Archives, Letters to the Editor|February 1, 2012 1:23 PM

Endless Love PBA, M-n-M Bundles, Embedded Game Pages and MORE!

Nice Work on the Endless Love PBA

I just want to write in to congratulate the team behind the Endless Love PBA, the graphics on each badge were amazing and the story that each badge told were wonderful, it was a very heart warming and touching story to follow.

Well done to everyone involved in that album, out of all the PBA’s ever made this is definitely the best so far.

Love the New Mix-n-Match Bundles

I just wanted to take the time to write to say thank you for offering the Mix-n-Match Bundle promo.

I had never thought about purchasing any bundles prior to this special and now I have 2! I also have to mention I earned all my Gems needed to purchase the bundles through completing surveys and offers. Just a nice reminder to everyone who does not have money to spend on Gems that you can get them by checking the surveys and offers page.

Thanks to everyone there at Pogo for creating a wonderful site.

Not Happy with Embedded Games

The embedded games are terrible. The pop-up windows were better because they could be moved around until they were comfortable on one’s eyes. Now, we are stuck with these embedded games that just sit there. You cannot move anything and if you don’t play them as they are, then you don’t play at all.

Why did you think this was better?

Please rethink this nightmare that Pogo has created.


Tired of embedded games.

If it Ain’t Broke…

Man oh man, Pogo…

Why cant you just please leave things alone? Have you never heard of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?”. This new embedding stuff is for the birds! There is so much “junk” at the bottom of the page in Mahjong Safari that it distracts from the game… please… put things back the way they were!

Pogo is NOT Facebook..and honest, some of us faithful Pogo Club members do not like Facebook. If I wanted to play on Facebook I would… but I want Pogo… the way it was… easy to play in… easy to get around in.

Now when I go to a room it tells me who has been in that game, including when and how long. Privacy? That’s wrong, people… just wrong!

We pay you guys every year… buy Gems to play… and then we get stuck with stupid Facebook games? NO NO NO! It’s wrong Pogo… just plain wrong! I don’t like it at all… and I have talked to about 50 people and not one single person likes it! Does that tell you something?

Pogo… put it back the way it was… please… please!

Dissatisfied Pogo Player!

Can You Explain How to Reduce the Size of the Window?

Dear Editor,

I really need some help. I tried the “EA Help” and found nothing. I’m having a lot of trouble with the embedded games. The game screen is now just too small. I also read the Forum posting on how to adjust the screen, but it starts out with – make sure game is open in a separate window. This is the part I can’t seem to figure out how to do. Are there any instructions anywhere on how to do this?

I play daily, but these new screens are very hard on my older eyes. Please help and thanks.

Editor: I thank everyone who wrote in with their comments about the new embedded game pages we launched earlier this week. Since this is such a hot topic, I’m going to make it a little easier on everyone’s eyes and jump out of italics!

The editor box was quite full with feedback, and those who wrote were unhappy for a variety of reasons – mostly that players are unable to move the window around, but also that the white on the page is blinding, and that there’s too much information.

We are in the process of going through the feedback, and in the short term, we will be making some modifications so that the page is easier on the eyes. We also realized, thanks to a letter writer, that there’s no way to differentiate between a Free Pogo room and a Club Pogo room. This, too, will be fixed soon.

Furthermore, we will be making some changes so that you won’t feel as though your privacy is invaded. Keep your eye on the Pogo News for more information on that in the coming weeks.

We will continue to evaluate the other feedback as well.

As for reducing the window size – when you open your browser, do it twice. Once for your game, and once for whatever other browsing you want to do (like reading Letters to the Editor). In one window, go to your game of choice, and in the other, follow the instructions listed in the Questions About Embedded Games Answered.

Our hope is that this new format will eventually be better for everyone, as it really does provide a lot more information about the game, and allows players to access a variety of information without having to leave the game window.

My Mini May Freeze This Winter!

Dear Tahd,

I wanted to express how much I *love* Pogo, but I must admit I’m suffering from winter-Mini envy.

I’ve seen so many Minis wearing the most adorable outfits (a cute lavender pea coat, a hat with braids peeking out, a green fitted puffy coat) that I don’t have because I’m a new member. Please, please ask if there is any way some of these items could be re-released for us newbies! Also, some new hairstyles would be great (i.e. supermodel-like ponytails, long hair styles, plus I’ve seen some updos with a tiara) ~ I have all of the current hairstyles that I like and a girl needs to be able to shop!

Thank you for reading this and I’m so happy I found Pogo!

Editor: And we’re happy we found you! I have forwarded your request to the Mini Mall planners, and while you may see some of these items re-released this winter, most likely you’ll not see all of them.

We re-release items throughout the year, and since you’re a fairly new member, it will be extra fun for you and your Mini to go shopping – so keep your eyes out for anything your Mini may want at some point in the future!

Newer Games Lacking Social Features

Dear Mr. Editor:

I would like to vent a bit, do not know who to contact so guess you are the one.

I am so disappointed in how Pogo is going now. I have had many many pleasurable moments in Pogo and have met some fabulous people from all over Canada and United States. I have been a member since April 6, 2003 (although profile says i have been a member six years) and, so you will see how much I do play – I have over 92 million tokens and have 2,292 badges and have ranked out in 41 of your games, have all mix and match albums to date – 730, all premium albums – 618, many game and special edition badges, all Clue episodes, etc.

The reason I am so upset is that Pogo always says that Pogo is the place to earn badges and make new friends. In the new games – Bejeweled, Poppit Sprint, Mahjong Dimensions, YAHTZEE, for example, there is no way to chat with anyone. Also, when playing these games it does not show on Friends list where I am playing or any of my friends. This I do not like at all.

I have renewed my membership earlier this month for another year but am seriously questioning whether I should have or not. This makes my heart very heavy as I have enjoyed Pogo so much. It seems that ever since Pogo joined forces with Facebook (of which I am a member) Pogo has gone downhill. It isn’t fun anymore and I so miss talking to friends, meeting new ones and playing games with them, cause I don’t know where they are unless they are in one of the regular games, the same goes for them trying to find me to play in bowling, canasta, or other games. They think I am not playing in Pogo when they check Friends List cause it states I am not playing anywhere.

I would like to know if Pogo is going to have any new games that are not like the ones they are issuing now – games that we can go in, talk to people in the room, cheer them on, etc.

Thank you for taking the time to read this email, I know how busy you must be. Whenever friends have voiced how upset they have been as to how Pogo has changed and that he/she is considering not renewing their membership, I have always defended Pogo and thought they were thinking wrong, well, here I am, thinking like they do.

Please let me know if the new games being issued is the way of the future with Pogo so I can make a decision as to whether or not to renew my membership or let it go.

Again, thank you.


Editor: I’ve got good news for you, me, and every Pogo player who enjoys chatting. We are going to be upgrading these, and all future games, to include chat.

These games are different from our older games, and adding chat to them has been a bit more work than we’d initially thought, but it is something we’re working on and it’s something we will all see later this year.

Glad to See a Munchkin in the Mini Mall

You guys are amazing! I love the animals that you have offered to us, and I have a nice collection of some of them.

We have cats at home too, and one of them is a breed called Munchkin. You now have offered us a Munchkin for our people, and that is amazing!

I know that Munchkins are a new breed, and I had figured that one wouldn’t be offered any time soon. Lo and behold, there he is, with his short little legs and all! Our Munchkin’s color is orange tabby where yours is more a tiger stripe, but that isn’t important to me. They are just so darn cute!

Thank you bunches!!


Editor: Ah yes… the “Cuddle Cats” and the “Playful Kitty”! Glad you noticed and that you’re enjoying those little munchkins.

Where to Riot!

Dear Pogo_Tahd,

I’m writing in response to the letter from Mr. Riotless in the January 25th Letters to the Editor.

I, too, am disheartened by the lack of players for the fabulous game, Word Riot. I have found that there are a number of people who play between 6:00 and 9:00 PM EST in the Classic Room, 40’s Carbonated Beverages. I added Word Riot to my list of favorite games so that I can easily see how many people are playing at any time. When I see that a few are playing, I can load up the game and go find them. In addition, for those who have at least a rough understanding of how the game is played, there are several tournaments occurring every day under the expert tab. The people there are friendly; they will not put anyone down or ask them to leave if they do not play well – instead, they will do their best to assist new players in learning whatever format they happen to be using.

That being said, I, for one, would like to see Word Riot offered as a free game, instead of downloadable. Or, perhaps, as a free download. I would gladly forfeit the money I paid for the game for the opportunity to play more often. It really is a terrific game.

Thank you

Editor: Thanks for the information! Those who love the game can definitely use that information. The game is a lot of fun, and while we won’t be offering it for free, I do hope that more people do end up playing it.

January 27 WordSearch Daily Puzzle Isn’t Working!

I know–I’m being a pest, but it never ends…

Please see attached screen shot…

Changeover at midnight, Pacific time… WordSearch Daily puzzle came up–UNPLAYABLE!!

If the game doesn’t have enough words to be playable, WHY did the programmers put it there? (Clicking on the ‘Ok’ pop-up message doesn’t close the window; one must leave the room)

Why didn’t they correct the problem before doing such a stupid thing–knowing full well that the game was not playable, leaving a message saying such…

They’re like The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight…

Editor: Hey now! Let’s be nice. We are a bunch of humans over here, and on occasion, mistakes are made. We maintain over 150 games, and on occasion flub ups *will* happen.

Thankfully, this flub up will be fixed in an upcoming release, and you’ll be able to play it then.

Tumbull Beez Haz a Mispelleded Wurd!

I just have to point out an ironic error that I found while doing the Mix and Match badge for Tumble Bees. When I finished my first game, the message popped up “You’ve spelt 7 of 10 words of 6 or more letters that start with ‘L’ toward earning the Yum Yum Badge.”

Spelt? In a spelling game? Too funny Pogo! Thanks for the giggles!


Spell, spelled, has spelled.

Editor: While that version of the word may be a little like the grain, in that it’s ancient, believe it or not, it’s actually not incorrect. It’s definitely more common in the UK, but a quick trip to The Oxford Dictionary does… oh dear… wait for it… *spell* it out for us.

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