Hi, Mr. Editor,
I just wanted to send in a quick ‘Thank you’ to everyone who worked on Daily Hot Shots. It became one of my favorite activities on Pogo, and thanks to DHS I won over 60 new backgrounds, many of which were Club-Pogo-only that I might never have had access to otherwise. (Not to mention earning a nice amount of tokens to fuel my need for more Mini stuff.)
I personally enjoyed logging on every day to see the creative ideas that other players came up with, and even though I understand why the game was retired, I will sincerely miss it.
So thank you to everyone involved with the Daily Hot Shots, from the programmers down to all the users who made the game what it was.
Exclamation Points for This Week’s Blooop Badge!
Thank you! Thank you for the Blooop badge!!! I asked for it in December and your super badge gurus developed one! You Pogo folks are just super keen!!!!! (was that enough exclamation points?!)
Again – thanx!
P.S. – Here are some more just in case! – !!!!!!!!
Editor: You were two short, but we’ll let it slide this time. ;)
Hear My Rant!
You’ve got to be joking! BEAKER CREATURES AND BLOOOP in the same week?!!! two of the worst games you offer.
While I am ranting… the Daily Challenges games should not take over 5-10 minutes to complete…
thanks…I feel better!
Is Pogo Changing the Art?
I was looking at my homepage and just noticed something. I have the “Fillin’ Up But Feelin’ Down” background. I was wondering- was some wise person at Club Pogo trying to tell us something? The price to fill up a car is about correct now, or has it been changed?
Just Wondering’
Editor: A clock is always right twice a day, and it sure does feel like this “poke” at gas prizes has become more of a simple reflection of reality these days, doesn’t it?
Evolving Expressions Leave Me Guessing!
Yesterday, the following message was in the gift section of my profile: Some of your gifts have evolved since your last visit!
I had absolutely no idea what that meant, so I posted a query in the Forum. I found out it had to do with the 7 Days of Thanks expression that had been sent to me. Apparently, this is an “evolving” expression. I took evolving to mean changing. I hurried back to my profile to see the change. Nothing. Nothing had changed. Today I had the same message on my profile. Checked out the expression again, and again, nothing has changed.
Do I have a faulty expression? Is the evolution so subtle as to be invisible to the human eye? Does evolving not mean changing, and has some different meaning? I’m really curious.
Puzzled About Evolution
Editor: It does indeed evolve daily for seven days. However, once those seven days are up, you can click on it and it will take you to a page where you can scroll through each of the evolutions to see what they are. Enjoy!
New Progress Screen Blocks My Learning in Word Whomp!
Hi Tahd,
This letter is about the new embedded version of Word Whomp. A vital part of the game has been deleted and I can’t find any way to fix it.
For me, and most heavy duty WW players, an important part of playing is checking the word list after each game to see what words we missed. I was even in the process of using the word list to compile my own list of different words that can be made using the same letters (i.e. lie/lei, rock/cork etc) which has come in handy in WW as well as other Pogo word games. Now the word list is virtually gone.
There used to be a ‘Show Words’ button that kept the word list visible after the jackpot spin. Obviously whoever designed the original game knew how important this was to the players. Now, after finishing a game, the words show for about 1-2 seconds then the jackpot spinner pops up obscuring most of the list. After the spinner is finished the screen immediately changes to an all white screen with just the game stats.
I have been in several WW chat rooms and I can tell you that everyone I spoke to is NOT happy about this change. To make matters even worse the How To Play instructions for the embedded game itself even states, “At the end of each word game, look closely at the words you didn’t find. These words will probably show up in future puzzles.” How can we “look closely” at the words when they disappear so quickly, often before you can even read the entire list?
Please either have the wonderful Pogo computer wizards fix it so the word list can once again remain visible after the jackpot spin or at least bring back the old version until the problem can be fixed in the embedded game. It’s just not as much fun to play anymore.
Linda in KY
Editor: Apologies to our Word Whomp fans! We did make a big error when we released the In Game Progress screen at the end of Word Whomp. The good news is that we will be fixing this issue in an upcoming release so that people will once again be able to see the words that they missed.
Have You Heard of a Rhyming Dictionary?
Question for you. Do you check puzzles offered by Pogo players?
Today’s Word Search puzzle has me wondering. The title is Rhymes With Morn. I had to turn the word list on because I couldn’t find enough words rhyming with Morn to finish the puzzle.
Imagine my surprise when the word list included: Brawn, Dawn, Pawn, Sean, and Yawn. No matter how I try to make these words Rhyme with Morn, they don’t. Kind of makes the idea of getting extra tokens for NOT using the word list unfair.
If no one is available to check and/or edit player issued puzzles, I would be more than happy to volunteer for the job to ensure the games are fair and what they should be.
Just call me Morn challenged!

Editor: Well now, in certain parts of the globe perhaps Dawn *does* rhyme with morn! But your point is taken. We do give each puzzle a quick perusal for spelling mistakes or glaring issues like if the puzzle is titled “Famous Dogs” and one of the answers is “Porsche”, but we obviously missed this one. Sorry!
Letter From the Editor
Hello readers!
I will be taking a little time off next week for a wee vacation, and as such, there will be no column next week. I look forward to all your letters when I return!
Editor Tahd
Do you have something you want to say? E-mail editor@pogo.com.