Ms. Netiquette|February 17, 2012 6:00 PM

What to Do About a Threatening Message?

Hello Ms. Netiquette,

I received a somewhat threatening message through my Club Pogo account. The message was concerning me and a female friend who is also on Pogo and she got a message also.

Unfortunately, I was so upset I got rid of mine, I don’t know what my female friend did with hers. I would just like to know in the future if this should happen again what would be the procedure to go through to report this and what information I must collect to send to you or whoever to have this stopped.

I pay good money yearly to play on Pogo and should not have to be harassed. Thank you for your time helping me deal with this matter.

What to Do?


Dear What to Do?,Unfortunately, while your Club Pogo subscription does include such things as messaging, exclusive games, discounts, no ad-interruptions and a plethora of Challenges, it does not include the ability to magically make everyone polite. Oh, but if it did!

I am sorry that you did receive a threatening message, and you are correct in your desire to report this ne’er-do-well, as threatening people is a major Terms of Service violation. And, quite thankfully, one that’s very easy to determine in our messaging system!

If this should ever happen again, you’ll notice in the “From” line that there’s a link to “Report Abuse”. Click that and you’ll be taken to a page where you can fill out an Abuse Report. It will take all of maybe 30 seconds, unless you decide to include any notes about the abuse. Usually it’s quite obvious and no note is needed. Once the report is sent, that player will automatically be added to your “Blocked Senders” list. Please do yourself a favor and keep them there!

Now, if someone is just sending you messages that are annoying, but the messages don’t actually violate the Terms of Service, then you can just click “Block Player” also located next to the “From” line.


Ms. Netiquette,

My problem is NOT about etiquette, sorry. Mine is more of a question.

I was on the Facebook part of Pogo, and just started reading random entries. Imagine to my horror AND surprise that about 85% (so it seemed) of the entries were of people doing NOTHING but complaining, moaning, and groaning. Is this really what Pogo has to deal with on a daily basis? I mean, don’t get me wrong, when a VALID complaint is necessary, I am all over that. I get it. I understand it. This just seemed like on and on droning about how Pogo charges TOO MUCH for things. How Pogo keeps changing the games. How Pogo this, and Pogo that.

I guess what I want to know is, DO Pogo representatives actually READ what people are saying? Do they take under consideration what is being said? What about for future improvements or like how much Pogo charges for extra things, does Pogo actually pay attention to what’s being said around them? I DO understand where these people are coming from. And I would guess that even THEIR questions are valid, even if not a little excessive. I just want to know if Pogo pays attention or not…

Thanks for your time.

Wondering Wanda

Dear Wondering Wanda,This is, actually, about etiquette. There are polite ways to vent your frustration, and there are impolite ways. Much of the vitriol you see on Facebook and to some degree in the Forums is clearly impolite. There’s the old adage “Treat others as you would want to be treated.” These people making those statements would likely not enjoy others saying the same things about them.

However, Pogo is not a person, and there are some frustrated people out there. It’s a lot easier to say outlandishly hostile things about a faceless company than an actual person, so these statements should be taken with that consideration.

That said – comments made on Facebook and in the Pogo Forums are governed by a set of Terms of Service, and if they use language that violates those terms, you certainly could report them.

I’m not going to say that we read every single comment made, as there are so many I’m positive we do miss some, but we do read them regularly, and we see exactly what you are describing.

Do we make changes based on those types of comments? Unlikely. We’re far more likely to listen to a well written complaint that details why a person feels the way they do than a blanket statement about how “Pogo can’t do anything right!”. And we can point to many examples of this – a few years ago players complained about a change we made to the art in First Class Solitaire. Many letters explained precisely why the change was negative (the game was now harder to see), and we sharpened the colors and contrast and update the game.

Of course, whether or not we change something also has a lot to do with other factors, and there are times when we make a change that is unpopular, and for whatever reason, we may leave the change. There are times when it hurts on the “outside”, but longer term, the “inside” is improved. Or, we do something that seems wrong on the surface, but there are good reasons to do so (some technical, some business, etc…)

Ultimately, while it doesn’t exactly feel great to read those comments, we do recognize that we’ve given people these avenues to make their comments and thus, we must accept them, good or bad. Unless, of course, they violate our Terms of Service.


Dear Ms. Netiquette,

I just read the letter from the player that was treated so poorly in Spades because she has a disability (Ms. Netiquette, 2/10/12). How sad this makes me at times. We can’t change these people and I won’t bother trying. I do understand how this person is feeling and would love to help them. I also have had a brain aneurysm and know how this person feels, with the confusion and how people don’t understand.

I was so lucky. I have a wonderful group of friends who have stood by me from the beginning. I feel so blessed to have them and I want this person to know that they have a friend in me.

I love to play Spades and would be more then happy to play this game with this person. If you would please pass my name on to this person it would make me so happy.

I know you are a busy person but if you could find the time this will help this person and me. I would be honored to hang out with them.

Thank you for your time and I hope you have a good week. Yours Truly,

Potential Friend

Dear Potential Friend,What a sweetheart you are! Thank you so much for writing.

I actually received several letters from players who made similar requests. I can’t really forward e-mails to people, however I can (and did) set up a thread in the Pogo Forums titled Friendly People Unite! as a way for people to connect.

If “Speaking Out for Others Like Myself” is reading this, perhaps she can leave a note of introduction. No need to announce that you’re the letter writer, but you can certainly leave a message.

Now, one word of warning – while the intent of that thread is to unite people who will be kind to one another, the sad truth is that sometimes ne’er-do-wells will use these types of threads to try to gain trust and then use information garnered against others.

So, BE CAREFUL! Friendships evolve over time, and I encourage you only to disclose information you’re comfortable giving out. Pay attention to the little voice inside your head and don’t be too trusting. A kind person will respect your boundaries and will play games with you and have fun without being pushy.

It is sad that I have to give such a warning, but I do. Now, if you are a friendly, kind person who would enjoy helping someone in need of a friendly, kind person, I encourage you to go introduce yourself on that thread.

Have an etiquette question for Ms. Netiquette? Email

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