Archives, Letters to the Editor|January 10, 2012 1:00 PM

Mahjongg Messaging, Badge Album Misprint, Overstaying Elves, Marvelous Mods and MORE!

Happy New Year!

I want to wish all at Pogo a happy and prosperous New Year. Thanks so much for all the free tokens. I always look forward to Thursday knowing they are there.

Thanks again and keep them coming!

Mary Grounds
Aka magrounds36.

Editor: Aww… thanks so much, and right back atcha! Make sure you pay attention tomorrow! There’s a little extra sumpin’ sumpin goin’ on with Triple Token Thursday!

Did You People Catch Mahjongg Dementia or Something?

Dear Editor,

I see where some others have some issues with this new game. I was able to complete the badge, but I had to go out to home and then click the game to continue.

What a mess.

I wish they had chat in the game and explained some more what the specials are and what they really do (the 2x, etc.) And it would be nice if could easily get to other games. But most of all, How do you turn OFF the music/noise? I don’t see how except by muting my computer (I usually mute the game and listen to my own music) and the noise really gets on the nerves.

Also, thank you for the games and trying to update them. I’ve been playing a new one but haven’t seen any PR on it from you folks. The game is The Biggest Brain. I like it and hope to see it on a daily challenge some day.


Editor: Yes, last week’s Challenge was less than smooth. More than bumpy, even. We do apologize for the many issues that the game encountered and are looking into why so many people had issues.

As for the music, it’s actually pretty easy – look for the “wrench” icon in the upper right hand side of the game screen. Click on it, and you can turn off both the sound effects and/or the music.

I Won Two, But the Naughty Badge Book Says I’ve Only Won One!

I have done both Challenges, yet my 2012 book says “1 of 2”. Same with my hubby’s account. If we do not get credit for having won the Challenge, then we will not get a completed book at the end of the year. Inside the book shows both Challenges won.

Can this be fixed please?

Thank you,

Mary Ranta (aka nanamer2002)

Editor: Sorry about that! It is a bug on our end, and we do expect to have it fixed in an upcoming release. Everyone still has been credited (just look in your Badge Book), but the numbering is off by one. We’ll have that and the Mix-n-Match album fixed soon!

Messaging About Mahjongg Dimensions Much Appreciated!

Dear Editor,

I want to take a moment to vent please.

I am a paying member of Club Pogo and have been for a number of years. I have seen many changes over the years. I have read a lot of complaints and kudos as the changes have been implemented.

Pogo just released a new game again (thanks for keeping things interesting and fresh) and then put out a Badge for said game (again, thanks for keeping things interesting and fresh). This has been the pattern for years!

What is new is that Pogo was able to update me on FB that there was a problem! I cannot thank you enough for updating FB with the news that there was an issue. I know it gave folks a venue for fussing and complaining, but it also allowed the rest of us less-than-perfect people know that pogo was aware of the issue and were working on it and our imperfect world would once again have human intervention and everything would be okay in time.

Those who are perfect, got to complain and whine and tell Pogo they deserved something for free because they never make mistakes or have things go wrong unexpectedly in their world and the rest of us got updates and hope that all would be good in a few hours.

Thank you.

No name please.

Editor: Thanks for your encouragement, and I’m glad our use of Facebook was successful for this. For those who do not have Facebook accounts – have no fear – we actually include our Facebook feed right in the Pogo News page, so if you think there may be issues, check there.

Furthermore, for Club Pogo, we will be implementing better system wide messaging for future issues.

Pogo Elves in Today’s Newspaper!

2 interesting items in today’s newspaper.


Short folks, pointy hats & shoes & tools, supplied. Needed to make toys for next Christmas.

Elf experience and fear of bowling balls required.

Apply ASAP! and IN PERSON! to Mr or Mrs S. Claus


Short guys wearing green suits & pointy red hats. Last seen at the PogoLand Bowling Alley.

Urgently needed to start work on Christmas toys.

If located, please return to the North Pole, ASAP!! or notify & I will be more than happy to hop into the sleigh & pick them up.

S. Claus

Fun for a bit, but way too long. Was glad though, that we didn’t have to deal with that dizzying candy cane ball. Hope it’s lost for good.


Editor: Thanks to everyone who wrote about the Pogo Elves in Pogo Bowl overstaying their welcome. ;) As of yesterday, they packed it up and went back north to the North Pole.


Speaking of Polls…

Dear Pogo Editor,

I wanted to say thank you for adding my poll to Pogo. It was really great and fun to see it on the Pogo news page Jan. 7th, 2012.

There was just one thing. I know that in the email they said it would be edited etc., BUT did you really have to add the game Greenback Bayou to the list??? I really, really, really, really hate that game and don’t go near it unless it pops up in a weekly Badge Challenge. I’m not the only one that feels this way about said game.

Also, I went into some rooms where I knew fellow Pogo players and asked if they had taken the poll, that it was my poll and they went and voted. They as well as I couldn’t believe that people were actually voting for Greenback. One person said that they voted for it cause they thought it was funny but because Pogo wouldn’t do anything about the poll anyway and would not revamp and or add ranks to any of the games listed anyway so the vote didn’t matter and voted Greenback for the fun of it. I feel that you know just as well as I do about how the MAJORITY of people feel about that game and therefore it really devalued the outcome and the purpose of my question for the poll.

I have talked to many a Pogo players and they agree that if there were ranks in some of the games below such as Dice Derby more people would play it. They like the game but since there are no ranks and Badges not many play it and therefore there really is no chat since BOTS don’t talk yet. Many have stated that if Cribbage and Backgammon were “modernized and revamped” with ranks that they would play those games more often as well. Hearts if revamped like Spades was and ranks and Badges added would also again be a big hit. Vaults is already popular by a lot but it would be great to have ranks there as well.

Anyway, just wanted to say thank you, and I hope you do look into the following games as people do like them, some just need an extra bonus of ranks to make the games a little more popular while some really do need make overs and brought up to the Pogo game style we are use to and love!!

Thank You,


Editor: Sorry about that… I did add Greenback Bayou to the list for a bit of fun. I’ve forwarded the results to the folks who plan for additional ranks, and I can guarantee you – something I rarely even do anymore because whenever I seem to do it I’m proven wrong, but this time I know I won’t be – we will not be creating additional ranks for Greenback Bayou.

Endless Love Premium Badge Album 2 Badges Short!

Dear Editor,

I am a bit surprised that you are charging 86 gems for the Endless Love Badge that only includes 8 Challenges. Suffice to say, you did mention in the text of the album that one should “Complete all 8 badges to unlock a Super Secret Badge. Makes a great gift for Valentine’s Day!” However, while this is all well and good, 86 gems for less than 10 badges within a premium album is a bit excessive. Hence, you may want to change the sentence that appears at the bottom of the album cover, which reads: “Complete all 10 challenges to receive the secret Endless Love Super Badge!” so as not to confuse new members.

Editor: We did receive a smattering of letters regarding the 8 Badge Premium Badge Album costing the same as a 10 Badge PBA. We didn’t do a very good job of messaging why we did this.

If you go through the Challenges in the Endless Love PBA, you’ll see that there’s a storyline. Each animated Challenge Badge is a chapter of that story. Most PBAs are a collection of stand alone Badges, but this one actually tells a story. So, as you can imagine, it did require a bit more finessing and continuity. Thus, the 8 Badges instead of 10.

We hope you’ll enjoy the love story within the Badge Album and if you see other PBAs with only 8 Challenges instead of 10, you’ll know why.

As for the misprint – that will be fixed in an upcoming release.

How Does One Disengage Pogo from Facebook?

How do I get my Pogo off my Facebook account?

I didn’t want it there and I don’t want my Facebook to show what I am doing.

I seldom use Facebook anyway and certainly not for all my ‘friends’ to know how much time I’m playing.

Thank you.

Editor: There are a few ways to do this. Both on Pogo and on Facebook. To stop this from happening on Pogo, go to the Pogo Settings page and uncheck “Automatically publish posts about certain activities to my Facebook Wall”. You may also choose to uncheck “Use my photo and name from Facebook”.

Furthermore, you can “unlink” your Pogo account from your Facebook account by going to your Pogo Profile Page and clicking “Remove link with Facebook” in the Facebook section. If this button does not exist, you must convert your account first by going to the Convert Account Page. Please note that if your account is already converted the link will send you to the Pogo homepage.

On Facebook itself, you can edit your settings on Facebook by logging into Facebook, clicking the “Account” drop down on the upper right side of the page and choosing “Privacy Settings”. From there, look for “Applications and Websites” near the lower left corner and click that. That will take you to a page that shows all of the Applications you’re using. Click on, and look for “Post to My Wall”. Click “Remove” and people will no longer see your activities.


Appreciation for Forum Moderators!


There are a lot of Pogo users that are unaware that our great forum Moderators donate their time for free and are MEMBERS, just like we are. The forum is a MEMBER to MEMBER forum. It has become a great, clean, fun place to be, directly because of the altruistic efforts of these Moderators. They have gone out of their way, above and beyond, to provide the best possible experience on the forums for free as well as Club Members of Pogo.

There have been many changes taking place on Pogo, some that are very positive and welcome, as well as those that have caused a great deal of hiccups that have since turned into ‘belches’ that all of us, including the Moderators, have had to endure.

The Moderators have gone out of their way to provide the most up to date information, up to and including, taking the time to research, investigate and then post in great detail any possible solutions to assist those who have found their way to the forums to obtain assistance because they were unable to do so via other means by EA/help nor by phone, for whatever reason.

They have become the LIFELINE for Pogo members to obtain information and assistance. They are rolling along with the rest of us, with all the changes that have taken place, here on Pogo and are doing the best job that anyone can expect of them to get all of us through all of these ‘belches’ in one piece.

They are taking the brunt and full force of the anger, irritation, frustration, aggravation and outright hostility that is actually intended to be directed at those responsible at EA/Pogo but instead it is landing squarely in their laps instead.

Many take for granted that they are there and that they are giving up their time of their own free will. But they have done more for Pogo users during these difficult times, when there are a multitude of technical problems on this site and have never wavered in their dedication to assisting the Pogo users.

I, for one, THANK them from the bottom of my heart and ask that those who are as frustrated as they are please give them a break. They are not responsible for the difficulties on this site and are doing their very best to assist those that need to be assisted.

Editor: The words you write are very true. The moderators on the Pogo Forums are incredibly helpful and we are incredibly lucky to have their expertise and loyalty. Hats off to them, and I do hope your letter reminds us all of the great service they provide.

Furthermore, I hope everyone who is active on the message boards occasionally lets the moderators know that they are supremely appreciated. Thanks for writing!

But Where are the Ducks?!


I bought the new Badge Album that was released on the 29th. One Badge is is in Stack’em it says get 510 ducks.

Well, I don’t see ducks. Are they the yellow ones that look like chickens? I have been trying and it does not give me credit for them.

Can you please help.

Thank you

Editor: To see the ducks in Stack’em, make sure you’re playing under either “Normal” or “Hard”. Right now, you’re playing under “Easy”. Simply change it, and the ducks will come!

No Exchange Policy in the Mini Mall?!

Hi Tahd,

Happy New Year and welcome back!! I expect you had happy holidays and apparently they were safe ones. That’s good, so you can keep things under control at Pogo during this next year. LOL

While I was freezing here, in the Northeast, I went shopping in the Mini Mall for some warm clothes. I couldn’t find warm sweaters in the women’s dept, so I slid over to the men’s dept and found a marvelously warm cable knit sweater that looked very similar to one I have in my own closet. I looked pretty good and felt warm in it. The only problem was when I tried it on I suddenly had changed gender!!!!!

But, I bought it anyway, figuring that when I returned to the women’s section, I’d be able to wear it. But, alas, I cannot without changing my gender. I apparently can’t return it because the store has no return policy. (I believe all sales are final, actually). I can’t exchange it for something else because there is no exchange policy (i.e. all sales are final).

SO, may I make a suggestion? Is there a possibility that nice looking, warm cable knit sweater be transposed onto a female body? Can keep it white (or off white), or even make it red (like the one I own). It would be nice to be able to come in from the snow and ice to warm up, sporting a nice warm sweater. Otherwise, I’ll have to spend my winters outside in my nice warm coats and hats, to keep warm. lol. The sweater is the only item I bought that just doesn’t fit with my gender. Is there any hope for that kind of transition? Would be ever so grateful if there is.

Keep up the good work everyone. You do a great job! Looking forward to a fun filled year with you all.

A very cool Pogo Addict

(pun intended)

Editor: Oh, the things we could learn if only every time we shopped in the opposite gender’s section of the department store we’d turn into that gender.

But alas, no… that will never happen, but it might make a good premise for a movie destined to do poorly at the box office.

I have passed your wish on to our Mini Mall planners for their consideration. If it’s to come, it will likely be next Winter. Think of it as us ensuring that you stay cool. ;)

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