Archives, Ms. Netiquette|September 22, 2006 3:15 PM

Oh Nettie, Just What Does Pogo Consider Abuse?

Dear Ms. Netiquette:

While I agree with your answer to the person regarding the abusive nature of profiles, I have actually received some unkind words regarding my profile which quotes a current Dixie Chicks album. Some people feel that my support of the First Amendment is objectionable. While I disregarded this person’s comment, I have to wonder about the use of the procedure you detailed to report “offensive” mini captions.

Historically, it has been next to impossible for the Supreme Court of the United States to define what is “offensive” or “obscene.” Does Pogo have a criteria for this?

I have run into some pretty sensitive people on Pogo who have some seriously strange points of view as to what is okay and what isn’t. I sincerely hope that Pogo takes both people’s point of view into consideration before forcing a member to change their caption.

– Law Girl

Dear Law Girl,

Oh, you are a law girl aren’t you! A letter like this requires careful consideration, so I’m armed with a pot of strong British tea, and some delicious shortbread cookies.

First of all, people will be people. Some people like to argue about little things. Some people don’t. Some people will spend time looking for things in other people’s profiles that will offend them so that they may instigate a confrontational conversation. Some people would rather avoid any controversy and just play games. That’s just one of the many facts of life, and why we arm you with the mute tool.

You did the right thing by disregarding the comment made by the player who was upset by your profile. Now let’s get to the meatier part of your letter.

To play on Pogo, you must create an account. To create that account you must click the button that says you agree to our Terms of Service. Our Terms of Service detail the terms and conditions by which you may use our service. Included in that are those things which we consider to be acceptable behavior. At the bottom of ever page on Pogo, you will find a link to our Terms of Service and you can read them yourself there, so I’m not going to get into the specifics here.

What I will tell you is that if you act with common sense, then you will not need to worry about whether or not you are in Violation of our Terms of Service. As for what we consider abuse, it’s not that complicated– vulgar speech, hate speech, threats, sexual talk, impersonation and several other types of abuse detailed in the Terms of Service. We don’t consider expressing your opinion about controversial things a Terms of Service violation, but one must be careful about how that opinion is expressed.

To bottom line it: keep it clean and you won’t have any problems. If you enjoy more salty talk, then use an uncensored chat room. But be aware– many of the Terms of Service apply in the uncensored chat rooms as well (rules against hate speech, spamming, scrolling, etc… still apply)


Ms. Netiquette,

I have a problem I have not seen answered. Perhaps it was once and I missed it. A friend of mine lost her Pogo account a while back. The reason was stated that she had many reports against her. The particular night she lost the account was for saying a cuss word in a room she should not have. Upon saying it she realized what she had done and apologized immediately to the whole room if she offended anyone. It was a total slip of the fingers.

She was not warned in anyway about any other problems, the account was just shut down. I might add that she along with others I know have been so verbally abused by one and NOTHING was ever ever been done after many reports about that person. So one slip and you get booted off your account?

And there is no one to contact, no one to listen? You are just judged and condemned?

Thank you for your time.

– Queenie

Hello Queenie,

Since we’re on the same subject, you’ll forgive me if I need another cup of tea for this, and maybe just one or two more cookies.

Your friend violated the Terms of Service. These are the terms to which she agreed when she became a member. Generally, when Terms of Service violations occur, players will receive a warning upon their first violation. If another violation occurs, then they will be suspended. If a third violation occurs, they will likely lose their account completely.

That said, there are exceptions. For instance, we have no tolerance for hate speech. If we receive an Abuse Report where you are clearly using hate speech, you will lose your account immediately.

Players may contact our Customer Support department to inquire about the violation, and the issue will be investigated.


Dear Ms. Netiquette,

I am writing to say THANK YOU! I always read your column and find out what the proper etiquette to use in Pogo is. And to find out how ridiculous some people are. Your Dos and Don’ts list was wonderful for me as was your net speak column.

I am coming up on my one year anniversary with Pogo and just in the last two or three months I have started “chatting” with people in the rooms. My subscription was a gift and that was pretty much the only person I chatted with and usually in Private Chat. But as I became less shy, I did begin joining in chat in the rooms and have made some really cool friends. 2 specifically that I now consider two of my best friends.

But to the reason for the letter. You have coached us and coached us and coached us, until I thought you were Tom Landry reincarnated (lol), on using the MUTE button. I searched it out to become familiar with it so I would know where it was if I ever needed it.

SURPRISE, SURPRISE, I did. I was in a room playing quietly the other night and an additional person entered. They began talking about a “class” that they teach/take various levels of and the person who is over it. Apparently, at least one of them had a problem and before long they were not only tying up the chat window with their “whine” and cheese, but they had developed a “potty mouth” also.

At this point, I EXERCISED my right to use the MUTE button and lo and behold, I could not “hear” or “see” their chat any longer. IT WORKED and I was happy and did not have to get into a confrontation. I eventually changed games. The next day I went back into that same room to play one of my favorite games and my chat screen informed me that that person was in the room but MUTED.

NOW I AM SURPRISED AND PLEASED! You had failed to mention that they would stay muted even after we logged off and came back on.


This happened to take place in one of my favorite rooms and I did not want to have to choose a different room for that game.


Hugs & Prayers,

– A Granny

Dear Granny,

Tom Landry? Well, I’m not exactly sure that’s a compliment, but I suppose if I’m going to be reincarnated from someone, I could have done a lot worse! I do admire his style.

Indeed, I have neglected to mention that once you mute a person, they stay muted! Thank you for reminding us!

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