible the minds of the chessmasters must be.

Is it hard to learn? A little – but the Pogo version will not let you make an illegal move, and if you can find a friendly partner, it should only take a few hours for you to get the hang of it.

Seriously – rather than complaining about it, I implore YOU to give it an honest to goodness try.

I Did the Euchre Badge in Less Time than I Thought Possible!

I did the Euchre badge even though I had no idea what I was actually doing, even after I read the instructions.

People came and went in the room but I mostly played with the computers. It didn’t take me anywhere near as long to get the badge as I thought it would. Yes, I cringed when I saw it, just like I do with Crossword Cove but I try them anyway. After a while you get used to them and get better at them, like Pogo Golf.

Just had to say my piece as usual.


PS: When you’re retired and play Pogo all day what else is there to do? LOL

Editor: Thanks so much for your letter. You sort of proved my point from the last letter!

Grrr… Embedded Games… Aaah, Embedded Games!

GRRR…I DON’T like change, and I DON’T like embedded…um…wait a minute. Oh! Lookie here, I can see my rank progress easier! Way cool! OH! And look at all the information all on one page! I can see all my badges easier and activate them without having to leave the game! Totally cool!!! And see who is playing the game right now! And… and… it’s all right here!!! HEY!!! I LOVE embedded games!!!

Pogo people…keep up the good work!!!

Sign me,

Ahhh VERY happy Pogonian :o)

Last Week’s Column an Eye-Opener

Dearest Editor,

Thank you so much for all the information in this (now last) week’s Letters to the Editor’.

I truly believe that if Pogo players were given updates and information, as per the soon to be ‘release notes’, said players would whine and complain much less.

As for Pogo’s general manager saying he wants the customers to be delighted, being informed is probably what a lot of customers want more.

Thanks so much for your time and thanks again.

Catherine. :)

Editor: Thanks for the feedback. I’m happy to say that this morning we released our first Release Notes article. We hope this will help players see what we’re doing, and more importantly – what we’re fixing!

How About an Update on the Time Warp PBA?

On the day that this new album was released I purchased this album for myself for 86 gems, I also purchased this album as a gift for a friend for 86 gems. I was wondering when the 28 (14 + 14) Gems would be returned to me. I keep looking in Pogo news, but have not seen anything more on the subject.

Thank You for your help. Will continue to watch for info!

Editor: Good news – you should have already received the Gems! Both sets – so for you, a total of 28. We have refunded those folks who paid too much for the album their Gems.

As Promised – The BEST Mac & Cheese Recipe Ever!

Hello Pogo Editor!!! It took me a while but here’s the mac ‘n cheese recipe (pic attached). Enjoy!!!

Jinx’s Mac & Cheese

3 c. penne pasta, cooked al dente, drained and rinsed (do not overcook)
1 lb. extra sharp cheddar cheese, chopped up into small shards
3 c. white sauce

White sauce:
1 stick (8 tbsp.) butter
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
3 tbsp. flour
3 c. milk

Melt butter in large saucepan over medium heat, stir in salt and pepper. Slowly stir in flour until bubbly and pasty. Slowly add milk, stirring constantly. Heat for about 20 minutes, stirring regularly.

In casserole dish, layer cooked pasta, cheese and white sauce, alternating layers, ending with layer of cheese on top. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 approx. 1 hour. Voila!

Editor: Awesome! Thanks! And as promised – here’s a pic of that delicious looking dish:

Can you say “Yum”?

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