Post Tagged with: "Amazing Minis"

Mothering Minis, Badge Spelunking, Gem Winning, Moon Shooting and MORE!

Letters to the Editor / May 16, 2012 3:51 PM Mothering Minis, Badge Spelunking, Gem Winning, Moon Shooting and MORE!

Mirthful About Mother’s Day Amazing Minis! Hooray!!! The picks for Mothers Day were wonderful. A lot of varied winners with a lot of varied themes. So much talent and so little time to tell each one WTG Congrats on your […]

Chess Tell Me You’re Kidding, Young Judges, Mac&Cheese and MORE!

Letters to the Editor / May 2, 2012 3:46 PM Chess Tell Me You’re Kidding, Young Judges, Mac&Cheese and MORE!

Thank You Pogo! This game site has been a solace, a challenge and a way to get relief from many problems of late I have really enjoyed this game keeps my mind thinking, active, calm through all recent problems, and […]

Amusing AFD, “Fond” a Misspelling, EG-PLEASE! Termites on Tikis and MORE!

Archives / April 4, 2012 3:36 PM Amusing AFD, “Fond” a Misspelling, EG-PLEASE! Termites on Tikis and MORE!

Laughed at “Pogo Amusement Park!” What a very funny and creative way to celebrate April Fool’s Day. Of course if I’m wrong about this story being a tall tale, then woo hoo can’t wait to come visit. Pogo’s creative staff […]

Does Etiquette + QWERTY = EtiQWERTY or QWERTYquette?

Archives / August 26, 2011 10:43 AM Does Etiquette + QWERTY = EtiQWERTY or QWERTYquette?

Dear Nettie, Is a “thank you” for giving an opponent an extension in a game (especially when their rank indicates they are apparently somewhat new to the game) appropriate? I give an extension (sometimes more than one) frequently and have […]

Amazing! My Mini Was “Stolen!”

Archives / June 3, 2011 2:07 PM Amazing! My Mini Was “Stolen!”

Dear Ms Nettie: I am an avid Amazing Mini show competitor and never miss a chance to compete in them. I’m quite blessed to have many wins under my belt and enjoy the fun of chatting with others who are […]