Post Tagged with: "Report Abuse"

Spooked By Insensitivity in Spooky Slots!

Archives / October 7, 2011 10:41 AM Spooked By Insensitivity in Spooky Slots!

Dear Ms Netiquette, I have been a member of Pogo for some time now. I love Spooky Slots. This morning I went into my regular room and was noticing two people chatting. I could not believe how rude and mean […]

Dismayed by Rudeness Exhibited in Spades!

Archives / September 30, 2011 10:45 AM Dismayed by Rudeness Exhibited in Spades!

Hi Ms. Netiquette, I have been unable to get my Badge in Spades from the past because it involves being in a rated game. I am not the best at the game, and I know this. This week I thought […]

Does Etiquette + QWERTY = EtiQWERTY or QWERTYquette?

Archives / August 26, 2011 10:43 AM Does Etiquette + QWERTY = EtiQWERTY or QWERTYquette?

Dear Nettie, Is a “thank you” for giving an opponent an extension in a game (especially when their rank indicates they are apparently somewhat new to the game) appropriate? I give an extension (sometimes more than one) frequently and have […]

Taken to Task for Using SCRABBLE Hint Button!

Archives / August 12, 2011 11:46 AM Taken to Task for Using SCRABBLE Hint Button!

Dear Ms. Netiquette, I was recently dressed down by a player in SCRABBLE for using the HINT feature that is part of Pogo’s SCRABBLE game. She accused me of cheating, and then became vicious and personal. She said she reported […]

They Ganged Up on Me for Winning!

Archives / July 29, 2011 12:50 PM They Ganged Up on Me for Winning!

Hello Nettie! I love reading your column and appreciate all the advice you give out. Tonight I was looking for a game in No Limit Hold ’em and was unable to find one in our Club Pogo exclusive rooms, so […]

Can I Get Suspended for “Over-Complimenting”?

Archives / July 8, 2011 1:15 PM Can I Get Suspended for “Over-Complimenting”?

Dear Ms. Netiquette, I just wanted to see if what I “heard” in chat during a game the other night is true. A player claimed that she was given a 72 hour suspension of her Pogo account because she used […]

Involuntarily Added to a Chain List!

Archives / June 17, 2011 1:47 PM Involuntarily Added to a Chain List!

Hi Ms. Netiquette, I have a question. I have a friend on my Friends List who loves to pass on chain letters. One day I logged in to find two chain letters in my inbox from a player I have […]

I’ve Had It With “Miss I Want Money”!

Archives / April 22, 2011 3:37 PM I’ve Had It With “Miss I Want Money”!

Dear Ms. Netiquette, I do not want to use this person’s screen name so I will call her “Miss I-Want-Money”. I am so tired of this Miss I-Want-Money in Pogo going into rooms asking for people to help her pay […]

My Former Mother-in-Law Still Wants to Play

Archives / February 25, 2011 4:26 PM My Former Mother-in-Law Still Wants to Play

Hello Ms. Netiquette, I have been playing Pogo for a few years now and I usually get on line and play with my mother-in-law who lives out of state. My husband and I have been divorced for a few months […]

Should Players Provide Medical Advice in Chat?

Archives / February 11, 2011 4:34 PM Should Players Provide Medical Advice in Chat?

Ms. Netiquette, Today I was happily playing a game and watching the chat (I rarely ever chat) and noticed a player talking about her health. She was complaining about not feeling well and the medications she was taking. Before long, […]