Archives, Ms. Netiquette|August 13, 2010 1:19 PM

How Do I Politely Decline Unwanted Advances?

Dear Ms. Netiquette,

After two “Hellos” this guy thought he knew me, and kept asking the same questions, over and over, gee…

Finally, I left the game and then he went to my profile and asked “Why can’t we be friends?” on my guestbook.

Then, after that, he asked if he could date me, omg! I said “I don’t date, like NO…” and said thank you and left.

Now, I see him on here again following me and asking nearly everyone in the room silly questions – the same ones over and over. I wonder what is wrong with that guy.

He is not on MY Friends list, but I still am on his… Any suggestions?

Seriously, No Thanks!


Dear Seriously, No Thanks!,

It looks like you’ve picked up an unwanted friend who won’t go away. While I don’t think he qualifies as “Stalker” quite yet, I think you are wise to nip this in the bud as quickly as possible – even if it means you set your security to a stronger level than you may normally like at least for a little while.

First things first: make sure you document everything he’s done thus far. Make sure you get his screen name, and any other information you can without actually asking him for it. If he starts to become a bigger problem, then this information will be very helpful in attempting to deal with him.

Next, let’s check your settings to keep this guy from finding you.

    • Remove Him! Double check to see if he is listed on your Friends List. If so, take him off of it.
    • Hide Yourself! On that same Blocked Players Page, check the box that says “Show my current location to players on my Friends List only”.
    • Hide Your Profile! Go to the Settings Page, and under “Profile Settings” check the box that says “Only Friends Can View My Profile”.
    • Limit Your Gifts! On that same Settings Page, look under “Gifts” where it says “Select who can send you gifts” and check the box that says “Only My Friends”.
    • Limit Your Guestbook! On the same Settings Page, look under “Guestbook” where it says “Select who can leave comments in your Guestbook” and check the box that says “Only My Friends” Under “Comment Approval”, choose “Manually accept each comment.”

You can, of course, choose any of the other options that provide even greater limitations. This should take care of his ability to track you.

The next piece of advice you may already be practicing, which is to ignore him. The better you are at ignoring people like this, the sooner they get bored and move along. Some of these people are interested only giving others as much grief as possible.

Once you’ve committed to ignoring him, it’s incredibly important that you stick to your guns. For one small recognition on your part that he exists could spur him on and increase his efforts.

If he becomes a true stalker, and becomes more problematic, then I suggest you contact our Customer Support department and open up a discussion on the next steps to take.

Good luck!


Dear Ms. Netiquette,

I have a question. Is 162 bingos in SCRABBLE too many? This is out of 455 games.

I had someone accuse me of being a cheater because I had this many. I have never cheated. I have used the hint button but I didn’t invent the darn thing! It came with the game so I don’t think it’s cheating to use it.

I think it’s rude to accuse someone of cheating for that reason alone. Heck, I didn’t even know I had that many bingos. I certainly don’t go on others profiles looking for that kind of information.

This is the second time this week I was accused of cheating. The first time it was because my letters “got put in too quickly”. They questioned my speed, and all I could say was “um, yeah, I typed them in.”

It would take a lot for me to accuse someone of cheating, and it certainly would not be five minutes after getting into a game with them.

Some people act like they can say anything they want because they aren’t face to face with their opponent. .

Just Good at the Game

Dear Just Good at the Game,

Congratulations on your many bingos. I don’t doubt that you earned them all legitimately.

Unfortunately, there are people out there who do use “SCRABBLE” descrambing type programs that allow them to cheat, and while it’s still rude to accuse someone of cheating without any hard evidence, these players may be taking out their frustration over the situation on anyone they so much as think *might* be cheating.

Still, they should not be accusing you, and you shouldn’t have to defend yourself. But what should be and what is are often at odds.

So, my advice is, as always, deny it once and then move on. A simple: “I don’t cheat, I’m just a really good SCRABBLE player” is the only explanation you need to give. It’s the truth. If others want to discuss it further, resist the urge. The problem is not yours – it’s theirs. Let them wrangle with it, and move on.

You may need to find new SCRABBLE partners on occasion, but given the popularity of SCRABBLE, I don’t think that will be much of a problem.


Dear Nettie,

Wow, was I one mad woman when I read this letter about illegal drug use(Ms. Netiquette, 8/10/2010)!

First of all, if this lady believes every thing she reads in chat, then she really has a big problem.

Second of all, she should listen to a whole conversation before she starts complaining. Perhaps they were not talking about people using illegal drugs, but instead they were talking about medical marijuana. That is NOT against the law in some states!

I for one am very tired of these “better then thou” people complaining about everything they read in chat. Come on – if it upsets you – mute mute mute.

I’m tired of these meddlers. All they seem to talk about is religion and how Betty Sue next door cannot make a cake to save her life. How Curly Lou’s husband lost his job because he is a drunk and so on.

Tired of Pogo Whiners

Dear Tired of Pogo Whiners,

I received a smattering of letters regarding my response to last week’s letter. Most people felt that reporting someone for an occasional drug reference was too harsh. And I agree.

However, the letter writer’s question was whether or not it was a Terms of Service violation, and under the right circumstances it can be.

I warned people last week about jumping in mid-conversation, and that some people could be recovering users discussing their past. However, I failed to discuss the far more prominent chat that discusses drug use in order to evoke a laugh or make a point about something silly.

Lots of players say things like “I must have been on crack” or “What was smoking?” in reference to something silly or illogical they may have done. Reasonable people do not make abuse reports for such obvious jokes.

In cases where people are talking about how high they are presently, and their chat seems to indicate that they are not sober, then you might consider reporting the player – especially if the chat is causing you and others discomfort.

So, before making a report, be sure beyond a reasonable doubt that the player in question is engaged in illegal activity. If it’s unclear and you just don’t like it, then simply mute them.


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