Archives, Tiki Bros. Tip Talk|February 17, 2010 1:25 PM

Tikis Discuss Facebook with Cousin Cobalt!

By Bret D. | February 17, 2010

Red: Hi Cousin Cobalt! How are you doing?

Cousin Cobalt: Just swell! It sure is great to see you… where’s Green?

Red: Where else? At the computer… over there…

Green: Doot Doot Dee Dee Doo… *click* *click*.

Cousin Cobalt: Egads Green! what on earth are you doing? Is that Facebook? I gave up on it months ago. I couldn’t figure it out and I didn’t see any reason to use it since I’m such a Pogo addict.

Green: What? Cousin! Good to see you– but I’m surprised at you, not keeping up with the times. There are more people on Facebook now than any other social network in the world. It’s a great way to keep in touch with your friends, family and acquaintances.

I mean… I know people like Red only have a few friends and only one dorky brother… but YOU, Cousin, you’ve got friends coming out of your ears!

Red: Red: Hey I resent that!

Cousin Cobalt: Oh please! What could possibly be on Facebook that would interest me?

Green: Besides finding my old Surfing Instructress from two years ago you had a crush on? Oh boy, I remember you pretending you knew how to surf just to try to get her attention. You totally blew it, man!

Cousin Cobalt: Don’t rub it in man… and Facebook? Really? Why should I?

Red: Forgive Green, he is obscene. But, in defense of Facebook, you can find old friends you’ve wondered about for years, you can keep up with new ones, you can find out very interesting things about them, too! Did you know Green is a member of the “Too Much Surfing Has Made me Dumb” group?

Cousin Cobalt: That does explain a few things.

Red: And you’d only know that if you were on Facebook. I mean, seriously 350 million people can’t be wrong, right? Facebook is THE social networking website, since it is the largest and fastest growing social network on the internet. With Facebook, you create a free account, and then connect with some of your friends out there.

Cousin Cobalt: Okay, now you’re sounding like a freakin’ commercial.

Red: Well, I *would* totally do a commercial for Facebook. It’s a lot of fun.

Cousin Cobalt: Whatever! I’m always on Pogo not Facebook. Sure, I do know a few people on Facebook, but I don’t really get what they are doing half the time.

Green: You know you could interact with them in a more Pogo like fashion.

Red: Totally, dude! There are tons of cool things you can do if you have a Facebook account linked up to you account! For instance, if you’ve linked your Pogo account to Facebook, you can instantly login to Pogo, if you’re already logged into Facebook, logging into Pogo takes one button click! *Click* *Bang* and you’re in!

Green: Another thing is, let’s say you’re a brand new Pogo visitor, and you want to try Pogo out. If you have Facebook, you can pop into the site for the first time ever, click the “Connect With Facebook” button, put in a new screen name, and now you have a Pogo account! How easy and cool is that?

Cousin Cobalt: Sure, that is cool.

Red: And get this-it’s also a good way to help your less-than-savvy Facebook buddies create a free Pogo account.

Cousin Cobalt: Hmmmm… I don’t know… I get all the “social networking” I need from Pogo.

Red: But Cobalt, all your friends and family are ALSO already on Facebook! Did you know Uncle Umber is getting married? And did you know that Auntie Amber’s last batch of Ginger Snap cookies contained too much ginger and not enough sugar?

Green: Okay, maybe all that information isn’t that useful, but overall, it IS a great way to keep up with friends and family, and your Pogo pals!

Cousin Cobalt: Umber’s getting married? Why didn’t he tell me himself?

Red: Probably because he posted it on Facebook!

Green: You know what else? Anyone who has Facebook friends or family who have been on the fence about trying Pogo can use another one of our features that lets you send an invite to your Facebook friends. The easiest way to send an invite to a friend is from your My Friends page on Pogo. Just click the Add Facebook Friends button there.

Cousin Cobalt: Well, that is pretty cool. You boys sure seem to enjoy Facebook. Why didn’t Auntie Amber give me any of her ginger snaps? I was just there a few days ago.

Red: Oh yeah, that reminds me, that Add Facebook Friends button on that page also lets you Find your Facebook friends who also play on Pogo and who have connected Facebook to Pogo. Once you’ve both linked up, you will see the Facebook ‘f’ logo next to their names in your Friends list. This is really great if you’re new to Pogo, you have a ton of Facebook friends, but only a few Pogo friends. This will help you synch up your friends lists cool huh?

Cousin Cobalt: Hmm that is quite cool. I was hoping to find some new challengers for Chess.

Green: Did you know your nephew Neon is practically a Chess champ? You would if you were on Facebook!

Cousin Cobalt: NEON? Really? I remember trying to teach him tic-tac-toe, and well… frankly, it shouldn’t have been all that difficult.

Green: Well, in one of his notes, he credited you for helping him get to where he is! By teaching him how to play tic-tac-toe, you opened up a new world.

Cousin Cobalt: He said that about me? We’ll I’ll be. Look, guys, this is all well and nice, but I need to get back to Ride the Tide and finish one of my Mix-n-Match badges.

Red: OH YEAH! Thanks for reminding me! When you win a Pogo badge, you can publish that badge instantly on Facebook as a status update. If you and your friends are doing it, you can play fun games, like seeing who can post the weekly badge first! Of course I would always post my badge before Green Tiki. He might be more enthusiastic, but I’m always more methodical. Ain’t that right Green?

Green: You’re definitely more of something!

Cousin Cobalt: Wait… you mean to tell me that every time I win a badge, I can post it on Facebook? So that good-for-nothing Second Cousin Cornflower will see that I always get my badges first?

Red: You know it, sir!

Cousin Cobalt: Okay, I’m almost sold. What else?

Green: When you get a Gift from someone on Pogo, you can tell the world how happy you are to get a gift, and show it off to your friends on Facebook. Just press the little blue Facebook “Publish” button when you open the gift.

Red: But wait there’s more! Do you love your Pogo Mini? Of course you do. Did you know you could “showcase” your mini on Facebook and even make it your Facebook profile picture if you like? Yes that’s right, simply visit Pogo’s own Mini mall and hit the big blue “Showcase your Mini” button! Your Pogo Mini will be instantly whisked away to the faraway land we call Facebook!

Cousin Cobalt: Well that is pretty neato. But one thing I’m not too sure about is using an actual picture of me as my profile picture on Pogo.

Green: Well, with a few easy clicks of the mouse your Mini could be your Facebook profile picture if you like. To make it your profile pic just take these easy steps. Once you’ve showcased your Mini, click on the “Visit Your Photos on Facebook ” button. Once in Facebook open the Photos link. It will show you all the Mini snapshots you’ve taken. Click on the one you would like to make your profile pic. Finally on the bottom right, you will see a button that says “Make Profile Pic” and bingo! Instant Facebook profile pic!

Red: And cousin Cobalt, I’d like to be your first friend. You can find me on Facebook here:

Green: OH NO YOU DON’T! Cousin Cobalt-make ME your first friend here:

Cousin Cobalt: Aww, geez! You guys are fighting over me! Okay, sign me up!

Red: Well, you’ll actually have to do that part, but it’s super easy. If you don’t have a Facebook account yet, just visit and fill in a few blanks, and hit “Sign up”! As soon as you sign up, Facbook will suggest some other people on Facebook you might know. Also, you can become a Fan of on our official Facebook page featuring the one and only “Pogo_Bret”. Just go here:

Green: Man I sure would love to meet that Pogo Bret guy one day!

Red: Yeah me too, he looks like a nice guy. I wonder if he’s heard of the Tiki brothers!

Green: He’s probably heard of Green Tiki, but I doubt he knows who this Red Tiki guy is.

Red: Green, why do you have to be such a stinker all your life?

Cousin Cobalt: Geez, whoever he is, he’s got you two completely and totally manipulated.

Green: Wow. You may be right.

Red: I never thought about that.

Green: Well, before I feel any more manipulated, allow me to bid you all a fond farewell! See you next time! Find me on Facebook here:

Red: See y’all next time! And find me first here:

Oh yeah and learn more about Facebook Connect for Pogo here:

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