Archives / January 22, 2010 3:42 PM 
Dear Ms. Netiquette, Your response to Appropriate Chat in the Appropriate Place is wrong. You need to remind people that it is never okay to preach in the spiritual rooms, or to try to convert people that do not agree […]
Archives / January 15, 2010 3:44 PM 
Dear Ms. Netiquette, I love going into Spiritual Rooms partly because I love to lift up my Lord in praise and secondly because most of the people who congregate there do as well. Lately, though, some who have been going […]
Archives / December 22, 2006 4:01 PM 
Good day Ms. Netiquette! I’m wondering if there is a link somewhere on the Pogo site where some of the emails containing “warnings” or “free tokens” can be checked out to see if they are at all valid. The last […]
Archives / December 15, 2006 3:58 PM 
Hello Ms. Netiquette, First let me say that I love to read the letters from people and the answers you give. What is proper etiquette for entering a room and saying “Merry Christmas?” There are so many different religions, cultures […]
Archives / December 8, 2006 3:55 PM 
Hello Ms. Netiquette, I don’t know how many times I have entered a room and said “hello all” or “hello” and not a single person responded with a “hello” back. This always happens in quiet rooms where no one is […]
Archives / December 1, 2006 3:52 PM 
Dear Ms. Netiquette, Earlier this evening I was in Aces Up. There was no chat and we were just all playing quietly, when out of nowhere a woman starts bad mouthing me about my profile. She said I was a […]
Archives / November 22, 2006 3:49 PM 
Dear Readers, As promised I will be printing some of the wonderful letters I received from people in gratitude of the helpful and kind people they have met on Pogo! I wish you all a very pleasant weekend! Dear Ms. […]
Archives / November 17, 2006 3:45 PM 
Dear Ms. Netiquette, I have been a member here for a couple of years, and have watched this site grow and change. I have also met many people on this site that I enjoy and some that I would rather […]
Archives / November 10, 2006 3:42 PM 
Hi Ms. Netiquette, I have read more than a few times in letters to you about people getting frustrated when someone who is losing exits the game. I too have found this annoying in the past, as no matter how […]
Archives / November 3, 2006 3:39 PM 
Hi Ms. Netiquette, Yesterday I went into Edit My Profile and in the Interests section I typed in: Music, walking, cooking, computer, having a laugh. When I submitted this I got a message saying: “Because this is a family […]