Post Tagged with: "Report Abuse"

Was I Too Preachy to a Youngster?

Archives / January 28, 2011 4:44 PM Was I Too Preachy to a Youngster?

Dear Nettie, I was playing Jigsaw Treasure Hunter when I replied to a question of “Does anyone like this game?” I said yes and a young lady promptly said she did too. I engaged her in a bit of general […]

Enough With the Mute Already, Nettie!

Archives / January 21, 2011 4:50 PM Enough With the Mute Already, Nettie!

Dear Ms. Netiquette, I, for one, am getting really tired of hearing about the mute as the all-time solution for players who are harassing, insulting and abusing other players just because they can. Pogo has Terms of Service for a […]

Reminder for Those Who Discuss Illegal Activities in Chat!

Archives / November 5, 2010 12:11 PM Reminder for Those Who Discuss Illegal Activities in Chat!

Hello Ms. Netiquette, I was recently in a chat room where there were blatant drug references in the chat. I, for one, am uncomfortable with the subject and simply asked that the people talking about it kindly move the conversation […]

My Screen Name Made it Into a Chain Letter!

Archives / October 15, 2010 12:21 PM My Screen Name Made it Into a Chain Letter!

Dear Ms. Netiquette, About six months ago a newly acquainted Pogo Friend and I were in a Passing Room for Everyone Wins Bingo. As always a verbal battle started between the Passers and the B/O’ers (Blackout’ers). I had established a […]

Did I Do the Right Thing by Ending the Friendship?

Archives / June 25, 2010 1:58 PM Did I Do the Right Thing by Ending the Friendship?

Dear Nettie, I would like to know what you think you would do in the following situation. I’d made a friend, right here on Pogo, and I thought that we were good friends. Then just a few days ago this […]

Love the League, Not So Happy with the Cry Baby!

Archives / May 7, 2010 2:36 PM Love the League, Not So Happy with the Cry Baby!

Hi Ms. Nettie, Hope you have a good glass of tea for this one! I have been playing in a league for awhile now and I also host for the league. I love it when not busy with badges as […]

The Tiki’s and Nettie Talk Stalking!

Archives / June 7, 2007 5:44 PM The Tiki’s and Nettie Talk Stalking!

By Bret D. and Ms. Netiquette | June 7, 2007   Red: Hey everybody! Welcome to this episode of the Tiki Brothers Talk Tech. Today we are going to pull in Ms. Netiquette and we’re all going to tell you […]

Singled Out And Wondering Why!

Archives / December 1, 2006 3:52 PM Singled Out And Wondering Why!

Dear Ms. Netiquette, Earlier this evening I was in Aces Up. There was no chat and we were just all playing quietly, when out of nowhere a woman starts bad mouthing me about my profile. She said I was a […]

When Is it the Polite to Give a Player the Boot?

Archives / October 13, 2006 3:26 PM When Is it the Polite to Give a Player the Boot?

Hi Ms. Netiquette, I was just wondering about something. When is it ok to “boot” a player from a game like Euchre or Spades? A few months back I was the host of a game of Euchre when a very […]

Oh Nettie, Just What Does Pogo Consider Abuse?

Archives / September 22, 2006 3:15 PM Oh Nettie, Just What Does Pogo Consider Abuse?

Dear Ms. Netiquette: While I agree with your answer to the person regarding the abusive nature of profiles, I have actually received some unkind words regarding my profile which quotes a current Dixie Chicks album. Some people feel that my […]