Post Tagged with: "Private Chat"

Dismayed by Rudeness Exhibited in Spades!

Archives / September 30, 2011 10:45 AM Dismayed by Rudeness Exhibited in Spades!

Hi Ms. Netiquette, I have been unable to get my Badge in Spades from the past because it involves being in a rated game. I am not the best at the game, and I know this. This week I thought […]

Was I Too Preachy to a Youngster?

Archives / January 28, 2011 4:44 PM Was I Too Preachy to a Youngster?

Dear Nettie, I was playing Jigsaw Treasure Hunter when I replied to a question of “Does anyone like this game?” I said yes and a young lady promptly said she did too. I engaged her in a bit of general […]

How Should I Respond to a Private Chat Request from a Stranger?

Archives / December 17, 2010 11:21 AM How Should I Respond to a Private Chat Request from a Stranger?

Hi Nettie, Normally I am a friendly person and I will sometimes join in a chat and have met some wonderful people this way. Sometimes a person with whom I’ve been conversing will request a private chat and often I […]

Excessive Chatting is an Annoyance, Nettie!

Archives / September 10, 2010 12:44 PM Excessive Chatting is an Annoyance, Nettie!

Dear Ms. Netiquette, While excessive talking may not be a violation of the TOS, it is at least inconsiderate toward the other players. Gamers should not have to sift through endless conversations about which hussy someone’s dawg boyfriend has been […]

The Case of the Spoofed Flower Child

Archives / April 16, 2010 3:04 PM The Case of the Spoofed Flower Child

Hi Nettie! As the master of etiquette, boy oh boy do I have a doozie for ya! I was in Flower Daze the other day (and a big WOO HOO! to the development team for that game! LOVE IT!). Now, […]

Holiday Greetings, Oh What Do I Say?

Archives / December 15, 2006 3:58 PM Holiday Greetings, Oh What Do I Say?

Hello Ms. Netiquette, First let me say that I love to read the letters from people and the answers you give. What is proper etiquette for entering a room and saying “Merry Christmas?” There are so many different religions, cultures […]

How Do I Politely Refuse Requests for Money?

Archives / October 6, 2006 3:23 PM How Do I Politely Refuse Requests for Money?

Dear Ms. Netiquette: I thank you for your advice. Most is common sense and should be used daily. Now here is my question for you…. I love playing games and meeting new people online and keeping it that way– ONLINE! […]

Oh Nettie, Just What Does Pogo Consider Abuse?

Archives / September 22, 2006 3:15 PM Oh Nettie, Just What Does Pogo Consider Abuse?

Dear Ms. Netiquette: While I agree with your answer to the person regarding the abusive nature of profiles, I have actually received some unkind words regarding my profile which quotes a current Dixie Chicks album. Some people feel that my […]

Shouldn’t We Leave Jackpot Winners Alone?

Archives / July 14, 2006 1:46 PM Shouldn’t We Leave Jackpot Winners Alone?

Dear Ms. Netiquette, I’ve noticed a number of people complaining in Letters to the Editor about not being able to add certain Jackpot winners to their Friends List, and it got me wondering. Is it really polite behavior to add […]

How Do You Dissuade Players from Using “Netspeak?”

Archives / June 16, 2006 1:32 PM How Do You Dissuade Players from Using “Netspeak?”

Dear Ms. Netiquette, Is there a polite way to ask someone you’re chatting with not to use ‘netspeak’ in a private conversation? Honestly, it drives me crazy, it’s hard to read, and my brain just doesn’t process it! Since there’s […]