Tiki Bros. Tip Talk

Need Help with Help? Tikis are Here to Help!

Archives / March 27, 2007 4:19 PM Need Help with Help? Tikis are Here to Help!

March 27, 2007 Red: Hi I’m Red Tiki and welcome to Tiki Brothers talk tech… And while I’m at it I gotta ask Green; what the heck are you looking for? You’ve been searching under the couch cushions, in the […]

Tikis Talk Browsers — History Lesson Included!

Archives / March 5, 2007 4:11 PM Tikis Talk Browsers — History Lesson Included!

March 5, 2007   Red: ROAR!!!! Welcome to Tiki Brothers Talk Tech! Green: Red… why in the heck are you wearing a huge red lizard costume? Red: What? You don’t recognize me? I’m today I’m “Mozilla!” Green: What… the? Ohhhh… […]

Tikis Stay Warm With a Grab Bag of Pogo Questions!

Archives / February 5, 2007 4:06 PM Tikis Stay Warm With a Grab Bag of Pogo Questions!

February 5, 2007   Green: Brrrrrrrr!!!! It’s been so cold lately, eh Red? Red: Yeah, what’s up with all those scientists talking about global warming? Sometimes I have a hard time believing it. I guess they know better though, eh? […]

Holiday Time with the Tikis: Help With that New Computer!

Archives / December 20, 2006 3:36 PM Holiday Time with the Tikis: Help With that New Computer!

December 20, 2006 Red: Happy holidays everyone! As always, we are the Tiki Brothers, and we are here to talk a little tech! Green: Boy are we feeling the Holiday Spirit, or what Red? And in the interest of safety […]

The Tikis Are Talking Pop-Up Blockers!

Archives / November 9, 2006 3:23 PM The Tikis Are Talking Pop-Up Blockers!

November 9, 2006 Red: (Tromps into kitchen) Green! You’ve been gone for twenty minutes making microwave popcorn. What’s the deal, dude? “Desperate Houseflies” is on in ten minutes! Green: (Panicked) I don’t know what’s wrong Red! It’s not working! I […]

No, “Cripes Errors” are Not Fancy French Pancakes Gone Wrong!

Help and FAQs / August 22, 2006 1:55 PM No, “Cripes Errors” are Not Fancy French Pancakes Gone Wrong!

By Bret D. | May 2, 2007   Green: After some fun in the waning late summer sun and constant bickering, all of which was Red’s fault, we are back, for another exciting episode of: Red: Tiki Brothers Tech Talk! […]

Introducing the Tiki Brothers Tech Talk

Archives / July 18, 2006 12:24 PM Introducing the Tiki Brothers Tech Talk

By Bret D. | July 18, 2006 Red: Hello, and welcome to the first installment of the Tiki Brothers Tech Talk column! I am Red Tiki. Green: And I’m his brother Green Tiki, and when we are together, you can […]