Ms. Netiquette|January 13, 2012 5:39 PM

Just Here to Play Pool – Not “Strip” Pool!


I love to play High Stakes Pool on Pogo, and I’m usually an 8 Ball player. Recently I decided to try playing 9 Ball.

Apparently, I didn’t receive the memo stating that in order to play 9 Ball, you have to constantly affronted with people who think the game is actually “Strip Pool”.

In the span of an hour this morning, I was accosted be two players who, even though maybe they were joking, proceeded to tell me to strip off another article of clothing every time I lost a game.

I can ignore most things, but when a player starts to describe certain parts of the female body, I get offended. If this happens again, should I report these players? I don’t want to be “that” person, because everyone has their fun in different ways, but it’s starting to get annoying. This is a game site, not a sex site!


Just Want to Play!

Dear Just Want to Play!

What an unpleasant experience! I’m so sorry you had to put up with these cads.

You hit the nail on the head when you said “This is a game site, not a sex site!” and thus, you’re not being “that” person by reporting the Terms of Service violators when they initiate sex talk. Rather they are being “those” people by doing it to begin with!

So, to answer your question – yes, if you happen experience this type of behavior again, you should report them.


Dear Ms. Netiquette,

I entered a room the other day, I was placed there because I clicked the “Play Now” button. I said “hi” on entering and received no response, so I played the game presuming chats were muted. There was only one person there I just kept playing. Later I see 2 messages in the chat room saying “PLEASE LEAVE”, and a third saying “I was in this room alone for a reason, thank you for ruining my day” in caps as well.

I was busy playing and did not see them before the person left. When you have no control of where you land, it can’t be helped, are these personal private rooms?

Didn’t Mean to Intrude

Dear Didn’t Mean to Intrude,

Expecting to have a game room entirely to yourself makes about as much sense and joining a gym because when you walked by there was nobody there but the employees, and then expecting that you’ll be the only person there, ever.

Whenever you enter a room and someone says “Please leave”, you’re really not doing that person a favor by leaving. At first, sure, they’ll be happy that you followed their command. But soon, some other player will enter the room, and that same player will have to make that same request once again. Sooner or later, someone is going to stay. Why not you?

Plus, you don’t want to encourage their demanding behavior. They could, essentially, have the entire room to themselves by clicking the tool icon above the Who’s Here List and simply unchecking the “Show Chat” option.

So, if you should enter a room and are greeted with “Please leave”, simply mute that player so that you don’t have to see when they say such ridiculous things like “Thanks for ruining my day.” If your day is ruined when someone enters the same game room you’re in, well – count your blessings! Most of us would be deliriously happy to have such trivial problems!


Ms. Netiquette,

Some time ago you posted different settings in chat that just show progress, friends only etc. Could you repost those for us old timers as well as the newer folks that might like it?

Thanks in advance.

Badge Progress? Yes. Chat? No.

Dear Badge Progress? Yes. Chat? No,

Sure thing – it seems fitting after the last letter, and it’s always appreciated when I provide this reminder. Simply type the following in the chat and it will mute everyone in there:

/m *

That’s a slash, the letter ‘m’, a space and an asterisk.

You’ll still be able to see your Badge progress, as well as any Pogo messaging. You can also type it out: /mute *

Finally, when you want to unmute all those players, simply type:

/unmute *

Good luck!


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