Archives, Ms. Netiquette|December 3, 2010 11:39 AM

Appreciate the Friendly Reminder About Bingo Rules

Ms. Netiquette and Pogo,

Just wanted to say thanks for the friendly reminder in the chat box in Bingo Luau this week. I had only been in a room for a few minutes when someone started complaining. Apparently everyone was supposed to wait to call a bingo until every person in the room could bingo every card.

Gee, what fun.

These few people continued to complain in a room of 40+ players, escalating their chat until they resorted to calling everyone else in the room “stupid, clueless, or maybe both.” I had no problem just ignoring them, but right about then your friendly reminder to play the game properly popped up and that quieted the chatter quickly! No one likes to be bullied in chat, mildly or otherwise, so thanks again for the timely chat reminder.


Appreciate the Reminder

Dear Appreciate the Reminder,

Thank you so much for writing. Alas, the “Nettie’s Watching” badge didn’t go over as well as I’d wished. I had hoped that between the graphic, name and challenge description using the term “politely” that players would forego the bickering over who calls bingo when and just enjoy the challenge despite the fact it might take a little longer.

And perhaps there were some that did. I did, however, receive several letters from players who experienced unkindness and harassment when they called bingo without waiting for others.

I do recognize that there are a great deal of people who would prefer that others “share” the bingos. And that’s fine. If everyone in the room agrees, then everyone is in agreement and you can proceed.

What’s not fine is to try to control the way others play through demeaning people when they play the game according to the rules. Even if everyone else wants to share in a non-sharing room (which most of the rooms are) and one person wants to call bingo as soon as he or she has it, then that person should be respected and not ridiculed for playing by the rules.

I am glad to hear that the chat room messaging did help some. I do hope that more people enjoyed the challenge than did not, and that at least a few people saw the fun in it! I enjoyed working with the folks here to make this challenge happen.


Dear Ms. Netiquette,

I’m sitting here at my computer with a mug of Jasmine tea at my side and a bit of a sticky question for you.

Over the last few days, I’ve noticed that, when chat is enabled in First Class Solitaire, a message will occasionally pop up from Pogo mentioning that a particular player had won several games in a row and suggesting that I (and everyone else) send that player a gift.

Nettie, this seems a little insensitive, if not downright rude. By publicly asking players (all players – I’m not suggesting that Pogo is picking on me!) to send a gift they have to pay for, Pogo is forcing us to make etiquette choices that we otherwise wouldn’t have to.

Should I ignore the message, pretending that I didn’t see it? That seems rude, but less rude than openly refusing to send a gift. Or should I say “Congrats” in chat and hope the player doesn’t think I’m too cheap or uncaring to send a gift?

I’d love to send Pogo gifts all the time, but I don’t have much money, and I can’t imagine that I’m alone in that. Many people I know consider their Club Pogo membership a major splurge every year; there’s no way we can send gifts every time Pogo suggests it. I think Pogo should either go back to generically suggesting that players send gifts for any (or no!) reason, or suggest that players congratulate each other for well-played games without weighing in on whether or not gifts should be involved. Or, for that matter, both.

What do you think?


A Little Uncomfortable in Pogoland

Dear Uncomfortable,

Pogo did recently add the new social feature “gifting” into some games, and will be adding them to others. The idea is not that you give gifts to everyone who does well (you’d never get to play a game again! )but to make that option available to you in case there is a time you’d like to offer congratulations or encouragement to another.

Also, do keep in mind that players need not spend Gems to give gifts! There are plenty of “for token” gifts available.

Some Pogo players really do enjoy giving gifts to others, and this does allow for them to do this. There is no expectation on you to give the gifts to others. It’s simply there if you’d like to.

We do recognize that some of the gifting messaging is currently overtaking rooms, and we are working to allow for the messaging without overwhelming the chat area.

If you don’t wish to see the gift messaging, you can visit Your Profile Page and look under “Chat Announcements”. From there, you can decide how many of these messages you want to see.


Dear Ms. Netiquette,

I would like to thank you for the advice you gave to A Cowardly Lioness (Ms. Netiquette, 11/19/2101).

I am a mom of two boys with special needs and doctors don’t always have the answers. I cannot tell you all the advice that I have gotten through Pogo players for my children and how many have taken the time to help me understand how I can best help them.

I also want to applaud Ms. Lioness. Her asking how she can help is the biggest and most kind-hearted and generous thing she could have done for her children. I have lost many friends because they would rather stay away than ask what, if anything, they can do.

I also would like to say doctors can provide advice, but they do not help with the most important part of having a special needs child – our emotions. The rude person who made those comments was just looking for some type of drama to start. Anyone with a child knows that they are gifts and anyone with a special needs child knows that we may have to struggle and go through many obstacles, but at the end of the day we are proud of our children and wouldn’t trade the world for the experience.

I also would like to remind people if you don’t know ask educate yourself you’ll never know what it’s like in someone else’s shoes and I am proud to say on my worst days I always have Pogo and my best friend, who I met on Pogo, for emotional support!

Thank you for hearing me out,


Proud Mom

Dear Proud Mom,

Thank you for your letter. I received several letters from player showing great support to Ms. Lioness, and it truly made my day.

It never ceases to amaze me how many players find friendship, support and strength through playing games on Pogo.


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