Post Tagged with: "netspeak"

The 2011 Pogo Player’s Guide to Netspeak!

Archives / July 15, 2011 1:13 PM The 2011 Pogo Player’s Guide to Netspeak!

Dear Pogo Players, I’m once again pleased to present to you the Pogo Player’s Guide to Netspeak! If you’ve ever wondered what some of those chat room acronyms mean, look no further – we’ve got your guide! And the best […]

Can I Get Suspended for “Over-Complimenting”?

Archives / July 8, 2011 1:15 PM Can I Get Suspended for “Over-Complimenting”?

Dear Ms. Netiquette, I just wanted to see if what I “heard” in chat during a game the other night is true. A player claimed that she was given a 72 hour suspension of her Pogo account because she used […]

Hey Nettie, Are People Nuts?

Archives / July 1, 2011 1:26 PM Hey Nettie, Are People Nuts?

Hi Ms. Nettie, Let me ask you this… if a handful of people are harassing you and causing you mental breakdowns and “such” wouldn’t it be wise NOT to post that info in your guestbook and NOT to send that […]

Supposed Hacker’s Claim Has Me Fearful!

Archives / October 29, 2010 12:14 PM Supposed Hacker’s Claim Has Me Fearful!

Dear Ms. Netiquette, I saw something in a game room the other day that quite honestly disturbed me to the point that I haven’t wanted to play Pogo since it happened. I like to play a certain game. When I […]

She Said “BRB” and I Waited 15 Minutes!

Archives / July 30, 2010 1:40 PM She Said “BRB” and I Waited 15 Minutes!

Hello Ms. Netiquette, I have a question. How long is too long to wait when an opponent says BRB? Today, I was playing a rated game of Jungle Gin when halfway through our 500 match game my opponent said “brb”. […]

The 2010 Pogo Player’s Guide to Netspeak!

Archives / July 20, 2010 1:45 PM The 2010 Pogo Player’s Guide to Netspeak!

Dear Readers, Can you believe another year has gone by? Well, it has, and thus we’ve got another update to our Pogo Player’s Guide to Netspeak! A HUGE thanks to all players, past and present, who have taken the time […]

And Now a Word From Our League Administrators…

Archives / July 16, 2010 1:47 PM And Now a Word From Our League Administrators…

Ms. Netiquette, Time for sharing tea and some information. So please grab a cup of your favorite brew and join me. :) Concerning the letter from “Loves Pogo AND Her League” in the July 2 column and your answers: I […]

TMIIPC: Too Much Information in Public Chat!

Archives / July 9, 2010 1:50 PM TMIIPC: Too Much Information in Public Chat!

Dear Ms. Netiquette, In the past week, I’ve ran into an overabundance of chat discussions with extremely graphic descriptions of physical ailments to the point where a player in a game the other night had to leave because she was […]

Full Room Thanking: Specify the Recipient, Please!

Archives / April 30, 2010 2:55 PM Full Room Thanking: Specify the Recipient, Please!

Dear Ms. Netiquette, Can you please remind people that when they want to chat in a full room, they need to specify who they are speaking to? For example, many times when I am in a full Everyone Wins Bingo […]

Sites That Offer Tokens, Gems, Etc… How Can I Tell If They’re Legit?

Archives / December 22, 2006 4:01 PM Sites That Offer Tokens, Gems, Etc… How Can I Tell If They’re Legit?

Good day Ms. Netiquette! I’m wondering if there is a link somewhere on the Pogo site where some of the emails containing “warnings” or “free tokens” can be checked out to see if they are at all valid. The last […]