Archives, Ms. Netiquette|August 6, 2010 1:28 PM

Are There Rules Against Talking About Illegal Activities?

Hi Nettie,

Maybe this isn’t entirely an etiquette issue, but what are the rules regarding players talking about illegal drug use?

I’m noticing many people bragging of their “drug of choice”, promoting it as if it’s ok. It’s neither “cool” or “exciting” to use illegal drugs (from experience of family members who used).

There many LEGAL drugs, PRESCRIBED drugs… which is perfectly fine for someone to talk about whether or not it works. In fact, it helps to talk to others who are in the same situation regarding legally prescribed medication.

But promoting illegal drugs in chat is on the rise and it’s scary to wonder how many people, especially children, that could see what is said in chat. Is it a TOS violation?

Thank you,

Concerned Pogo Player

Dear Concerned Pogo Player,I’m very sorry to hear that you’re seeing greater occurrences of references to illegal drugs on this site.

It is, actually, a violation of the Terms of Service to discuss illegal activities on Pogo. The Terms of Service state:

You may violate the Terms of Service if you:

  • Promote or encourage any illegal activity including hacking, cracking or distribution of counterfeit software.

While it does emphasize the hacking, cracking and distribution of counterfeit software, the promotion of drugs is addressed in the “Promote or encourage any illegal activity…”

So, yes, you can report people who are encouraging and bragging about their illegal drug use. But do be very careful about making sure that you understand the full context of the conversation. If you walk into a conversation halfway through, you may catch the part about the recovering addict’s past behavior. And while it may sound like the person is bragging, he or she may actually be doing the opposite.

Also remember it’s not limited to drugs and hacking – if someone is discussing stealing accounts, or even breaking into someone’s home, that person is violating the Terms of Service.


Dear Ms. Netiquette,

Today I received an email from a friend that truly has me concerned.

My friend sent me this email because two players were reported for “excessive chatting”. Per the information I received in my email, one player was removed from Club Pogo.

How can I find out if this is true or not? I am very concerned because from time to time I could possibly be violating this “excessive chatting” rule. Also, where can I find this rule? I’ve searched for hours and the only rule that even comes close that I could find would be the following rule:

You may violate the Terms of Service if you:

  • Interfere with the ability of others to enjoy playing an EA Service or take actions that interfere with or materially increase the cost to provide an EA Service for the enjoyment of all its users.

I was not in the room when this so-called violation took place, therefore I do not have all of the details.

Is there anyway I can find out what truly happened and why Club Pogo made the decisions they did?

Thank You,

Possible Excessive Chatter

Dear Possible Excessive Chatter,It looks like this e-mail is making the rounds again! To be blunt and to the point: this falls in to the Rumors, Myths and Lies category.

I did take the time to investigate this letter, which you included in the e-mail. The letter makes it sound as if two people had their accounts taken away for “excessive chatting”. I looked into the situation, and the allegations made in this email are simply not true.

Can you get in trouble for excessive chatting? Not likely. You can get in trouble if you “screen scroll” – which is to add gibberish to the chat room for the sole purpose of disrupting the flow.

Chatters – rest easy! Chat as much as you want (provided you don’t break the Terms of Service). If people think you’re chatting excessively, they can always mute you. If you do get reported, the report will be deemed “invalid” and no action will be taken.


Dear Ms. Netiquette:

This really isn’t a question any more than the letter from the player who is sick was (Ms. Netiquette, 7/30/2010). I’m guessing you will be getting a lot of letters from people who have read this column, and I just wanted to add mine to the list of those who want to encourage the player who got such a nasty response from a beaten player in the poker game.

I have used Pogo to help me through pain and loss, and sometimes the comments I have seen in the chat rooms have been hurtful, unkind, violent or just plain weird! When you are vulnerable those comments can really hurt, so I would encourage anyone who has a tendency to take out their own pain or bad moods on strangers in the Pogo chat rooms to think before they “speak.” Pogo is for fun – don’t ruin it for anyone else, however bad you are feeling.

Thank you, Pogo, for being there with all your members in good times and bad.

Always a Friend

Dear Always a Friend,Thanks so much for your letter! As I expected, I did receive quite a few letters from very caring players expressing their support to “Loyal Reader”.

Your reminder to us all is right on target. Sometimes we are so stuck in our own world we don’t realize that something we type in a chat room could cause a great deal of upset to someone. We never know what’s going on with people’s interior lives.

Thanks to everyone who wrote in with their thoughts and good wishes. It’s folks like you that really make this site unique and a great place to play!


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