Archives, Ms. Netiquette|January 14, 2011 4:53 PM

I’m Tired of People Lying in the Polls!

Dear Ms. Netiquette,

I have been a Club Pogo member for some time now! Every time I finish my badges I go and do the badge poll. What surprises me is how many people lie when taking this badge poll on how much time it takes them to do a badge.

For instance the Rainy Day Spider Solitaire badge this week, I don’t think anyone could have finished that badge under an hour and a lot of people say that they did. I would love to know how they did it with out a cheat! Same with YAHTZEE There is no way you could finish that badge under an hour unless you were really lucky or you cheated!

We have had some pretty challenging badges throughout the months and it really surprises me when someone says they can get a badge done in under an hour when I know darn well there is no way. Some badges, sure. The no brainer badges? Yes, you can get those done in 5 minutes sometimes. But the challenging ones where just getting through one hand takes a half an hour some times, I think not.

I was just wondering if people that put out those polls who keep track of them, does it not raise a red flag to them when people say they can get certain games done under an hour? I mean I think we even had a Spades badge that everyone said they got done under an hour. There is just NO WAY.

I wish Pogo would come up with a timer on all the games so that when we do badges we have to use the timer so it tells us how long it takes us to do a badge. Then people can’t lie.

I never figured out what the big deal was about how long it took you to do a badge. If it took you an hour to do the badge or 2 hours to do the badge, don’t lie and say it took you under an hour. In reality, no one gives a crap about how long it took you. I read the polls because I like to see who did the badge and who did not. I don’t care about times. I also like to find out who liked what badge the most. So, next time you finish your badge in 2 hours and your edging towards choosing under an hour, please don’t. Those of us who do those particular games a lot know that you can’t finish those games under an hour. I laugh every time I see a dishonest vote. Please be honest.

Thank you,

Tired of Dishonest Badge Polls

Dear Tired of Dishonest Badge Polls,

I can tell you’re unhappy with the results of last week’s Badge Poll. Your only real question seems to be whether or not Pogo tracks and red flags players who choose an option that can’t be impossible. And the answer is no. This poll, like all web polls, is unscientific, and anonymous. We can tell if you voted, but we don’t know which options you chose.

But, before you get too terribly upset by what you perceive to be dishonesty, I urge you to check the facts. The YAHTZEE Challenge could be done in about 45 to 50 minutes in a “Fast Game” room, as stated in this week’s Letters to the Editor column. The Rainy Day Spider Solitaire Challenge requires you win 5 games without using the ‘Free Columns’. While I’m not great at the game myself and didn’t earn this Challenge, I do think that a player who is good playing on the “easy” level could probably finish a game in 10 minutes, thus completing the challenge in just under an hour.

So, in this week’s case, I think we’re all wise to give these folks who chose the “Less than an Hour” option the benefit of the doubt.

Do some people lie in these polls? I’m most certain that some people do. Most people, I believe, do not. Or if they do, it’s only because they made a mistake – which I’ve done myself on occasion.

Accusations are tricky territory. Unless you have hard proof that someone is being dishonest, as you will soon see in the next letter, you are wise to not make them.


Dear Ms. Netiquette,

I hope you had a Merry Christmas and your New year came in with a pleasant Bang!

First – this compliment is way overdue – would you please thank the creator(s) of Boardwalk Sea ball..It is a true delight to play and consumes most of my Pogo playtime!

Recently, my loving game has not been quite as enjoyable, as I have been accused of using a program. If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s people who cheat… and I’m not being accused by one player but by a gang of people who are buddies.

One day one of the players came in and said “Nothing like a good Sunday afternoon spanking” and then left. Soon, another came in and said after playing for a while, “my game is acting up, someone is using a program!” A player not involved said “Who?” and she quipped, I’d never accuse, but they know who they are.

Several days later, the whole gang came was in the room and they all started saying how their game was messing up and someone was using a program. Now, I will say I wondered if the were thinking it was me since I’ve learned to play pretty good and win quite a bit . Well, the leader of the gang said “Ok, I can’t stand it anymore” and announced she was going to reveal the player using a program… and then she typed in my name. Then she added “It’s ok if that’s the only way you can win” I can’t stand drama either and just responded with “No I’m not” and decided the less I say the better and they’ll go away.

Tonight I won 7 games in a row and scored high the squid round, and a player popped up and said” oh there’s no doubt, you do have a program, I’ve never seen a score that high”! and they left. Now it appears the friends I once had think I am and it truly hurts me, because I’m an honest player that’s played the game shortly after if was released and have had a lot of practice.

Nothing would please me more if I could prove that I’m playing Boardwalk on the up & up. Can you tell me, are there programs? Is there anyway that Pogo can tell if someone is indeed using one. If this were possible, it would be wonderful if you could say so… just so these people will hush up permanently – not just for, myself but for all the players that are good and are accused.

It’s sad when I enter my favorite room and friend and foe leave. My husband said I should purposely lose so I will stop being accused… I told him I don’t think I should since I’m playing honestly, and I’m aiming to make my win status greater than my losing stats.

Your input would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much for your time,

An HONEST player!

Dear Honest Player,

It’s a horrible experience to be accused of doing something that you are not doing, and not having the ability to prove that the accusations are false. You and a lot of really good players are in the same boat.

Unfortunately, there are programs that do play the games for you. We can tell if an account has been using them, and every prize winner is put through an account audit. If it’s determined that a cheat program has been used, the prize is forfeited.

However, that’s not a lot of help when you’re trying to play a game and having to endure the false claims of people you used to consider friends, or potential friends. So, what can you do?

First off, you’ll have to accept that when you play as well as you do, accusations will occur. This happens everywhere – not just on Pogo. Really good athletes are often accused of taking performance enhancements. As we know, that is not always the case, but the accusations persist. Same thing here. When you’re really good, the accusations come.

I advise you to deny the accusation once, and then proceed to mute the accusing players. You could even say: “Read my letter in the January 14th Ms. Netiquette column – I do not cheat”. If the accusations persist, simply mute the accusers.

You don’t want to protest too much, as it often just causes more strife in the chat. You have to be the reasonable one here. One denial, and then a muting of all those who accuse puts you in the place of control. You’ve addressed their concerns, but you’re not going to let them get to you.

I recognize that this is a less-than-perfect solution. You are, in effect, being punished for playing well. However, life isn’t fair, and this is merely one more example of that truth. So, you look for the best way to handle each situation and carry on.

Most importantly, you know you’re not a cheater, and most of these people will tire of giving you grief once they realize they’re never going to get the reaction they crave.


Hi Nettie,

To “Outraged by Requests” (Ms. Netiquette, 12/17/20100), one other reason in addition to the excellent ones you stated (but pigeon hunting Nettie? Really?) for not accepting is that the person already there may be waiting for others they are expecting to join them.

I usually make the room private and use a password when that happens. But in a four person game, not all the people may have my password. Or, at times, being the senior person that I am, I want to play privately with the good old bot and I’ll forget to make the room private until someone wants to join me. At that point I will finish my game and then make a private room to continue.

And, while I’m writing, regarding your response to “Long Time Pogo Player”, when you find those magic cookies that make you thinner, can you please send me the recipe?

I enjoy your column and I have to say, I really have no complaints whatsoever about Pogo.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and here’s to 2011!

Happy Pogo Camper

Dear Happy Pogo Camper,

And a happy New Year to you too! Thank you for your reminder and all your kind words.

Indeed, I did neglect to include those players who were awaiting others and had for whatever reason not made the game private. That probably does happen more frequently than people leaving the table to go pigeon hunting. I said “probably”! It could happen.

If ever I come across those magic cookies, I’ll let you know… unless supplies are limited, in which case, well… you’re on your own! ;)

Have a wonderful weekend!


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