Archives, Letters to the Editor|March 28, 2012 3:33 PM

Behind the Scenes, Pogo Cookbook, Embedded Games and MORE!

Enjoyed the Interview with Nicole C!

I giggled and laughed reading the Nicole C interview ! The lot of you there at the Pogo Kingdom are such characters.

When Nicole C referred to herself as a “cheese ball” I chuckled because I use that term. And not many people use it. Then your “dropped on your head” comment really got me laughing out loud. Nicole C’s pictures of her kid in ‘stache’s is priceless! The photos for his future!

Thank you truly,for making my day start with laughter and glee.

A Fan~

Editor: Glad you enjoyed our fun Interview with Nicole! She’s quite the character, although I kind of think her son sort of stole the spotlight. ;)

Vaults of Atlantis Badge is Impossible

I would like to know how I can possibly win the Island Holiday Badge. I have been trying for over a week and only managed to get the bonus round completed one time!

I am so sick of playing this game when I really enjoy many others. I feel like I wasted my gems on this. It should be worth 20,000 tokens! Help me so I can continue playing the games I enjoy.



Editor: Thanks for your letter – we are aware of how difficult earning that particular badge is, and we are looking into what we might be able to do to help with it. Stay tuned!

Pogo Privacy Concerns

Dear Tahd,

I noticed there is a post on’s Facebook wall that says the following: “Tired of everyone knowing when you last played an embedded game on Pogo? Now you can keep the info among your friends only with this simple fix ”

The above feature is not new. Quite a few of us knew of this prior to the embedding of some of your games and it doesn’t adequately address our privacy concerns.

I hope Pogo hasn’t pushed our concerns to the wayside thinking they have alleviated the issue with this “simple fix” and the hide feature that was introduced for the friends underneath the embedded games. If this is the case, let me inform you that this is not good enough.

Pogo’s tag line in the game rooms is:

“The best place on the web to make friends….”

If everyone who wishes to keep their business private (what games we play and when) even from friends, then we must all take our friends off our Friend’s List in order to preserve that privacy. So then how is Pogo “The best place on the web to make friends”?

Please consider an opt out button for that Friends feature.

Thank you

Editor: Thanks for your letter. We do take your privacy seriously, and we will be addressing the various privacy concerns that have been recently introduced. Stay tuned!

Free Badge and Club Pogo Cookbook? Nice Recipe!

Dear Editor,

I would like to express my thanks for the free Vaults of Atlantis badge. I was also reading that there will be a deal of the day where Pogo members can receive badges, games, etc. at a reduced rate or free. I think this is a fantastic deal. Pogo never ceases to amaze me with the ingenious things that come up with which is one of the reasons I have been a member for over seven years.

I would also like to add that the Cookbook is a wonderful idea. Is there a time frame as to when it will come out and if a recipe was submitted will we be notified? I collect cookbooks (much to my husband’s chagrin) but I have found many wonderful recipes so I am really looking forward to the Pogo Cookbook.

Once again Pogo thanks for the continuing great work.


Editor: Thanks so much for your positive feedback! We’re happy that you enjoyed the free badge. Check out the latest “Deal of the Day” today – there are a few hours left – on the main Pogo News page.

As for the cookbook – it’s coming! And I understand from those who reviewed the recipes, that players won’t be disappointed, as many players submitted some truly mouth watering recipes!

Embedded Game Pages Make My Browsing Difficult

Dear Editor~

I am assuming that you have received many thousands of letters regarding the new “Embedded” games. I am, however, diligently trying to adapt to all these changes… and I am a person who does not at all like change!

But, I do have one question which I hope you can give me a positive answer for regarding these “Embedded” games, and that is… “Is there any way that I can minimize the embedded games?”

On the regular formatted games, I love the fact that I can minimize the game and still have my home page behind it and go into check my messages, my guestbook postings, check my friends list, purchase badges, buy items at the mini mall or go into my collection of badges and activate a badge and then just maximize the game again and continue on.

NOW, unless I am doing something incorrectly, which I certainly hope that I am… I have to go completely out of the embedded games… actually leave the game/room completely and then go to my homepage to do any of the above mentioned tasks that I always “did” on a regular daily basis, by just minimizing any game I was playing, and after checking/purchasing/activating anything, I was always able to (on ALL games, but now ONLY on the games that are NOT embedded) maximize the game and continue on playing it…and I don’t mean that I leave any game minimized for any length of time, but just to check on, or do, any of the above mentioned tasks.

I recently purchased the “Hog Heaven” and “Poppit!!” Badge Albums and you have no idea how inconvenient it was/is having to leave the room after every single badge (as I was doing most of the album at once) to go back to my home page and activate another badge from the same album and then go to the game and reopen it up and do that badge, then close the game down completely again and go activate another badge and on and on until the badges that I wanted to do for that game were done.

Sorry this is so “long-winded” but I wanted to make sure I was able to communicate to you exactly what I am talking about and how frustrating and inconvenient this truly is on all the, now, embedded games.


Thanking you in advance for addressing my concern regarding this matter.


Editor: Hi Sher. There are actually a few ways that you can keep the game in a separate window. The first way is discussed in the Questions About Embedded Games article from January.

BUT – since you plan to play on Pogo for the rest of your life, we’ve actually made it possible for you to have the game pop up into a separate window easily every time you play. It takes a little initial set up time, but once it’s in place, you simply go to the game you want to play, and rather than clicking “Play” within the Pogo window, you click a button in your web browser bar.

We’ve done our best to make it as simple as possible, so below you’ll see the three browsers that Pogo supports. Choose the one that you use, and please try to follow the instructions there.

We’re EXTREMELY interested in how this works for people. Please email The Editor with “EGP Pop Up” in the subject line.

Embedded Games Don’t Let Me Pick Favorite Room!

Dear Editor…

I’m sure by now you have received a ton of mail on the “Embedded” games but I have not seen this problem addressed and I believe it’s a huge problem that needs to be fixed…

Whenever I want to play an “embedded” game and click on it, it NEVER puts me in my favorite room. I have to go search for the room in the list. To me that is a huge pain to have to do that every single time and every embedded game.

The other way it was with your favorite room listed at the TOP of the room list and the BLUE DOT made it sooooo much easier and FASTER to locate your room. Is there any chance this can be addressed and fixed so that once again we can just “click” and favorite room pops up?

Thank you so much for listening and any help you can give.

Super Club Pogo Fan,


Editor: The “Play Now” button has always put players into a random, available, room. However – you are correct – it’s a bit of a pain to find your favorite room right now. We are working on bringing your most recently played room to the top of the list by default, and you should see that fairly soon. :)

Like the Embedded Games – Don’t Like Double Activating!

Hey Tahd,

I really like the embedded games. I know I’m odd, but, I’ve found this change to be quite refreshing. I can find all sorts of things now. 2 resounding thumbs up!

But the change to where you have to activate your Daily Challenges is another thing. I now remember to hit the activate button most of the time, but then I have to play again a lot too :-/ . The main problem comes with Daily Challenges with embedded games. You hit the “activate” button on the homepage but it doesn’t take… it only takes you to the game where you must hit the “activate” button (again!) on the embedded game start screen. It took me forever to figure that one out.

But if you have a gem purchased badge going in an embedded game that progress is on the starting page for the embedded game so you CANNOT activate a Daily Challenge. Very challenging. Please have them either stop the activation nonsense or make it to where you can activate them on all games regardless of Challenge status.

Thanks for your help,


Editor: Sorry about that. We recognize that the “Double Activation” on some of the games is annoying and confusing, and we will be addressing that in the future.

Difficulties with Embedded Games


Yesterday I was unable to open the daily Crossword Cove and went to the page where it said to install Java. Even though I have it, I did it again. Didn’t make any difference. Now today I was unable to open one of the Daily Challenges and some of the Weekly Challenges.

ALL THE NEW PAGES WILL NOT OPEN (Your new formats). They were working fine before yesterday. My mother told me she was having the same problem.

I went to your live assistance and clicked on that and AGAIN I was told error, so this is the only email address I could find on here.

Please fix this problem or tell me how to do it.

Thank you


Editor: We’ve heard from a lot of players who are having difficulties loading the Embedded Games. Unfortunately, our Quality Assurance Department has not been able to reproduce this on any of our machines. Thus, we must turn to those who are experiencing these issues to give us some help.

If you’re unable to load one, two, or more of the embedded games and would like to help us figure this out, please read the Help Pogo Investigate Issues with Embedded Game Pages! article and send us the requested information. Thanks everyone! :)

Have something to say to the Editor? E-mail Please note – if you are having any customer support or technical support related questions, please contact our Customer Experience Team

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