Archives, Letters to the Editor|February 22, 2012 3:21 PM

Bumbling Bundle, Pontificating Pogo, 7-Letter Words and MORE!

Bumble Bee Bundle Supposed to be Three!

Hmm…I love the Bundle Bee bundle – I bought it but it doesn’t work. Neither did the last two weeks of Challenges.

Why can’t Pogo release items or games that do not have problems? This was not much of an issue until 2012. Is there new staff that does not have a clue? I’ve emailed before and asked for the truth as to what is going on. You won’t publish my letters because I am not cute or clever enough. No problem. Just make up a letter and tell us paying members the truth. I pay a lot to play here and buy lots of Gems – does that not entitle me to know what is going on with this site? Guess not. I have enough problems in life – I don’t need them on Pogo too.

Which Challenge will not work properly this week? I play to escape my everyday situations – I don’t need more stress caused by the site I chose to use for relaxation. I understand that this is your job but it’s not mine nor the majority that play Pogo.

Is it too much to expect this site to work correctly and why do I have to wait until the next release date whenever the heck that is? That is just crazy thinking. Can you not fix Pogo and why are there problems?

Editor: Sorry about the Bumble Bee Bundle! The blame there falls strictly upon my shoulders, as I do some of the Mini Configuration work, and I did make a mistake. This has been fixed, however, and you will be able to wear all three parts of the bundle at the same time now.

As for the Challenges, they both appear to be working as they should.

We most definitely recognize that we’ve had many issues thus far in 2012, and we do share in the frustration. It’s not how things are supposed to work, and we are doing our best to address the issues as they come up.

I’ve Looked at Pogo From Both Sides Now…

Just wanted to let you know, I’ve read both sides. I’ve been a member 8 years and have played since the beginning.

I understand both sides. I’m not happy with some of the changes either, but I have faith that you will work it all out in the end.

Good luck with it!

A Loyal Pogo Member

Faithful to Pogo

Dear Editor,

I’ve played on Pogo since (I’m guessing here) 2003 and I love it. Hubby and I both started accounts… before we were married. It’s a lot cheaper than going to a movie and we can play with each other or against each other in most of the games. Now that we live 52 miles from the nearest big city/town our membership is even more worth it!

Yes, there are glitches and malfunctions from time to time, spit happens in the tech world. But, time after time I’ve seen the problems corrected in a very timely manner and I for one appreciate it.

The embedded games have caused me absolutely no problems, they load fairly quick. I’ve had no problems with any of the Challenges, not even Stellar Sweeper or Phlinx. While I agree sometimes Pogo has a hiccup but before players complain about a problem they should check their computers first. Sometimes it’s as simple as clearing the Java cache, browser cache or even the hard drive. Those 3 steps are the ones I take before lodging a complaint and I’ve never had to lodge one.

I’m sorry that people are losing patience and threatening to give up their memberships, they’ll be missing on a lot of fun because, basically, there is no game site better than Pogo… glitches and all. I should know, I checked out every site out there before settling on Pogo!

I just wish everyone would give Pogo time to work out all the issues, which I’m certain is no small job. But then, I’m betting once you go a couple of months without Pogo you’ll have withdrawal pains and come back home. LOL.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone at Pogo for the work they do, the *ahem* they put up with and most certainly their patience in dealing with upset players. You all are great in my book.


Faithful to Pogo

Editor: Thanks so much for your letter. I really appreciate it, and am really happy that things have worked out so well.

As editor, I do try to publish the letters that are representative of what’s going on within the world of Pogo. Last week’s column hit on a lot of the issues people have been having, and while nothing I could say could erase the frustration, I am glad that they were at least able to express their feelings.

It’s Not About Anger – It’s About Love

Hi Tahd: I want to write to encourage you and the other Pogos. Along with many people I have sent in letters begging you to do something about the awful Help center. It is frustrating, but I hope that you know that most of us are only getting frustrated because we love Pogo and are afraid that, in its new iteration, we might lose all that’s best about our beloved game site. We’d all go into withdrawal if we did!

Sometimes we get upset because we come to Pogo for fun and don’t have that fun when things go wrong. I feel that way today with the hated Daily Special that requires us to get a valid bingo in Fortune Bingo. If it was in the other bingo games that would be fine, but there are limited winners in Fortune Bingo. The last time you had that I played for hours – up to midnight. I never managed to get my tokens!

That being said, however frustrated your loving members are, they ARE loving members, and we wouldn’t change you for all the tea in China!


Editor: Thanks so much! I do realize that much of the frustration is due to an expectation of service that we have not been successfully been hitting lately.

Glad that players wouldn’t change us for all the tea in China, although after last week, I suspect it’s because they just wouldn’t know what to do with all that tea! ;)

Sticking Up for Pogo!

Dear Pogo Tahd

I just don’t understand how people can be so rude about stuff that happens with game sites. There are a lot of game sites that actually have the same types of problems that you guys been having over the past couple of weeks. It happens. You just have to be patient and let the people who are in charge of the website do their jobs.

Well, Tahd, I am going to stand up to pogo about this.

I used to run my own sports website with a friend of mine and we always had problems getting everything to work the way we wanted to and we had people that would email us and complain that some stuff didn’t pop up like it should. But we took each report one by one and tried to fix the issues. And we finally ended up getting everything up and running again. It took like a year and a half to get everything fixed. It took a lot of time and patience.

I know that is what you guys are doing. It’s all about time and patience.

Another thing I want to talk about is the embedded games. I just like the format. It’s better then the old. I mean I can actually sit down and play the game with out having to leave and come back in. That includes Poppit! – one of my favorite games. Just got to rank 35 today. 65 more ranks to go till I hit 100.

Last thing I wanna talk about. Pogo is a place to have fun and meet new people a place to play your favorite games for free or become a Club Pogo member. I will always be a Club Pogo member no matter how many problems there are.

Although, I do want to see Daily hot shots stay. I don’t really think that it’s hard to maintain. I mean its a game that you can go in and dress your mini up and click enter and your done.

I also do that Amazing Mini Contest as well. But I don’t see how the Daily Hot shots is interfering with the Amazing Mini Contest’s. I like the fact that you can actually win a free token or Gem background.

Daily Hot Shots just came out last year and it’s a game who knows how many people play it. But it’s just something that you have to keep as a game.

Look at all the complaints you got about Swashbucks when you guys were planing on removing it. There are a lot of complains about people who want to see Daily Hot Shots to remain as a game on the Pogo forums. I think there are enough complains to reconsider and keeping Daily Hot Shots Please reconsider it will make some of us members who play DHS happy to see the game stay. I hope I said enough to make you reconsider letting it stay.

Thank you,

From Pogo is a fun place to be at to play games and meet new people

Editor: Thanks for your letter of support! We do appreciate the many letters we received this week from players who wanted to let us know that they were happy.

Unfortunately, unlike Swashbucks which, once built, only requires server space, Daily Hot Shots requires quite a bit of maintenance, and unfortunately, the game has lost a lot of popularity since it launched. Thus, a hard business decision has been made to end it. I know those who do play it love it (I’ve read the letters!), but alas, we will be removing the game on March 6.

Frustration, Yes, But to Fuel the Rumor Mill?

Dear Editor:

Geez Louise! I just read all the complaints from various members, and I have to say something about it.

Yes, there are complaints about the new formats, and some games that don’t function the way they should. But to intimate that Pogo is closing its doors is ridiculous. Once again, some members who have nothing to do are scaring away potential new members.

I for one will always be a loyal Pogo fanatic. My family and I love the games, and we are so busy that sometimes Pogo is the only communication we have. When there is a glitch in a game I am one of the fanatical people that will play it over and over again until I get the Badge. Seems crazy I know, but I do it anyway.

People should realize that glitches happen with computers and games designed for them. I see you try to fix the problem as soon as you are alerted to it. I am a loyal fan of Pogo and hope you stay open forever. At 62 and retired I love the fact that for $40 membership I have something to do besides bingo and afternoon teas. I always buy the 750 gems now so I am ready for the albums and the Mix-n-Matches.

All I can say is, for me, Pogo, you rock!!!

Editor: Thanks for addressing that – that is one thing I missed last week. We’re not closing up shop folks! It’s been a bit of a rough start to 2012, but there are lots of things to be excited about on the horizon.

The Help Helped!

Editor Extraordinaire!

I have been reading the past two weeks of letters from folks who have been so frustrated and “challenged” by the changes and issues.

I, too, fell prey to Stellar Sweeper Challenge issue as well and went to throw myself in front of the HELP folks. I was able to get into a queue and waited for an agent to see if they could help me. They were able to look at my issue and credit me the progress I had lost.

It actually took less time to go through these steps than it would have taken to do the Challenge over, or write a lengthy rant. lol. Perhaps not as satisfying for some though.

When I started the Phlinx challenge and chatted with folks who were talking about the progress they had already lost, I recommended they give HELP a chance and had others who joined in to say they had the same good result as I had the week before. I appreciate that being a Help tech has to have been a tough job these past 2 weeks. I did not want it to be a thankless one!


The flip side of the token :)

Editor: That’s great to hear! Thank you for sharing your positive experience with the folks who help our players. Club Pogo members in need of assistance might want to peruse our recent Pogo News article on Getting Help.

Not Always Happy, but Not Leaving!

Dear Editor Tahd,

Yesterday I read all the letters you received from all the people complaining about Pogo’s latest issues and all threatening to not renew. I also had to mute a number of people complaining about the problem with Phlinx, so I could follow my progress (I had no issues with it at all).

I have to tell you Tahd, that I have complained about things to you in the past, but I have never threatened to leave pogo and here is why.

First, I have agoraphobia, I have a hard time leaving home and communicating with people in person is difficult for me. But, I can talk to people over the computer but I do like playing alone often.

Second, I was diagnosed last year with Thyroid cancer. Very scary for anyone but especially for somebody with anxiety. Well, after my surgeries, treatments, etc. My anxiety got much better (it is all part of the symptoms – who knew), but now I have to stay home because of health issues.

So during these times, pogo has been my best friend. It keeps me from losing my mind with boredom. TV gets old after awhile, and I only have so many books to read, so I always come back to Pogo. I love almost all the games, Greenback Bayou excluded – sorry. I don’t care much for the embedded games, but I play them. I just can’t see leaving anytime soon.

So, in closing, thanks pogo and editor Tahd, you all keep me sane and happy. I hope your problems all work out quickly and that the help desk issues work out quickly (because that is very frustrating).

Have a wonderful day,

Sign me,

Pogo Fan until the End

Shhh! I *Liked* the Mini Golf Badge!

Wow, I know you’re going to get a lot of hate mail over the Mini Golf Badge but I LOVED it!

I saw many complaints on Facebook from people saying it was “impossible”. It sure wasn’t! I got under par every game I played. All you had to do was play the warm up round enough times to know the ins and outs and away you go.

I love Mini Golf and play it as a stress relief so I’m quite good at it, I get under par or par every hole I play now. I wasn’t that good when I first started playing, but with practice I improved. I was disappointed that in the weekly poll 29% of people didn’t even try the badge! How can people complain about it being “too hard” or “impossible” when they don’t even try!

Keep up the good work guys!

Editor: I’m very happy that you not only were able to get it, but that you enjoyed it as well!

Unfortunately, there were a lot of folks who were having technical issues with the game, and thus they were understandably frustrated. I heard from a great number of people who had done their best to earn the Badge, but experienced issues that prevented them from achieving it.

Opinionated Pogo Lover Speaks!

Dear Editor:

I have been with POGO for a little over 8 years. I just read the recent “Letters To The Editor” complaints (Today’s Date 2-18-12) regarding Stellar and Phlinx – and I agree with some of the complaints. I also had problems with the games and just gave up on Stellar Sweeper.

I have written a few letters myself in the past about a particular problem, but got no response other than an automatic response stating that they will read my letter and supposedly send it to the right person. I have also tried to get my problem answered in the HELP section, but my particular problem didn’t seem to have an answer to it. I even mentioned my problem in the Forum and still didn’t get a response.

I wish I knew how some of the players got the chance to talk to someone LIVE if they didn’t have a game problem. My problem was with GEMS, TOKENS, MINI ITEMS Etc. I do wish there was a phone number or an email address that a POGO player can go to talk to a LIVE person or explain in more detail about problems that are not located in the HELP section. The Help section does have a lot of answers but it does NOT meet everyone’s situation. There is nothing more frustrating than trying to get customer service response.

I have been told that if you want your letters to show up so other Pogo members can read them in the “Letters To The Editor”, that they shouldn’t be very long. Well, those complaints sure are long. LOL. I hope this will finally make it to “Letters To The Editor” so other members can see they are not alone out there. This is going to be a little lengthy, but oh well.

As far as Facebook goes, I don’t use it. I agree that if you want to play Facebook Games, then go to Facebook, and not Pogo. Pogo has enough problems of its own. I like Pogo a lot and hope these problems do get solved so there is no chance of POGO closing its’ doors as they say.

While I’m at it, I would like Pogo to bring back some of the neat Mini Items that were in previous years. It seems that a lot of the ones that win the Amazing Mini’s contests have items that are not available in the current MINI MALL. There truly are some amazing Mini’s out there, but I would like to win to. LOL. Also I think that there are some MINI MALL ITEMS that you purchase with Tokens are a little steep.

As far as HOT SHOTS goes, it would have been better rated if there was more of a selection of Mini people and accessories to choose from. This was what was boring to me. Just my opinion. There are a lot of talented people at Pogo and they work hard and I commend them. I know I couldn’t do what they do.

Opinionated, But still LOVE POGO

Editor: Thanks, Opinionated, for your many opinions! I did want to address a couple of the issues you brought up. First, we DO provide personal Customer and Technical support. Read more about Getting Help.

Second, the changes we’ve been making, specifically the Embedded Game Pages have not been for the benefit of Facebook, or even Facebook users. Mostly, they are being made to improve the informational flow – which I know a lot of people don’t like. We will be addressing some of the issues that folks have brought to our attention about the Embedded Game Pages. Please be patient!

Third, you’ll definitely want to visit the Mini Mall frequently, as we do re-release items fairly regularly. There’s never a guarantee that the Mini items will ever come back, so it’s best to get them immediately after release, but keep an eye out for old items surfacing again.

Love the CLUE Art!

Dear Editor:

I just want to tell you that whoever does the picture set-ups for the CLUE series is brilliant. I am very good at finding objects and it doesn’t take me much time to complete a puzzle of “who done it”. But the graphics and hiding ability of these artists is really great. I maybe use the help button once or twice during a complete series. I think they are really fun. Thanks. I wish more free series were available.

A Long time player of Pogo.

Three 7-Tile Words. One Game.

Hi, Ed —

I’m so proud, I just had to share the attached… three 7-tile words in one game! Love it!

Have a great day…

Editor: Nicely done! Congrats, and thanks for sharing!


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