Post Tagged with: "Terms of Service"

Involuntarily Added to a Chain List!

Archives / June 17, 2011 1:47 PM Involuntarily Added to a Chain List!

Hi Ms. Netiquette, I have a question. I have a friend on my Friends List who loves to pass on chain letters. One day I logged in to find two chain letters in my inbox from a player I have […]

Did I Breach “Amazing Mini” Etiquette?

Archives / June 10, 2011 1:53 PM Did I Breach “Amazing Mini” Etiquette?

Dear Ms. Netiquette, I am a long time Pogo player and have just recently started entering my Mini in the Amazing Mini Contests. I had two Minis that I loved one day and could not make up my mind which […]

Why Do Some Players Insist on Speaking in Other Languages?

Archives / April 29, 2011 2:51 PM Why Do Some Players Insist on Speaking in Other Languages?

  Dear Ms. Netiquette, I have come across some players conversing in a foreign language which makes me feel uncomfortable. I assume they can play in their own country’s Pogo site. It appears to be German? I know there is […]

I’ve Had It With “Miss I Want Money”!

Archives / April 22, 2011 3:37 PM I’ve Had It With “Miss I Want Money”!

Dear Ms. Netiquette, I do not want to use this person’s screen name so I will call her “Miss I-Want-Money”. I am so tired of this Miss I-Want-Money in Pogo going into rooms asking for people to help her pay […]

Troubled By an Offensive Screen Name!

Archives / March 11, 2011 4:13 PM Troubled By an Offensive Screen Name!

Dear Ms. Nettie, I love to read your column as often as I can. I have a strange question and hope you will answer. I was playing in a room that was quiet and relaxing, because the less stress I’m […]

My Former Mother-in-Law Still Wants to Play

Archives / February 25, 2011 4:26 PM My Former Mother-in-Law Still Wants to Play

Hello Ms. Netiquette, I have been playing Pogo for a few years now and I usually get on line and play with my mother-in-law who lives out of state. My husband and I have been divorced for a few months […]

Should Players Provide Medical Advice in Chat?

Archives / February 11, 2011 4:34 PM Should Players Provide Medical Advice in Chat?

Ms. Netiquette, Today I was happily playing a game and watching the chat (I rarely ever chat) and noticed a player talking about her health. She was complaining about not feeling well and the medications she was taking. Before long, […]

Was I Too Preachy to a Youngster?

Archives / January 28, 2011 4:44 PM Was I Too Preachy to a Youngster?

Dear Nettie, I was playing Jigsaw Treasure Hunter when I replied to a question of “Does anyone like this game?” I said yes and a young lady promptly said she did too. I engaged her in a bit of general […]

Enough With the Mute Already, Nettie!

Archives / January 21, 2011 4:50 PM Enough With the Mute Already, Nettie!

Dear Ms. Netiquette, I, for one, am getting really tired of hearing about the mute as the all-time solution for players who are harassing, insulting and abusing other players just because they can. Pogo has Terms of Service for a […]

Reminder for Those Who Discuss Illegal Activities in Chat!

Archives / November 5, 2010 12:11 PM Reminder for Those Who Discuss Illegal Activities in Chat!

Hello Ms. Netiquette, I was recently in a chat room where there were blatant drug references in the chat. I, for one, am uncomfortable with the subject and simply asked that the people talking about it kindly move the conversation […]