Archives, Ms. Netiquette|April 1, 2011 3:56 PM

In Defense of Rudeness!

Look Lady,

I’m sick of you telling people to use the mute and to “ignore the abusers”. I am a rude person, and I’m proud of it. I’ve turned being rude and obnoxious into an art form and when people mute me or ignore me, it’s like a slap in my face. I’ve invested hours and hours into perfecting my unique brand of rudeness and I don’t want anyone to miss out.

Here are some of my specialties (in case you want to hire me for parties):

  • Calling “Bingo” in Sharing Rooms
  • Going into full rooms and telling everyone to leave because it’s *my* room!
  • Spreading Rumors – like the one about how Pogo is supposed to shut down today.
  • TYPING IN CAPS, not to communicate better, but to yell
  • Using horrible language
  • Making fun of other people when they lose
  • Partnering up with people in 4-player games and losing on purpose
  • Saying outlandish things to get rooms riled up

The list goes on and I’m practicing new methods every day. Your constant suggestion that people should use the “mute” is interfering with my ability to annoy the greatest number of people in the smallest amount of time, and I don’t like it.

So, please, for the sake of those of us who make rudeness an every day part of our lives, stop telling people to mute us!

Rude and Proud

Dear Rude and Proud,

Please accept my deepest apologies. Clearly my advocating the mute has interfered with your life’s mission and I will cease from offering that advice in the future.

Instead, I will tell players to learn to appreciate the level of rudeness that they encounter and applaud the efforts of those who have honed their craft in such a way that it causes great upset!

Good luck to you in your endeavors!



Me talk like caveman. Me think everyone should. It cause problem in chat. People mad say I annoying. Me say: less words, same meaning. Less wear tear on hands when type and mouth when talk. How I make so no one mad?

Caveman Talker

Caveman Talker,

Agree. Me start too. Column much shorter fewer words. People say “Nettie longwinded”. This solve problem.

Tell players: “Not my problem. Yours”. Be done. Drink tea.


Dear Ms. Nettie,

I am easily offended. I get offended at nearly everything I see in chat. In fact, I’m offended by what I just typed.

Yesterday a man entered a Lottso! room I was in and said “Hello and good luck, everyone.” I was not having good luck, and was instantly offended and told him “I’m offended because I’m not having good luck”. He said “Maybe your luck will change now that I’m here!” and then my luck did change and I became internally conflicted.

I found this internal conflict to be offensive so I reported him, but Pogo did not remove him and cancel his account.

Why is Pogo so unfair?

Already Offended by Your Answer


You good audience for first letter writer. Learn appreciate abuse. Don’t mute. Pogo like life. Unfair. Drink tea.


(APRIL FOOL! Thanks for indulging me – this is the first time the column has landed on April Fools Day, and I couldn’t resist! Special thanks to the editor for his help, and we will return to real questions and answers next week. Drink tea!)


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