Player Spotlight|May 10, 2012 5:00 PM


Name: Crystal

Screen name: Texasgal1134

Tell us a little bit more about yourself: Gym rat. I try to workout every day. Never married, but I have a committed relationship with a medical malpractice attorney [Tony]. I had a son who was killed in Afghanistan, so Pogo has been a solace for me.

Because Tony travels so much as a consultant in medical malpractice cases, we have seen most of America. Love traveling.

State, Province or Country: Texas and we have a home in Upstate NY where it is so beautiful.

Astrological sign? Scorpio

When do you usually play on Poker, MONOPOLY

Fondest Memory? On Pogo: Getting a Royal Flush. Other than Pogo: The birth of my son.

What are you known for saying on Pogo? “Hi y’all. Good luck.”

What is your favorite game? Texas Hold’em

What’s your favorite music album? Ultimate Collection of Willie Nelson and best of the Allman Brothers

What’s your favorite kind of food? Mexican

What’s your favorite color? Yellow

What’s your favorite quote? “Measure twice. Cut once.”

Apart from Pogo, what are your hobbies? Working out, volunteering for Special Olympics

What hobby or sport would you like to take up if you had more time? Rock climbing

Who is your hero or heroine and why? People will hate this, but Martin Luther King because he had the real vision for America.

If you could snap your fingers and appear anywhere in the world for a few hours, where would you choose? Tasmania

Who would your dream date be with, and where would you go? Tony, my significant other. We are planning a trip to Australia and Tasmania.

Describe Pogo in three words: friend, stress reduction

What makes you a unique Pogo Fan? I’ve been with Pogo since 1999

Coffee, tea, or soda? Coffee.

A handful of cookies, or a slice of cheesecake? Cheesecake.

Comedy, Drama, Action or Documentary film? Documentary

What disease would you cure if given the chance? AIDS


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