Ms. Netiquette|August 17, 2006 2:59 PM

Am I Too Aggressive or Am I Just Playing the Game?

Dear Ms. Netiquette,

My favorite game is Shuffle Bump and I play it a lot. Most of the time I play the robots in the Master rooms since I am most interested in building my game skills. And for that reason I also play them in the aggressive option mode. Through watching the robots I learn a great deal about how to deal with the various obstacles and quite a bit about strategy. I try my best to win each round and, of course, the game. To do this I not only try for the high score squares but I also knock my opponents pucks into the -6 squares when I can.

My concern is that although I play the robots I do allow others to replace them and when the do they often become upset when I knock their pucks off and angry or abusive when I knock them into the -6 square. Most of the people who have entered my room to play me even apologize for knocking my pucks off by accident. I was wondering if I am being discourteous by playing the way that I do. I know I spend most of my time with the robots… am I a social misfit?

Thanks in advance,

Forging Ahead

Dear Forging Ahead,

Well, only you and perhaps your therapist can answer your question about being a social misfit. I can, however, tell you that you are certainly not alone, and that many people choose many different ways of playing on Pogo.

Your real question is about playing competitively and whether there is a limit to how aggressive you should play. The simple answer is that this is a game, and that as long as you’re playing by the rules, then you may play however aggressively you would like.

But, of course, your playing method may shock people who are not used to such competitive playing. So, my advice is to let folks know that you play this way. If someone enters, you might simply say: “You are welcome to play me, but I will warn you– I play pretty rough! I won’t take it personally if you’d rather not play against me.” Then the ball is in your opponent’s court. If he or she decides to stay, the expectation has already been set and there should be no surprise reactions. If they leave, then you can continue to play against the non-verbal robots!


Dear Ms. Netiquette,

First off let me say that I hope you are enjoying your trip to England. I wish I could join you for buttered scones and tea. If I’m allowed to say so, do yourself a favor and locate a real English Cadbury’s chocolate bar. You’ve not had good chocolate until you do.

Now on to my question. Last week, while you answered a player’s question well, you left a few things unexplained. You advised a Pogo player that using a cheat program will disqualify a player who comes up with a win on the jackpot spinner. I understand this and condone it. However, what of Pogo players who used it once, not knowing it was “illegal” to use these programs.

Of course I’m talking about myself, but I know there are other players out there who have also used it unaware of the final consequences; I’ve spoken with some myself. Are we all automatically disqualified from any future wins because we once used a cheat program? Regardless of the time since having used it? It’s been such a long time since I used the cheat program (I used it in Turbo 21, but found it boring) that I cannot even recall if I was already a Club Pogo member or if it was before I joined. Not that being a Club Pogo member matters. It’s just been that long ago.

Also, do token prize draw winners also forfeit themselves? I’ve never won a prize (other than screensavers and desktops) but am always hopeful, be it a Jackpot spinner prize or a token prize draw. I would feel as if I’m wasting my time and money if, because I made one mistake in the past, I’m disqualified entirely of any future wins.

Please advise and clear the matter up so I can play with a calm mind and enjoy my games. As it is, right now, I’m not sure I want to win cash or prizes that I will never be able to enjoy.

Just sign me,

Very Concerned Potential (?) Winner

Dear Very Concerned,

Thank you for your letter. I continue to enjoy my trip to England, but I’m starting to miss home.

I have received many letters regarding how Pogo determines whether or not a cheat program is used. This information, as you may imagine, is confidential. If we were to let people know exactly what we look for, the ne’er-do-wells that create these cheat programs would no doubt attempt to program their software to “fool” the audit.

That said, I will say that if you have used the auto program only once or twice a long time ago, you won’t trigger the red flag during the audit.

Furthermore, if you happen to be a very quick player, or if you’ve been trying to get that Gold Jack Badge in Buckaroo Blackjack and are concerned that you’re betting too quickly– don’t worry! You will not trigger the red flag during the audit.


Dear Ms. Netiquette,

Thanks for the awesome advice you give. My question is about the smileys that Pogo has incorporated into the chat rooms. I (and many many others) find it extremely annoying when one or two or even three or four players excessively use those smileys. I myself have been known to use them once or twice, but when someone does one smiley every three seconds it fills the screen very quickly and is just irritating.

I know when you report an abusive player, the possible reasons list spam and something like scrolling. From what I’ve read, I’ve taken that to mean when a person purposely fills the screen with nonsense which makes it difficult for others to use the screen for what it’s actually meant for….CHATTING. So now, would people doing overly excessive smileys fall into that category? This question needs to be cleared up as I’ve sometimes seen these smiley users get very angry and abusive when asked to stop. They say that Pogo has given us these smileys and that they are free to use them as they please and if we don’t like it, then leave.

I play a lot of games like Lottso where there are so many rounds. I don’t like to leave a game halfway through, find another room, and then wait for round one all over again just because someone is acting like a child.

I realize that we are free to mute them, but I hate doing that because then if people are chatting, you miss pieces of the conversation. However, the mute option brings up another question. Someone once said that if enough people in a room mute an individual, that individual will atomatically be booted. Is this true?

Please clear these issues up for me and all the other Pogo players who are annoyed by the smileys.


Dear Annoyed,

I’m guessing by this point my long term readers know what I’m going to say.

So, in the interest of being slightly less predictable, I’m going to first remind you that you can actually turn the Emoticons off. Simply go up to the “Chat Options” menu above the chat window and click “Show Emoticons.” This will turn the animated Emoticons into text. That might help you not be so annoyed by the many Emoticons peppering your chat window.

Now, I’m going to be predictable and I’m going to tell you to just mute anyone who you feel is disrupting the chat with emoticons. Yes, you could certainly report these players for room disruption, but unless they are truly making it impossible to chat, then it is unlikely your report will be considered valid.

Some players have accused me of taking the easy way out by suggesting the use of the mute feature so often. Well, it is the easiest route for nearly everyone. It is the simplest and most direct method players have to control their own game experience. Players who have embraced the mute feature are generally a lot happier for it. That’s not to say that we should not report abuse when Terms of Service violations occur, but if someone is having a conversation you don’t like, or if you’re not happy with what they’re doing in chat, once you start using it, you will find the mute to be a dear, dear friend.

Now it’s off to bed with me! It’s late here in the UK, and I’m actually publishing my column a day early so that I can catch an early train to Paris, where I plan to do a little shopping and dining!

“Au revoir” for this week!

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