Archives, Letters to the Editor|January 4, 2012 12:56 PM

Happy New Year! Mahjongg Missteps, Messy Mini Mall and MORE!

My, What Tensions with Mahjongg Dimensions!

Dear Editor,

How can you have a Weekly Challenge in a game that is impossible to get into. I have been trying all morning to play Mahjongg Dimensions for this weeks Weekly Badge.

Apparently the new game format cannot handle the load… You would figure that the developers would have tested this game out before they added it as a Weekly Challenge. Apparently they did not.

So I would like something other than the standard reply of “you have all week to do the Badge”. Well it is impossible to do the Badge when we can not get into the game to play. I click start from the game page then get the Pogo logo with a white bar that fills up all the way to green then just sits there and does nothing once bar is filled, game does not load.

We pay hard earned money in order to be able to do these Badges, I even tried live chat, but it does not connect. So, apparently the help section is not fixed yet either. This is frustrating. I have a limited amount of time to make progress on Badges during the week. I expect some to be harder than others this is not the usual rant on that subject. We cant obtain badges if we can not play the game.

Editor: Thanks for writing. Unfortunately, Mahjongg Dimensions has had some ongoing issues today, which is making this week’s Challenges even more of a challenge. We are working on it, and we do expect it to be fixed and stable soon.

We should have done a better job of ensuring the game would work properly before releasing it as a Weekly Challenge, and on behalf of Club Pogo, I apologize for our not doing so.

In regards to the issues you’ve had with our new Help Center, we are continuing to work with the Customer Experience team to improve that experience, and I will forward your e-mail to their management.




2012 Completion Badge Not Appearing in Badge Album

I have finished my 2011 Album and the badge for it is just showing up with a rectangle and a little red cross, the icon is showing and that’s all. A lot of us at Pogo are complaining about the same thing. I do hope you can do something to rectify this.

By the way….Happy New Year to Pogo and staff, I love this site.

Thanking you…


Editor: Thanks Edna, and to everyone who pointed this out. Indeed, it is missing, and it’s something we’ll be fixing in an upcoming release.




Did They Make a Change and Forget to Tell Us?

I’ve lived in Michigan all 43 of my years. One of the first things we are taught in grade school is HOMES. It stands for Huron – Ontario – Michigan – Erie – Superior.

I live about 45 minutes from Lake Huron. If I go two hours to Detroit I can get to Lake Erie. When I take my daughter to college in the upper peninsula of Michigan we go over the Mackinaw bridge which has Lake Michigan on one side and Lake Huron on the other. When she gets to college you can see Lake Superior. We don’t actually touch Lake Ontario but we like to claim it anyway.

Michigan has an upper and lower peninsula. They are called peninsula’s because they are surrounded on four sides by water. The water being of course the Great Lakes.

You can imagine my surprise then when the clue to 62 across on the New Years Eve puzzle was Great Lakes st. and I couldn’t fit Michigan in there any which way. The answer was Wisc. Really? The badger state does touch on two of the Great Lakes, but being the Great Lakes state is a point of pride with most of us Michiganders.

They can have their badgers and leave our lakes alone.

Editor: Oops! Sorry about that. Indeed, Wisconsin is not the Great Lakes State. They are, as you stated, the Badgers state, which I will assume means that every Wisconsin citizen is required to earn each and every Club Pogo Badge from every Challenge possible. I might be wrong on that, however.




Enough with the Quick Quackery – Let’s Give it Up for the Ducks in 2012!

Happy New Year Editor Tahd and all the Pogo staff,

I wanna talk Quick Quack. It’s a fun little game, Pogo people.

I know it got a bad rap, many years ago.

All because of 1 Weekly (or should I say “Weakly”) Challenge.

But, honestly, once you get the hang of it, it’s like playing Uno by yourself.

I would like to see it rise in popularity, see more people in the rooms.

Let’s get all our ducks in a row and go quackers for Quick Quack.

See you in the 50’s rooms.


Editor: Ya know, ducks can walk, ducks can fly, they can swim, and they know the reason why. Thanks for feeding the ducks a little love in the new year!




From Ducks to Androids!

Dear Pogo,

I haven’t seen this question addressed yet, but I’m sure you’ve been asked a gazillion times.

Is there an Android App coming anytime in the near future from Pogo? I know there is one for iPhones but don’t leave us ‘out-of-box’ers out. I’d really enjoy being able to play Pogo on my Android phone. If there are or aren’t plans, please let me know so my little mind is at ease.


Android Lover

Editor: You know I can’t actually say anything about this, but if I could – I’d probably say something like “you have reason to be hopeful.”




Happy New Year! Let’s Wallpaper the Kitchen!

I want to wish all of you at Pogo a very merry holiday season. I also want to thank you for providing a website in which to wind down after a long day in the kitchen. After long hours cooking, I look forward to plugging into Pogo to relax after work.

In addition, if anyone needs wallpaper, I have plenty!

Again, have a great holiday and thanks very much for Pogo.

Robert Jameson




Enjoyed the Interview with Albert C!

Dear Pogo Editor,

Thanks for sharing Albert and his family with me. Up until now, Pogo was just a lot of games I enjoyed playing in my spare time. I never thought about the people who make this possible.

I now feel the human element in this fantastic site.

To you, Albert and all the Pogo people who bring so much enjoyment to so many of us, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a healthy and Happy New Year.

Editor: Thanks for writing! Glad you enjoyed our Behind the Scenes with Albert C interview!




Mini Mall a Major Mess!

Dear Ed,

Welcome back and Happy New Year!

The Mini Mall appears to be in a big mess! New Items and Sale Items are mixed in with the General Population of items. This is really a pain in the keister! It takes too much precious time away from the games to have to sift and sort our way through every page to find the new & sale items.

Can we please get them put back at the beginning of each category so that they’re easier & quicker to find?

Thanks so much and a Healthy New Year to everyone at Pogo!

Happy 2012!!

Editor: Yup – we didn’t do anyone any favors by re-releasing a whole slew of items over the new items. We have learned from the error of our ways, and won’t do that again.




Pogo Saved My Life. Not Kidding!

To Whom It May Concern: I’ve been a Club Pogo Member for over eight years now. I know that many people of said that Pogo was “their lifeline”… etc., etc., BUT, I am truly saying that Pogo has SAVED my life!

In 2009, my husband passed away after two years of failing health in which I cared for him completely alone. Then in April, 2010, my mother also passed away after four years of having strokes and progressive dementia. By this time I was close to death myself. After six long years my loved ones were finally at peace and suffering no longer, but as for myself… I had gotten lost somewhere along the way. That’s a very long time with no contact (except for medical personnel) with the outside world. And believe me when I say that having to watch that person whom you love so much have a little piece of themselves die each and every day… there is NO way humanly possible NOT to be extremely affected both mentally and physically!

That’s where Pogo comes in! At that moment in my life I had reached a crossroad… I didn’t know myself… I truly believed that my job here on earth was finished… there was no life to live… all that was left was a dark void of nothingness!

BUT, I had the utmost pleasure of meeting so many people that had experienced similar and/or were going through some of the same things as I was! Amazing, I wasn’t alone after all! People DO still care about others!

I know this may sound trivial to some, but sitting here playing the games on Pogo and talking to so many different people from all around the world literally Saved My Life!!!!

So, from the depths of my heart and soul, I thank you for being here for people such as myself! Who knows… now… maybe I can turn around and be there for someone that needs a friend or just wants to play a game of Spades and know someone’s here for them!



P.S. I’m so sorry… I truly did have a question concerning the game of CLUE: Secrets & Spies! LOL From what I’ve gathered so far I think I’m going to love this new one, but do we have to BUY new episodes?? Do we get ONE… I’ll call them “Cases”… FREE each month? I’m just not certain of how CLUE works for us Club Members! I always work and try very hard to earn all the Tokens and Badges that I already have acquired! I appreciate any and/or all the help you can give me concerning this game!

Editor: Thanks so much for your letter. We merely provide the games. The support you received from our players is truly awe inspiring, and your letter really warms our hearts!

As for CLUE: Secrets & Spies, Club Pogo players do receive free episodes (that’s what we call ’em) from time to time, so you’ll want to keep your eyes on the CLUE store on occasion!




Thanks for the Holiday Countdown!

Dear Editor,

I just wanted to THANK POGO. For the great count down for the holidays. I have M.S. and a very sick husband and we live in the middle of nowhere. So not much of a Christmas any more for a boys gone and grown up.

So every day going to the Countdown was like having a great Christmas with my children again.

Again THANK YOU POGO for the great Christmas season.





Here’s a Jingle for Ya!

St. Nick and my Pogo by Mrs. Nick (Sherry) van Helsdingen

For Christmas last year I got Pogo
From an online boyfriend, who would holler
As loud as he could in my virtual ear
“This gift will be worth every dollar.”

We’ve played every day of this year
He’s won, and I’ve won and we’ve tied
We’ve played with each other and played by ourselves
And we’ve laughed and we’ve cried and we’ve sighed.

BUT… I finally hit a big jackpot!
The pay off, it was a big win.
He went down on his knees and said,
“Oh Baby, please”
I replied, “Just a sec… I must spin”

And I spun and I won the most wonderful fella
We married this summer, out on his back porch.
We placed in the corner, a short guest of honor
And what did we name the gnome? Pogo, of course!

My hubby, myself and our gnome in the corner
Send greetings all over the world,
To all our new friends we will cheerfully say,
“Season’s Greetings and on Pogo may all of you play!”

Editor: Love it! Thanks for sharing!




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