Archives, Ms. Netiquette|June 30, 2006 1:40 PM

I Am Offended By These Not-So-Minis!

Ms. Netiquette,

Wow, talk about offended!

I come to Pogo to play games, chat with friends and escape the “real world.” And now look at Pogo going and trying to be “politically correct” by bringing us ‘Plus Sized Mini’s’. Uh– HELLO– if people actually requested these things they must be OUT of their minds. I get enough flack from being a plus sized woman in the real world and do NOT need my mini being trashed by the rude, offensive, bad-mouthed people out there that have no tolerance for us FABULOUS plus sized people.

Yes I am proud to be BBW (big beautiful woman) but my Mini? No thanks! This is my Fantasy world leave my mini a MINI. There are too many people in this world with no tolerance or in a less polite way of saying it. They are too immature to be polite and accepting of people for WHO they are and not what they LOOK like and sadly Pogo designers have the same taste it seems as the real world designers and give us “plus sized” people the ugliest things to wear.

HEY NEWS FLASH, just because we are bigger doesn’t mean we don’t want to look good too!! Give us pretty things to wear too not that garbage you have out so far. I personally look very good in the clothing I wear and would not be caught in the ‘stereotypical’ outfits Pogo has so kindly given us. I DO NOT wear muumuu’s or stretch pants only you know. I dress nice, i dress comfy and i look very good. If you INSIST on plus sized mini’s at least give options of tasteful clothing, classy, and beautiful like your ‘regular’ mini’s get.

Thank you,


Dear Furious Plus Sized Hottmama,

Yours is quite the letter! Upon reading it, I instantly knew I needed a spot of tea and a couple of biscuits before I could even begin to craft a thoughtful response.

Three cups and a few biscuits later I am still struggling. You seem to have two messages here, the first being that you don’t think that Pogo should have even released Not-So-Minis. The second being that you are not happy with the selection that was released.

Before I address your issues, let’s remember that the Minis are just for fun, and they are not now and never were meant to be accurate representations of anyone. That would be an impossible task. That being said, a lot of people do enjoy trying to create a Mini that looks at least a little bit like them. Thus, we offer different skin tones, different hair colors and styles, and a variety of options.

Now, let’s address your first message first. You say that the people who requested these items “must be OUT of their minds!” And then you go on to condemn this world because it has no tolerance. Hmm. I’m not sure I understand why you believe these people to be out of their minds. Yes, many people did request that the Mini Mall offer some more Not-So-Mini items, as they wanted their Minis to better represent their physical self. These folks simply wanted to have a more honest Mini.

While it is certainly a risk that people may be rude to someone because of their Mini, also understand that it’s against the Pogo Terms Of Service to engage in hate speech. If you are ever tormented by someone simply because of the size of your mini, you can report your abuser by using the Report Abuse feature.

Your second message refers to the choice of items that were released. We did not release any muumuus or stretch pants. We released five distinctly different types of outfits for the females and two outfits for the males. We felt the variety was in line with what we’ve released for the regular Minis.

That said, we recognize that not everyone is going to enjoy every Mini release. Some people will like the items released and others will not. I’m sorry you were unhappy with the selection.


Ms. Netiquette,

I am the proud owner of a Not-So-Mini Mini. Okay, I’m not a size 10. More like a size 18– *lol*– but that’s okay because I’m happy with who I am. I’ve had a lot of people, men and women alike, tell me that I’m being disrespectful because I “proudly” display the fact I’m fat. of course I make my Mini look like me! To make a mini in a string bikini is a down right lie and a lot of people have in their profiles comments about people who lie about what they look like on the computer.

So am I wrong to proudly display my Not-So-Mini me? Why is it that the “beautiful” thin people can’t realize that there are BEAUTIFUL BIG people out there in the world and I’m lucky to be one of them? If they don’t want to talk to me because I’m fat, that is their loss. I’m a down right easy going person and I have a lot of friends, in real life and on Pogo. They love me for who I am. So why do the rude ones have to make comments to me?

sign me:

Not-so-mini Me!

Dear Not-So-Mini Me,

Of course you are not wrong to proudly display your Not-So-Mini you. Most of us, thin people included, have not-so-mini friends who we love and adore and recognize as beautiful. The people who are telling you that you’re being disrespectful because of your Not-So-Mini are actually being disrespectful themselves by not respecting the choices you made when you created your Mini. If they don’t like it, they don’t have to look at it.

Why do the rude ones make comments to you? Well, they’re rude! That’s part of their personality. You can bet that they’re not only rude to people who have Not-So-Mini items, too. In other words– don’t take it personally, they’re rude to everyone. What can you do about them? If they are abusive, report them by using the “Report Abuse” feature. If you feel that they’re just annoying and that to report them would be overkill, then simply mute them and ignore them.

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