Ms. Netiquette|March 2, 2012 6:16 PM

Old Friend Wrongly Accusing Me of Abuse!

Dear Nettie,

I have a problem with another player who’s accusing me of being someone that has been writing nasty messages to him and his girlfriend.

I’ve known this person for almost four years and this is not the first time he’s accused me of being someone who is harassing him. He has sent me emails threatening to write everything thing he knows about my personal information, in his profile. He even told me he has a copy of my drivers license.

He wrote very obscene messages in my guest book, which I deleted because they were so nasty. He said if he got another message from this person that he would post everything he knows about me.

But Nettie, this person that he’s referring to has never written anything to me, so I don’t know who they are and can’t send an abuse report.

I’ve tried to convince him it’s not me, but he won’t listen. I’ve deleted him and removed him from my friends list.

Here is my question, is there anyway to find out who this person is? She is not a Club Pogo member. I would appreciate any help you can give me.

Thank You Nettie.

Tired of Being Accused

Dear Tired of Being Accused,

Your question is pretty simple – is there anyway to find out who this mysterious message sender is? The answer is maybe. But it’s highly unlikely. And, frankly, after reading your letter, I’d advise you not to bother trying.

From what you’ve said, it doesn’t appear that this person is actually trying to impersonate you – it’s just that your “friend” believes that this person is actually you.

So, where does that leave you? In a bit of bad place, no doubt. First off, I’m afraid you’re going to have to accept the fact that this “friend” is anything but. A true friend would not falsely accuse you of leaving such messages, and certainly would not make threats to reveal your private information.

Thus, I applaud you for removing him from your Friends List. Now, your best bet is to ignore him completely, as much as you possibly can. I’d block him in you in your Blocked Player’s List. Then I’d make sure that only the people on your Friends List can leave you messages in your Guest Book. You can do this by going to your Guestbook Settings and check the “Only My Friends” radio button. Furthermore, you may want to check the “Manually accept each comment” just to be safe.

Finally, you’ll want to check his Profile from time to time to see if he does follow through on his threat about posting information about you, as that is a serious Terms of Service violation. He could lose his account over that. You’ll likely need to go through our Help Site to do this.

If, between the time you wrote your email to me, and the time you read this, he has sent any other harassing messages, do not delete them. Use the Report Abuse function above the messages and file one.


Dear Ms. Netiquette,

I think that Pogo has created a problem in the table games.

I think it is very rude to be ignored when asked if you can join a game. All the person needs to do is type in chat that they are waiting for someone else or just say “no” rather than just letting a person sit there feeling stupid and eventually finally leaving.

If they want to play alone or are waiting for someone, the kind thing to do is to either choose in the ‘options’ that they don’t want anyone to join or set the table for “private”. It doesn’t take long to set up those options and they are being rude to other players by not using ‘ options ‘.

It is also rude when people don’t read the game’s options before entering a room and then after joining decide they don’t like the set-up and leave, so you’re back to square one. It gets aggravating.

How can you get his problem fixed?

Plenty of Options!

Dear Plenty of Options,

I do agree with you that polite people will take the extra steps to ensure that nobody ends up waiting for a game that’s never going to happen, and that since it only takes a few moments to read the legend to check the game options, they should do so.

But, alas, while you and I can certainly remind players in this column and elsewhere, the fact is that there will always be players that don’t think things through and start games then either walk away from their computer, or leave that window to go look at something else and don’t even know when someone comes into the room to join the game.

Sometimes the best thing that we can do is to find someone in the Game Selector chat area and start a game with them, as they’re more than likely going to follow through with the request. You can also find players through our Pogo Forums.


Dear Ms. Netiquette,

Good Morning and I hope that your tea is nice and hot and the way you like it. I am writing this for one of your disabled players.

She reads you every Saturday morning. She has seen a lot of complaints by a lot of people who have problems in the chat rooms. She does not have a complaint about them she just wants a certain group to know how she feels about them.

There is a very special group in YAHTZEE that she plays with every morning. She wants to let them all know how much she likes being with them and that they all work with her since she can only use the faces to let them know what is going on. A happy face means that she is either happy for your great game or she is happy to see you. A wink is thank you. Most of the group understands what she is trying to say. If someone comes in and does not understand the great group of people let them know what she is saying.

So this is a BIG shout out to that group to say THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH.

So, when you have a complaint about a chat room just remember that there are some disabled people who play these game who cannot type, and still have fun with a great group of people. One of the ladies in this grouped jokingly said that now that she can read faces it might make it easier to learn sign language. LOL

Those folks will all know who they are by this sign off. THANK YOU VERY MUCH, INTWTF


Thank you so much for sharing. What a wonderful way to make everyone feel included! Folks who do things like this help restore my faith in humanity. :)


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