My Former Mother-in-Law Still Wants to Play

Hello Ms. Netiquette, I have been playing Pogo for a few years now and I usually get on line and play with my mother-in-law who lives out of state. My husband and I have been divorced for a few months […]
Hello Ms. Netiquette, I have been playing Pogo for a few years now and I usually get on line and play with my mother-in-law who lives out of state. My husband and I have been divorced for a few months […]
Hi Nettie, I have an Internet/Pogo Forum question for you! Recently Pogo_Scott posted a thread in the Pogo Forums asking for input on the changes to the jackpot spins. It attracted many responses, grew to over 30 pages in length, […]
Ms. Netiquette, Today I was happily playing a game and watching the chat (I rarely ever chat) and noticed a player talking about her health. She was complaining about not feeling well and the medications she was taking. Before long, […]
Dear Nettie, I know it is better to give than to receive and I have a circle of friends that enjoy giving each other mini items, badges, etc. Within this circle, we always acknowledge each gift with a heartfelt “Thank […]
Dear Nettie, I was playing Jigsaw Treasure Hunter when I replied to a question of “Does anyone like this game?” I said yes and a young lady promptly said she did too. I engaged her in a bit of general […]
Dear Ms. Netiquette, I, for one, am getting really tired of hearing about the mute as the all-time solution for players who are harassing, insulting and abusing other players just because they can. Pogo has Terms of Service for a […]
Dear Ms. Netiquette, I have been a Club Pogo member for some time now! Every time I finish my badges I go and do the badge poll. What surprises me is how many people lie when taking this badge poll […]
Dear Ms. Netiquette, I am wondering why we even need “Uncensored” chat rooms on the Pogo site anyway? I will certainly never play in one ever, as I don’t feel they are necessary. Can you tell me why they […]
Hi Nettie, Normally I am a friendly person and I will sometimes join in a chat and have met some wonderful people this way. Sometimes a person with whom I’ve been conversing will request a private chat and often I […]
Please, sit back down. Is it wise to take sides is an issue so volatile as Bingo Luau badges? That is what you did, you know. And in so doing, you just poured fuel on the fire of those who […]