Post Tagged with: "Cheat"

Advice on Dealing With a Stalker?

Archives / September 16, 2011 4:45 PM Advice on Dealing With a Stalker?

Dear Ms. Nettie, I am at a loss here and am requesting input that perhaps can help me. I have a stalker who has been harassing me for over a year. She makes new accounts with Guest Passes and litters […]

The Rudeness of Saying “You’re Rude!”

Archives / May 20, 2011 2:29 PM The Rudeness of Saying “You’re Rude!”

Dear Ms. Netiquette: I wish to talk about “rudeness” which is a subject you have talked about hundreds of times in your column but maybe it needs to be addressed again for people in the Everyone Wins Bingo (Passing) rooms. […]

Tired of Hearing Sob Stories in Chat!

Archives / March 12, 2010 3:22 PM Tired of Hearing Sob Stories in Chat!

Dear Ms. Netiquette, I know that you have heard this before, but I would appreciate it if you would please address it again. Not everyone enjoys seeing chat over and over day after day about someone being sick and all […]

Is There a Way to Hide the Gifts I’ve Received?

Uncategorized / January 29, 2010 3:40 PM Is There a Way to Hide the Gifts I’ve Received?

Ms. Netiquette, First I want to say I always enjoy reading your responses to people, keep up the great work! I just had a question about the new Gift Giving feature. I think it’s great that Pogo has now included […]