Archives, Letters to the Editor|March 7, 2012 3:28 PM

Aeriel Artistry, Android Rumors, Game Sizes, Basset Finale, and MORE!

Stepping Right Up for the Circus Minis!

Oh, what a fantastic release, everyone seems to love it. Please pass the word to those involved, that they have a big hit this time, and many thanks to each of them for putting this together.

Love the “Aeiral Artists” in New Mini Release!

Dear Editor,

I can’t tell you how excited I was to see aerial silk featured as a background as part of your Circus themed release!

I was a little disappointed to see that the background is called “Rope Climbing” as that’s not what the artists in question are doing, but it was still exciting to see and I bought it anyway.

I am an aerial arts instructor and have a difficult time describing what I do, and this background showcases it beautifully. In fact, the artist on the purple silk on the right is doing the stag – one of my personal favorite moves! My only other disappointment is that I wasn’t able to find a costume to wear that made it look like I was getting ready to perform, or even rehearse, so I had to put on the yoga outfit to come close. Minor detail I know, but if at some point they’d like to update the offerings, I sure would appreciate it!

I wanted to thank you for giving me an opportunity to showcase my rather unusual hobby of aerial silk alongside my other main hobby – Pogo!

Thanks again!

Aerial Artist

Editor: Thank you so much for your letter! It’s quite nice to receive information from someone with such intimate knowledge. I have had the title of that Mini item changed from “Rope Climbing” to “Aerial Artists” per your letter. Look for that change to take place in about 3 weeks.

And for those who are curious but don’t want to miss one riveting second of the Letters to the Editor column, here’s a frame from the animated Mini background she’s talking about:

What on Earth Did You Do to Poppit! Sprint?

What happened? Poppit Sprint was my favorite game and tonight, it was changed to some wimpy slow game that didn’t have a time limit!

I use that game to recharge me at night when I have to do some more work! It was fast, fun, and exciting. Now it’s just boring! What was wrong with the original Poppit Sprint?!?



Editor: Worry not! We merely added the “Casual Mode”, which doesn’t require you to play under the pressure of time.

When you get to the Poppit! Sprint game, you now have two choices – the “blitz” version of Poppit! Sprint that you’ve used to recharge yourself, and below that, the “Casual Mode” version. Choose that when you want to calm yourself down. ;)

Pogo Games for the Android?

Dear Editor,

You have games available for the I-Phone… when will you have games available for Android phones? My Droid phone can do everything an I-Phone can.

Times have changed I-Phone no longer dominate the market.



Editor: Times are definitely changing! And guess what? So are we! In fact, rumor has it that Pogo for the Android is just around a couple of corners! (Note the use of the word “couple”)

Embedded Games Cutting Off Part of My Screen!

I know I am not the only one not happy with the embedded games but my problem isn’t really the embedded games so much, but not being able to see the whole board anymore.

I liked playing the new YAHTZEE a lot but not The bottom part of the board is cut off so I can’t even see the play now button or how many more points I need to my next rank (when in the game the dice are cut in half when I put them on the tray to keep). Also part of the right side of the board is also cut off where I used to see the whole cup but now less than half is showing (which is not a big deal for YAHTZEE, but is for other games).

When I tried playing the new MONOPOLY game I couldn’t see the trade, build houses, or any of those things on my screen I am assuming they were on the right side where it cuts off part of the board.

Is there a way for you guys to fix the screen so the games aren’t getting cut off with all the other stuff you have on it. Maybe make the Facebook stuff smaller so the bottom part of the game isn’t cut off? Is there a reason why the right side of the embedded games are getting cut off?

Thank you


Editor: In most cases this is due to players having increased the size of their window. Try pressing your CTRL key and slowly moving the wheel on your mouse to increase or decrease the size of what’s presented in the browser.

Have a CLUE as to Why CLUE Won’t Fit on My Screen?

I love Pogo! My fave is CLUE and I don’t know how to fix the problem you created when you changed it yesterday. I can’t get the whole picture on my screen. I have to scroll up or down to see the top or bottom . This takes precious seconds off my game in which you give me more points for doing it quickly.

Now what? I can’t see purchasing any more Gems to play the dang thing if it causes me duress. My blood pressure is already up a bunch from today’s efforts . Can you please help me from stroking out? My life is in your hands! Help!

Editor: Most likely it’s because your screen resolution is low. Try this: take your mouse and click it somewhere OUTSIDE of the game. Then hit the F11 button above the number keys on your keyboard. That should resize the window and you should be able to play as you did.

A Little Hint for Pogo Spammers

You may want to put a permanent warning in the news about spammers requesting guest passes. Most ask if anyone has three passes for her and her sisters. It might cut down on the SPAM in the rooms. I just followed some player to 30-40 rooms where “she” was asking for these passes.


Editor: That’s a useful warning and a nice reminder. We’ll post something next week about scammers, spammers, hooligans and hijackers. Incidentally, that would totally have been the title of my third album if I’d successfully pursued my teenage rock star dreams. “Scammers, Spammers, Hooligans and Hijackers!” Having no musical talent sort of nixed that, although that hasn’t seemed to have stopped others…

Goodbye Daily Hotshots Models

Dear Pogo Editor,

I am very sad to see the Daily Hot Shots sunset. I really wish you would have a change of heart, even though I understand Pogo’s reason.

Could you reconsider and have the Hot Shots as a Weekly Challenge or Monthly Challenge? I love the chance to win the backgrounds!

So, with Pogo’s decision to end the Daily Hot Shots, I am saying Goodbye to:


I have used all of the characters as least once when I created my challenges. I will miss this part of my day and probably won’t be visiting Pogo on a daily basis like I do now.

All the best.


Editor: Thanks Debbie. Alas, the game, as you know by now, has retired. However – those of you who played up until the very end, be on the lookout for something.

And here’s to each of the models, who were forced to wear all sorts of crazy things over the past 16 months!

Is Pogo Folding?


I’ve written a baby’s handful of letters to you, from defending challenging challenges to weaning off the whiners. I’ve played on your website since it was the Total Entertainment Network. There were even times I dedicated a few single Saturdays to getting as far as I can on a few of your more enjoyable games. Embedded games? Little changes here and there? Who cares? You could say I’ve got your back on every single decision that has been made since 1995.

However! And this is a very big, 4th and goal on the 5 yard line with 2 seconds on the clock and down by 4 points, however.

I find a rumor circulating that needs… nay… MUST be addressed immediately.

Is Pogo folding?

I didn’t believe it at first, and I’m usually a sucker for falling for initial squabble. (But I’m getting better)

So I did a little investigation in the past Letters to the Editor and found a similar trait with every letter that I read containing a statement or question pertaining to said website folding for good…

You never answered the questions, nor did you comment on their statements!

Now, Pogo, don’t go “politician” on us. But this realization did make me think there may be some truth to this. Just answer the question, PLEASE, don’t let us continue to support you, and rely on you to give us something to look forward to, if we are only going to be let down drastically.

Yes… or… No?


Editor: Don’t worry, I’d never go “politician” on you. There are three things I want to say. First, thank you for your letter. Second, I’m delighted you’ve been here since the Total Entertainment Network. And third…

Shoot, what was the third thing? Dang. I had it right there on the tip of my tongue. Third thing… third thing… what was it? Ah shucks. Ewps.

I just went all “politician” on you, and for that I’m sorry.

However, I’m *not* sorry to say that those rumors are false. In fact, they’re so outrageously false, I didn’t even think to take them seriously in my responses to those letters, thus my neglecting to address that in each letter you read.

Fear not, we’re not going anywhere any time soon. And what’s more – and you’ll see this in the upcoming months – we will be addressing some of the issues people have around embedded game pages, as well as fixing some of the other bugs we’ve introduced recently.

And How About We End This Column With Another Basset Pic??


Thanks so much for publishing Holly Noelle’s letter and photo. I’m sure that you are kinda tired of getting all the emails about DHS. I will be sorry to see it go. I hope that Holly put a smile on your face, she does that to me 24/7.

Here’s a little background on that photo. We traveled from Texas to Michigan last year for the Michigan Basset Hound Rescue Waddle. We raised over $5,200. for the rescue and we were 1 of the top 2 in pledges. Both the King and Queen were females last year because that’s who raised the most money. Instead of walking in the parade we got to ride in a horse drawn carriage. That is why she is in a dress and tiara.

Enclosed you’ll find another cute pic of a couple of Bassets that entered the costume competition

Thanks again,

Suz, Holly Noelle’ Mom

Editor: Aww… thanks so much for sending that! Very cute. I must admit I’m a sucker for pets in costumes.

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