Post Tagged with: "badges"

A Little Clarification for Leagues on Game Rooms?

Archives / July 2, 2010 1:53 PM A Little Clarification for Leagues on Game Rooms?

Hi there Ms. Netiquette, As an administrator (but not the Head Admin) for one of the many leagues proudly using Pogo game rooms, and a long-time Pogo member, I’d like a bit of clarification on the rules of game room […]

Was I Just Flashed by My Mini?

Archives / June 4, 2010 2:05 PM Was I Just Flashed by My Mini?

  Dear Ms. Netiquette, I have purchased quite a few items from the mini mall. My question is why some minis have very quick flashes that show the outline of the body through clothing, legs moving and quick show of […]

Badge Day Shock Over Politeness

Archives / March 26, 2010 3:10 PM Badge Day Shock Over Politeness

Hi Nettie, Usually I’m writing to you to complain about the horrid people and things going on in Pogo. However, this week has been amazing. It’s Wednesday – Badge Day – and therefore, the rooms are the most crowded. I […]

Tikis Ask; Why Is Pogo Like Pineapples?

Archives / October 13, 2009 1:20 PM Tikis Ask; Why Is Pogo Like Pineapples?

By Bret D. | October 13, 2009 Green: Hello boys and girls, women and men, welcome to Tiki Brothers Tip Talk! Red: Green, would you like a pineapple? Green: Oh Hi Red… sure! I’m always down for some tropical fruit! […]

What Do I Do With Immediate Picture Requests?

Archives / April 28, 2006 11:35 AM What Do I Do With Immediate Picture Requests?

Hi Ms Netiquette, I enjoy playing Pogo. I like meeting new people too, but mostly I like simply playing the games. A few times I have encountered a situation I don’t know how to react to. A player will pop […]