Archives, Ms. Netiquette|August 26, 2011 10:43 AM

Does Etiquette + QWERTY = EtiQWERTY or QWERTYquette?

Dear Nettie,

Is a “thank you” for giving an opponent an extension in a game (especially when their rank indicates they are apparently somewhat new to the game) appropriate? I give an extension (sometimes more than one) frequently and have rarely been thanked. It’s annoying when I am ready to enter my word and I’m giving them more time. I have so far refrained from telling them “c’mon already, pick a word!”

Is it okay for me to limit my extensions if the other player doesn’t seem to be making good use of them (e.g., not even trying, trying words that don’t exist, not responding to suggestions based on the letters I see them using, etc.)?

Why do some players persist in running up the score when they have obviously won the game (as in they are ahead by 200-400 points)? I have taken to trying to win by coming as close to 800 as possible (e.g., 800-805-810).

Thank you!

I’ve Got QWERsTYions

Dear I’ve Got QWERsTYions,

We’ve been discussing “thank you” a lot recently, and each situation is very different. A polite game player will most assuredly show their gratitude for a time extension in a game with a quick “thanks”, “thank you”, “much appreciated”, or “ty”. This is, in essence, a gift that will play a major role in the outcome of the game. The player likely went into the game knowing that there’d be a time limit, and when you extended it, you really did a nice thing, and it should be acknowledged.

Good for you for biting your tongue and refraining from showing impatience. For someone who is trying to take their turn, and having difficulty, impatience just adds to the stress and frustration. Practicing patience is to be commended.

As for limiting your extensions, that is solely up to you. Personally, I think two extensions is fair in a time game. Here’s why – I set up a timed game with the expectation that my opponent knows how to play, and that he or she understands that this is a timed game. I do recognize that things happen, and I’m willing to allow for a couple of extensions

However, after the second extension, I draw the line. Especially if my opponent isn’t making good use of them. I shouldn’t have to waste my time, and my opponent needs to reel in his or her expectations that an extension is a “given”.

There are, of course, exceptions. If my opponent is up front with me and says “I’m very new to this game, so please forgive my bad playing” or something, I will do my best to help and of course I’ll extend.

In regards to “running up the game” when your opponent knows that a win is at hand, I don’t see anything wrong with that. Games are competitive – not only with our opponents but with ourselves. It’s our nature to want to make the best move possible, no matter how much we’re clobbering our opponent. It’s not personal – it’s just a game.


Dear Nettie,

I am never going into an uncensored chat room ever again! I have this friend that I met on Pogo who I joined in an uncensored chat room. I know that you can swear and talk freely, but I just found out that some people take it just too far.

I like to meet my friends on Pogo and chat with them. But what’s bad in my opinion is that you can’t “Report Abuse” in and uncensored chat room. The table from which I was watching a game, the people swore in about every sentence. Even worse, they said disparaging things about China.In one room I entered, this guy kept typing “CHINA”. That offends me as I do not accept this type of criticism as I belong to that continent as well as North America.

Whether I’m American, French, German, or whatever, I feel people don’t have the right to do that and criticize people because of what culture they belong to. I find this abusive and unacceptable. I also find it strange that Pogo does not allow to report abuse in uncensored chat rooms.

This is why I do not see the reason for these rooms. I would like Pogo more if they had a clean dictionary and filtered out any bad words or swear words. I So what’s the good of these rooms if people just take it too far?

Uncensored chat rooms have too many bad words and hate speech.

Baffled by Baddies

Dear Baffled by Baddies,

I’m terribly sorry that you were subjected to such a bad experience. Hate speech is hate speech is hate speech, and it’s unacceptable on Pogo in any room. What you saw violated our Terms of Service and should have been reported.

I’m not sure where you got the idea that you can’t report abuse from an uncensored room. Simply highlight the screen name of the person making the violations, right click and choose “Report Abuse”. The Abuse Report Form will take you through the steps, and our Customer Experience Representatives will evaluate and take the appropriate action.

If you find yourself unable to make an Abuse Report from an uncensored room, that’s a bug! You can report the bug to us by clicking the “Contact Us” link in our Customer Support Center

While the chat filter does manage to filter many of the more common swear words, it can’t get them all. People are very clever in how they bypass it, and some words are offensive only in some situations. For instance, if I were to say “I can’t wait to visit China next year!”, I’m not violating any Terms of Service. However, if I were to something derogatory about people from China, that would be a violation.


Ms. Netiquette,

I write this to you today to speak about a wonderful thing that happened during an Amazing Mini event.

We were all waiting on the judge to come and admiring each other’s Minis and wishing we had some of the backgrounds and items that others had. Well I won’t use names (although I should so this person and get the recognition they deserve) but one Pogo player really wanted a certain background that cost 50 Gems but couldn’t get it because it was so many Gems.

Then someone out of the kindness of their heart sent said background to the other. I mean who really does that nowadays? It just goes to show you how awesome Pogo players are.

I’m not very good with words, but I wanted to recognize the kindness of this individual and let you know that although it may not happen often, there are still a lot a kind souls out there and they play Pogo.

Thank You,

Humbled by Hotshots

Dear Humbled by Hotshots,

Well, I have to disagree with you. You seem to be very good with words! Your letter brought a big smile to my face and made my tea even sweeter! I read a lot of letters about rudeness, so yours is a breath of fresh air!

Thanks for sharing and reminding us that there are a lot of truly wonderful Pogo folks out there!


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