Letters to the Editor|May 16, 2012 3:51 PM

Mothering Minis, Badge Spelunking, Gem Winning, Moon Shooting and MORE!

Mirthful About Mother’s Day Amazing Minis!

Hooray!!! The picks for Mothers Day were wonderful.

A lot of varied winners with a lot of varied themes. So much talent and so little time to tell each one WTG Congrats on your mini win. But wish I had the time to write every one of them . They were just wonderful.


Pogo in One Window, Solitaire Blitz On the Other!

It was amusing that I clicked over to Pogo and came across the article on Solitaire Blitz on Facebook. I had the game open in another window at the same time, waiting for my energy to fill up so I could play some more! LOL

I just wanted to say that I LOVE Solitaire Blitz, and it is one of only two games on Facebook that I actively play. (The other being Bejeweled Blitz) I really enjoy it, and before reading this article, I had always thought to myself how similar it is to Pogo’s Tri-Peaks. :)

Well done, PopCap… thanks for such a fun game!


Editor: Love it! It was a lot of fun to sit down with those guys and learn a little bit about their process of making such incredible games. If you haven’t yet, you might be entertained by our Interview with the Creators of Facebook Sensation Solitaire Blitz!

Editor Misses an Opportunity!

Dear Tahd:

You missed a perfect opportunity to make a perfect believer out of “Surprised by Zuma Challenge”. The writer mentioned a minor complaint about the embedded games because the player could not see the challenge progress without going to the main page. I, too, like the embedded games. Not at first, you know how resistant to change we all can be.

But as POGO fixed some of the minor glitches, it really grew on me. All except for the same minor complaint, until I went to the forums tab on my embedded game, and found one of the first posts was about that very same issue. I discovered that you can click on the Challenges tab without leaving the game and see your progress. You do have to refresh by clicking on another tab and then coming back after a while to get your updated status, but you do not have to leave the game.

That did it for me! I’m perfectly happy with the embedded games now. I do sympathize with those having loading issues, but other than that, a little patience while POGO fixed some minor issues, which I think were done rather quickly, and a little “giving it a chance”, got me over the initial shock of having to adjust.

I love you guys, I think you do a wonderful job of providing a forum for fun and friends.



Editor: If I had a dollar for every opportunity I missed… :-)

Thanks for your letter. Indeed, I did miss an opportunity and am grateful for your reminder, as well as your thoughts on the new embedded game pages. This has been the rockiest transition we’ve ever experienced here in Pogoland, and while we still have a ways to go, it’s good to see that some folks are seeing that there are improvements with it.

We are continuing to investigate and fix the issues that people have brought to our attention, and I’m very happy about one major thing that I’m not yet able to discuss. ;)

Ended Up Enjoying Shooting the Moon…

I bet the people who beg for more difficult challenges have been absolutely ecstatic the past couple of weeks but I don’t suppose it comes close to countering the vast number of people who are mightily upset. Count me as one. I keep wondering why you don’t give us an option of, “I equally hated them both, but for different reasons.”

Ever since seeing what we had to do to win the Hearts challenge, I was dreading it. I’m successful playing Hearts against robots the usual way but I had never attempted or even considered attempting to Shoot the Moon.

The very idea of wasting a huge hunk of my life trying to do something I knew I couldn’t had me thinking I should just skip it. After all, “challenges are optional.”

This morning, even though I hate the game, I went to poker first and after a while I got that badge, but then I was faced with Hearts… grumble, grumble.

I started Hearts in spite of my dread and misgivings and as I played I realized the best way to face this challenge was to not worry about it. I played according the hands I was dealt and calmly waited for hands that held promise. Getting the badge turned out to actually be possible for me and I even had a good time getting the badge… a waaaaaaaaaay better time than sitting through games of poker where the bots are always dealt better hands than I am! :D


Weird Sound Followed By Gems…

Veteran players of either the entire site of Pogo, or any favorite game, can easily identify those little particular sounds associated certain times of their game play.

Today, after playing a normal game of Beaker Creatures on “Hard” difficulty, I earned a jackpot spin. Knowing the sounds of the spinner was just moments away, my attention was distracted by my cell phone notifying me on an incoming text message.

*Quick Side Note* I think I’m one of the small handful of Pogo players who actually LIKE PLAYING Beaker Creatures.

I got up from my chair, walked to my phone and before I saw who text me, the computer started making “dinging” sounds. This was a particularly abnormal event and not a sound I have heard from the jackpot spinner since August of 2000…

I won 20 Gems!

Thank you Pogo!


Editor: Congrats! :) It’s always nice to win a little something!

Took Your Advice… And Now it Works


I hope you post this letter in your column so that people will stop and think before they claim they will never do this or that.

I too had issues with the embedded games when you first made the switch. But I took your advice and wrote to your help personnel and they suggested I not use Internet Explorer or AOL to log on, but to use Google Chrome. It worked like a charm. Thanks for that simple bit of help.

Now I see on the forums, people constantly saying they will “NEVER” switch to Google Chrome, and so I guess they want to continue to have issues. To me this complaint is like saying, “I do not want to buy batteries every couple of months, so I am not going to use the remote for my TV”. Or my old black & white set is good enough, who needs color? I am not promoting GC, but if it makes things work better, than what is the problem in using something updated? I doubt these naysayers are still using an old, table size PC that whirrs like a lawn mower when you turn it on.

Anyway, I for one enjoy the embedded games because they are user friendly, and make everything much larger and easier to read. I hope all of your games go embedded, and the sooner the better is all I can say. I think people hope the threat of not renewing will make you do what they want. hmmmm Good luck on that tactic. If you don’t pay your taxes will the president take advice only from you? LOL

Hang in there…. some of us LOVE the new view.

Have a great summer!!!

Editor: Very glad to hear that switching to Google Chrome worked for you! We continue to investigate and work so that our games also work on Internet Explorer (as well as Firefox). We don’t support the AOL browser, so folks using that really do need to change.

Caves Are for Spelunking!

This may be a little late but I’m sure it’s an issue that will come up again. I’m a little perturbed at the way you cave in so easily to complaints about badges. Aren’t badges supposed to be rewards for completing an optional “challenge”, not a guaranteed giveaway to everyone who buys a membership?

So far, several weekly badges have been altered due to complaints that they are “too hard”. The logical answer to this “problem” is to play a game you enjoy instead, why does Pogo go the other way and assume that everyone must feel same way as a very vocal few?

If you’ve read all the complaints about them then you must see how pointless it is and that you only make it worse when you show that you will altar them if a few members scream loudly enough. Every possible challenge already has it’s complaints anyway:

“It’s too easy”
“It’s too hard”
“I’m so sick of bingo challenges”
“Slot games shouldn’t be used because they’re based on luck, not skill”
“I don’t know how to play that game, if I can’t complete this album I’ll just die!”
“Quick Quack? Greenback? I’m cancelling my membership!”

and so on…

Then there are personal complaints ranging from “I have to work overtime all week” to “I spent most of the week in the hospital”! I’m sorry but a badge is not worth one second of your thoughts in these situations. The Vaults badge was the final straw though. This was a premium challenge that I looked forward to tackling only to find that the GAME ITSELF was altered to placate complainers!

I now get one bonus round after another and have completed the final round without getting a shark every time I play! I don’t know what’s worse; the fact that a game would be altered due to complaints about a badge or that you would change anything about a challenge that we have to pay for AFTER we bought it! What about those of us who actually like difficult badges? We can’t get them as weekly challenges anymore because too many people whine about it. All we have are challenges that we have to purchase but now it seems even those aren’t safe now! I’m sorry but nobody was forced to buy that album and the challenges are clearly spelled out. If you don’t like it, then DON’T BUY IT!

I’m not asking for challenges skewed to my taste. By all means, make the challenges as easy or difficult as you want, in any game you want. Just please stick to them once they’re released, especially the ones we pay for! Thank you.


A Badge Addict with Common Sense

Editor: Thanks for your thoughtful letter. For the most part, I do believe we stick to our guns when it comes to difficult Challenges (see this week’s Heart’s Challenge). There are occasions when we do receive a great deal of feedback about a particular Badge that makes us revisit the requirements. In most cases, we don’t change a thing.

However, there are some cases, and the Vaults of Atlantis “Island Holiday Badge” is certainly one of them, where we did investigate the requirements, and concluded that the Badge was, indeed, too difficult. And in a Pogo first, rather than change the requirements of the Challenge, we slightly changed the game.

In fairness to the folks who did buy the Island Dreams Premium Badge Album, I don’t think the majority of people recognized how unavoidable the sharks were.

So, while I do understand that it’s frustrating to complete a difficult Challenge, only to see it changed to be easier, I don’t think we do it as frequently as it might seem. We have at least 104 Weekly Challenges every year, and countless Mix-n-Match and Premium Badge Album Challenges. We change at most a few per year, so at least 99% of the Challenges we release remain as they were when they were released.

Chess Badge Caused New Friends!

Dearest Editor, I have to go back to my letter from last week where I said that I might go on my knees begging for the Chess badge.

Ha, didn’t have to!!! Met two very kind ladies in another room as I complained about the badge and they offered to help and I got the badge, yippee!!! Actually I got all my old one’s too.

We’re now on each others friends list and because of Chess I’ve gained two new friends.

Thank you very much.

And I love Zuma, thanks for that badge also.

Both badges done in one day and that is nice because now I can concentrate on getting my old weekly badges for the rest of the week.


Pogo Cookbook Recipes Tickle Family!

Hi Editor…

I found two recipes I tried that were great..

Easy Pot Roast – this was very good..My family was tickled I had found a new way to make pot roast… and the great part is they all liked it! Great flavor… easy to prepare.

Apple Pie Pot Roast – this was different than any roast I have ever cooked… it was delicious… next time I’m going to put in more apples, but I bought a small bag. Also easy to prepare…

My hats off to theses entries…they both should be given an A+.

These were the only 2 I have tried so far… This is a great idea of having the cookbook…



Editor: Glad you liked the recipes! I strongly encourage EVERYONE to hurry up and download the The Pogo Cookbook because it might not be available too much longer! And keep letting us know which recipes you like!

Thanks For Another Year

Hello Editor at Pogo:

I just wanted to say thank you for another great year for providing me hours of fun and a diversion from the excruciating pain and an illness that I have been experiencing for quite some time.

Anyway, I also wanted to say thanks for the 100 gems along with the free month. Your customer service goes above and beyond other companies. Therefore, my subscription to Pogo is money well spent. Have a wonderful day ! :)


Connie J. Weber

Editor: Thanks so much for your letter, and I’m so glad that Pogo is here to help!

Have something to say to the Editor? E-mail editor@pogo.com. Please note – if you are having any customer support or technical support related questions, please contact our Customer Experience Team