Player Spotlight|March 1, 2012 10:03 AM


        Name:Donald        Screen name: DonnyAus

        Tell us a little bit more about yourself:

                   I live in Australia and haven’t left the country at all – not even for a holiday. I would like to visit America one day if I get the opportunity to.

I enjoy working with computers but have been unsuccessful in getting a job doing so. 30 years working from home. I started out with a Commodore 64 then a Commodore 16, before buying an old IBM compatible Samtron XT. My next was a 286 before building my first computer a 386 SX 25.

I love fishing in freshwater, both lakes and streams.

State, Province or Country: Victoria

Astrological sign? Capricorn

When do you usually play on I play Pogo during most of my waking hours. If I’m awake, I’m usually on.

Fondest Memory? The birth of my first daughter would have to be the happiest day of my life.

What are you known for saying on Pogo “Cool” and “No problems”.

What is your favorite game? World Class Solitaire or Hog Heaven Slots, can’t decide.

What’s your favorite music album? Who Made Who by AC/DC

What’s your favorite kind of food? Lamb, followed very closely by chicken.

What’s your favorite color? Purple, a nice deep purple.

What’s your favorite quote? “If it aint broke don’t fix it.”

Apart from Pogo, what are your hobbies? Fishing, working on computers.

What hobby or sport would you like to take up if you had more time? More fishing lol.

If you could snap your fingers and appear anywhere in the world for a few hours, where would you choose? Oklahoma at my mate Troy’s place.

Who would your dream date be with, and where would you go? Jordana Brewster, the best place on earth, her place.

Describe Pogo in three words: Ultimate Gaming fun

What makes you a unique Pogo Fan? I have made most of my friends through Pogo.

Coffee, tea, or soda? Coffee and lots of it.

A handful of cookies, or a slice of cheesecake? A slice of cheesecake.

Comedy, Drama, Action or Documentary film? Comedy, always comedy.

What disease would you cure if given the chance? Cancer, it takes too many lives of great people.

Are you a fan of Do you love Pogo™ games and want everyone to know about it? Now is your chance to tell everyone on Pogo™ about yourself and why you play on We’re looking for players to place in the Pogo™ Player Spotlight so if you want to strut your stuff, then send us an email with your screen name, a picture, and tell us why you are a fan of to

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