Archives, Letters to the Editor|January 18, 2012 1:03 PM

Endless Love for PBA, Ode to Naga, Greenback Devotion and MORE!

Endlessly Love Endless Love Premium Badge Album

Hi Editor,

I just completed the ENDLESS LOVE ALBUM and I just had to call in to give praise to the guys/gals that did the Badges for this album. Life in just 8 badges from love, the gift of bringing life into this world, and the sadness of loss.

People, you outdid yourselves and please give each other a pat on the back from this Aussie Pogo player.

Keep up the good work.

Grateful Pogo Player



Give Me a B! Seriously… Please?

I have played 10 straight games of Word Search Daily to try and get my Weekly Badge and not one single one of the games had a word that started with the letter “B”!

How can one possibly expect to get the required number of words when you play that many games and there’s no “B”s! What’s the deal with this? I love playing the Word Search games but it seems pointless when you don’t include at least one word that starts with a “B” in each game.


Editor: Well… my guess is that you have the word list turned off to get extra tokens. For that Challenge, I’d actually recommend turning it on, checking the list of words for “B” words before starting the game. If you don’t see any, I’d choose another day, or click “Random Puzzle”.




I’ve Got Your “B”s Right Here, Baby!

I anticipate that you will receive many complaints about this week’s Word Search Daily Badge, but I have to demur.

This is one of the most fun badge challenges you have put out in a long time! In addition to getting the Badge, there is the additional fun of trying to find a puzzle that will have the sought after “B” words. I love a challenge within the Challenge, and the number is just about right.

Keep up the good work!

Likes Challenges to be Challenges




Credit Card Expiration Notice Annoying

I recently received notice of my credit card expiring. I’ve gone in and changed billing information and updated my payment information to a different credit card number.

I am still getting notices stating my subscription is ending soon and I still need to update my billing information. When I look at my account info I can see the new credit card number I entered.

This is the only place I could find to email someone regarding this. The on line EA help was of NO HELP!

Any help would be appreciated.



Editor: Thanks for the feedback. We are looking into why that message continues to appear for some folks even when their credit card information is up to date. Please just ignore that message for now.



Mix-n-Match Badges Not Showing Correct Number of Earned Badges!

Hi, I completed a Mix-n-Match album #17 a while back and have done many M-n-M Badges since and still my book does not say completed.

I cannot seem to see or find what the Badge is when you complete a album and, yes, I did do 20 of them in this book.

Are other people having this same problem? I am out of ides to why I am having this problem on this album other book have had no problems.

Please get back to me thanks.

Editor: It’s not just you – we have two issues right now – Badges are not being awarded for completing a book and Secret Badges not being awarded. These are both issues on our end, and we hope to have them both fixed soon!




In Defense of Greenback Bayou…

In response to this week’s bashing of Greenback Bayou: not EVERYONE hates the game. I happen to adore it (as well as many others I have talked to) and would absolutely play it more often if it had ranks.

You were right to include it in the poll options because it’s a game that deserves a fair opportunity. If Greenback Bayou is loathed so much then why not just get it rid of it. After all people like me, who enjoy the game, don’t matter and have an inferior opinion. The constant mocking of this game is ridiculous.

From Dennis (One of the frog lovers)




I, Too, Enjoy the Game of Greenback Bayou!

Dearest Editor,

I have often felt compelled to write to you but have always held my tongue until now.

While reading your column 1/11/12 and reading the article regarding the adding of ranks (player submitted poll) I was somewhat taken aback. At first try I too hated Greenback Bayou, I thought it was annoying and would only play for Badges. However the more I played the more I grew to love it. I found it involves more skill than at first glance and offers a relaxing game to let my mind relax or to play while I watch TV. I have been hoping to see new ranks in the game very badly actually, as I am sure some of the people voting in the poll did too.

With that said I would like to say how much I enjoy reading your column and love playing on pogo. You all do a great job and I don’t know what I would do without you.


Frog Defense

Editor: Thanks everyone who wrote in defending Greenback Bayou. Honestly, I like the game too, for the most part. I do apologize if my joking around about it hit a nerve.




And My Brain Just Got a Little Bigger!

RE: Pogo’s Who Has the Biggest Brain.

I just tried this game, and I highly recommend it, particularly for seniors.

It is an excellent “fitness exercise” for an aging brain!

Thanks, Pogo people.




Thankful for Pogo

Dear Editor, I just wanted to tell you and the staff of Pogo thank you for all the hard work that you all put into making this a fun site.

I was recently told that I had cancer and nothing can be done. I was getting depressed so I figured I would treat myself to a Pogo game since I needed to stop stressing.

I love this site, it makes me not think about my problems.

So thanks again for all that you do to make this site a success I love it.

Going to beat this!

Editor: Thanks for your letter. I can’t imagine what you must be going through, but I’m really happy to hear that Pogo is providing you some much needed relief! Hang in there!




Zuma’s Revenge is Next Week’s Badge?


Great, just terrific! I noticed that one of the Challenges next week is going to be in one of those games I can’t get to load!

This is not fair. I’ve never, and boy, I’ve tried everything to get Mahjongg Dimensions to load with no success and now this game? It looks as if this year’s album will end up unfinished if this continues.

Funny thing is I can go on other sites and play them just fine but for some strange reason not on Pogo.

Thanks for nothing I suppose.

Editor: We actually will *not* be having a Challenge in Zuma’s Revenge next week. The Challenge is being replaced with one in Quick Quack. We will have that Challenge at a later date, and hopefully by then we will be able to help you figure out how to get the game to appear!




A Poem for Naga, January’s Pet of the Month


Oh Golden Dragon,
You’re a sight to behold.
Many believe in you
From the young to the old.

You spread your wings,
And then take flight.
You soar so high, until
You’re gone from sight.

We can hear the
Thunderous flap of your wings.
And feel the heat
From your fire that sings.

Your Majestic Beauty
Can be seen by all…
As you sit and play
With your fireball.

What a wondrous dragon,
To behold.
And although your coming,
Was not foretold,
We welcome you “NAGA”,
To our humble abode.


Editor: Wow! What an amazing ode to this month’s Pet of the Month. I forwarded it on to the folks who help plan and create the Minis, and they were quite impressed and grateful! Thanks for sharing!




Oh What a Cake!


My name is Peter.

I live in Jackdale near Nottingham in England, I was 65 years old on December 28th. I had a lovely birthday party with my family. Some of my friends (Lee19321 and dotinhat69) and others on Pogo have told me to send you a picture of my birthday cake!!!

They all love it!!! look forward to hearing from you.

From Peter

Editor: Wow! MONOPOLY Slots has never looked so tasty! Happy (belated) Birthday! Thanks so much for sharing your picture! I’m hungry just looking at it!

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