Archives, Ms. Netiquette|July 20, 2010 1:45 PM

The 2010 Pogo Player’s Guide to Netspeak!

Dear Readers,

Can you believe another year has gone by? Well, it has, and thus we’ve got another update to our Pogo Player’s Guide to Netspeak!

A HUGE thanks to all players, past and present, who have taken the time to contribute to this list! You’ve no doubt helped countless people with many “ah ha!” moments!

If you reference this list regularly, then be sure to check out the Printable Pogo Player’s Guide to Netspeak

Common Abbreviations:

— A —

    • a&f = always & forever
    • aamof = as a matter of fact
    • adn = any day now
    • afaic = as far as I’m concerned
    • afaik = as far as I know
    • afk = away from keyboard
    • ai = artificial intelligence (often in reference to computer players)
    • aiamu = and I’m a monkey’s uncle
    • anim8 = animate
    • aota = all of the above
    • aoyp = angels on your pillow
    • asl = age sex location
    • atm = at the moment
    • atp = answer the phone
    • ayt? = are you there?

— B —

    • b& = banned
    • b2u = back to you
    • b4n = bye for now
    • b/c = because
    • bbiaf = be back in a few
    • bbfn = bye bye for now
    • bbiab = be back in a bit
    • bbl = be back later
    • bbq = be back quick
    • bbw = be back whenever
    • bf = boyfriend
    • bff = best friends forever
    • bf4l = best friends for life
    • bil = brother in law
    • bk = back
    • blnr = better luck next round
    • blnt = better luck next time
    • bion = believe it or not
    • brb = be right back
    • btdt = been there, done that
    • btw = by the way
    • byob = bring your own bottle

— C —

    • c/t = can’t talk
    • cbb = can’t be bothered
    • ccl = couldn’t care less
    • cg = congratulations
    • cmiiw = correct me if I’m wrong
    • cod = call of duty
    • cual = see you all later
    • cul = see you later
    • ctn = can’t talk now
    • cts = changing the subject
    • cuz = because or cousin
    • cya = see you
    • cyl = see you later

— D —

    • dbeyr = don’t believe everything you read
    • dbm = don’t bother me
    • dc’d = disconnected
    • dd = dear daughter
    • detai = don’t even think about it
    • dgms = don’t get me started
    • dgt = don’t go there
    • diky? = do I know you?
    • dju? = did you?
    • dmaf = do me a favor?
    • dnd = do not disturb
    • dq = drama queen
    • dwai = don’t worry about it
    • dwbh = don’t worry, be happy

— E —

    • eg = evil grin
    • e1 = everyone
    • eos = end of story

— F —

    • f2f = face to face
    • f2t = free to talk
    • fav = favorite
    • fcol = for crying out loud
    • fil = father in law
    • focl = falling off chair laughing
    • ftw = for the win

— G —

    • g2cu = good to see you
    • g2g = got to go
    • g4u = good for you
    • g2g2w = got to go to work
    • gr8 = great
    • gal = get a life
    • gb = God bless
    • gbh = great big hug
    • gbu = god bless you
    • gf = girlfriend
    • gg = good game
    • gga = good game all
    • ggp = gotta go potty
    • gj = good job
    • gjp = good job, partner
    • gl2a = good luck to all
    • gl2u = good luck to you
    • gl2u2 = good luck to you, too
    • glev1 = good luck everyone
    • glhf = good luck, have fun
    • glng = good luck next game
    • glnr = good luck next round
    • gmngl = good morning and good luck
    • gmta = great minds think alike
    • gn = good night
    • gr = get real
    • grg = gotta run guys
    • gt = good try
    • gtgn = gotta go now
    • gtr = gotta run
    • gws = get well soon
    • gyb = got your back

— H —

    • h&k = hugs & kisses
    • h2cus or htsys = hope to see you soon
    • habd = have a blessed day
    • habt = how about this?
    • hagd = have a good day
    • hage = have a good evening
    • hagn = have a good night
    • hawd = have a wonderful day
    • hayd? = how are you doing?
    • hb = hurry back
    • hbiab = hurry back in a bit
    • hbl = hurry back later
    • hbd = happy birthday
    • hru? = how are you?
    • hrgl2ua = hello room good luck to you all
    • hsik? = how should I know?
    • hth = hope this helps
    • hwga = here we go again

— I —

    • iag = it’s all good
    • iawy = I agree with you
    • ib = I’m back
    • icbyst = I can’t believe you said that
    • icr = I can’t remember
    • ictrn = I can’t talk right now
    • idc = I don’t care
    • idgi = I don’t get it
    • idk = I don’t know
    • idky = I don’t know you
    • idm = I don’t mind
    • idw2n = I don’t wanna know
    • idwk = I don’t wanna know
    • ihnc = I have no clue
    • ihni = I have no idea
    • ikr = I know right
    • ilu = I love you
    • ily = I love you
    • im = instant message
    • imb = I am back
    • imho = in my humble opinion
    • imnl = I am not laughing
    • ink = I’m not kidding
    • irl = in real life
    • ita = I totally agree
    • itd = in the dark
    • iyd = in your dreams

— J —

    • j/a = just asking
    • j/c = just curious
    • j/j = just joking
    • j/k = just kidding
    • j2lyk = just to let you know
    • j4f = just for fun
    • j4g = just for grins
    • j4l = just for laughs
    • j4u = just for you
    • jas = just a second
    • jml = just my luck
    • jp = jackpot spin
    • jw = just wondering

— K —

    • kah = kisses and hugs
    • khuf = know how you feel
    • kis = keep it simple
    • kotc/kotch = kiss on the cheek
    • kwim = know what I mean?
    • kutgw = keep up the good work

— L —

    • l2m = listening to music
    • L8r = later
    • l8rg8r = later gator
    • lafs = love at first site
    • ldr = long distance relationship
    • lfr = laughing for real
    • llap = live long and prosper
    • lmbo = laughing my butt off
    • lmk = let me know
    • lol = laugh out loud
    • lqtm= laughing quietly to myself
    • ltns = long time no see
    • lshigp = laughing so hard I’m going to pee
    • luv = love
    • lyl = love you lots

— M —

    • mawou/y = may angels watch over you
    • mbio hagd = my break is over have a good day
    • mdf = my dear friend
    • mf = my friend
    • mil = mother in law
    • mml = made me laugh
    • mnm = mix-n-match (badges)
    • mp = my pleasure
    • mpa = my pleasure always
    • mpty/mp2u = more power to you
    • msmd = monkey see monkey do
    • myob = mind your own business

— N —

    • n2g = not too good
    • n2bb = nice to be back
    • n2cu = nice to see you
    • n2k = need to know
    • n2mu = nice to meet you
    • nb = not bad
    • nbd = no big deal
    • ng = nice game
    • nh = nice hand
    • nhwb = need help with badge
    • ni = no idea
    • nj = nice job
    • njp = nice job, partner
    • nk = no kidding
    • nm = nice move
    • no = no offense
    • np = no problem
    • nr = nice roll
    • ns = nice score
    • ns = nice streak
    • nt = nice try
    • ntmy = nice to meet you
    • ntw = not to worry
    • nty = no, thank you
    • ntty = nice talking to you
    • nyf = not your fault

— O —

    • oar = on a roll
    • obtw = oh by the way
    • oic = oh I see
    • oidia = oops I did it again
    • omg = oh my goodness
    • omt = one more time
    • omw = on my way
    • ootb = out of the blue
    • os = operating system
    • otoh = on the other hand
    • otp = on the phone

— P —

    • p4b = playing for badge
    • pdg = please don’t go
    • pdgy = please don’t go yet
    • pdq = pretty darn quick
    • peeps = people
    • pita = pain in the appendix (or perhaps another body part)
    • plz = please
    • ppl = people
    • ptb = powers that be
    • pto = paid time off/personal time off
    • pyt = pretty young thing

— Q —

    • qt = cutie

— R —

    • rbay = right back at you
    • rofl = rolling on floor laughing
    • rtg = ready to go
    • rtm = read the manual

— S —

    • s2u = same to you
    • sahm = stay at home mom
    • sbt = sorry about that
    • sd = sweet dreams
    • sg = something
    • shmily = see how much I love you
    • sil = sister in law
    • smh = shaking my head
    • snf = so not fair
    • sob = sweet old boy (among other things)
    • sof = smile on face
    • sofas = stepping out for a second
    • so = significant other
    • ss = so sorry
    • swak = sealed with a kiss
    • swalcakws = sealed with a lick cuz a kiss won’t stick
    • sstht = so sorry to hear that
    • syl = see you later

— T —

    • tab = totally amazing beauty
    • taig = that’s all I got
    • tbf = to be fair
    • tbph = to be perfectly honest
    • tbnt = thanks but no thanks
    • tc = take care
    • tcfc = too close for comfort
    • tffw = too funny for words
    • tfic = tongue firmly in cheek
    • tioli = take it or leave it
    • tisc = that is so cool
    • tma = take my advice
    • tl = tough luck
    • tlc = tender loving care
    • tmai = tell me about it
    • tmi = too much information
    • tmsg = tell me something good
    • totp = talking on the phone
    • tptb = the powers that be
    • tokies = tokens
    • tss = that’s so sweet
    • ttfn = ta ta for now
    • ttth = talk to the hand
    • tttt = to tell the truth
    • ttyiab = talk to ya in a bit
    • ttyl = talk to ya later
    • ttyt = talk to ya tomorrow
    • tut/tyt = take your time
    • twfaf = that’s what friends are for
    • ty = thank you
    • tyfi = thank you for the invite
    • tyfp = thank you for playing
    • tyk = thank you kindly

— U —

    • udwk = you don’t wanna know
    • ugtr = you got that right
    • urtbitw = you are the best in the world
    • ut? = you there?
    • utm = you tell me

— V —

    • vbg = very big grin
    • vf = very funny
    • vgg = very good game
    • vwd = very well done

— W —

    • w/ = with
    • w/o = without
    • w2g = way to go
    • wad = without a doubt
    • way? = what about you?
    • wayd? = what are you doing?
    • wayg? = where are you going?
    • wayt? = what are you thinking?
    • wb = welcome back
    • wbp = welcome back, partner
    • wd = well done
    • wdyt? = what do you think?
    • we = whatever
    • wfh = work from home
    • witw? = what in the world?
    • wp = well played
    • wtb? = what’s the buzz?
    • wtg = way to go
    • wth = what the heck?
    • wywh = wish you were here
    • wysiwyg = what you see is what you get

— X —

    • xlnt = excellent
    • xoxo = hugs and kisses

— Y —

  • yaqw = you are quite welcome
  • ygg = you go girl!
  • ygm = you got mail
  • yk = you’re kidding
  • ykw? = you know what?
  • ymw = you’re most welcome
  • ynk = you never know
  • yty = why thank you
  • yqw = you’re quite welcome
  • yvw = you’re very welcome
  • yw = you’re welcome

Not So Common Abbreviations:

  • #tgtb = to get the badge (example: 6tgtb)
  • !$#%#@!#% = I lost again
  • bmoc = big man on campus
  • bwoc = big woman on campus
  • brb-brb = be right back, bathroom break
  • ejp = excellent job, partner
  • glng = good luck next game
  • icbidt = I can’t believe I did that
  • fps = for Pete’s sake
  • lbalt = luck be a lady tonight
  • ll = leapin’ lizards
  • lylas = love ya like a sister
  • masoyp = may angels sleep on your pillow
  • mnc = mother nature calls
  • oftloh = oh for the love of Henry
  • v/r = virtual reality
  • ypmbtm = you play much better than me

Game Specific Abbreviations:

Bingo Games:

  • gjb = good job passing
  • njp = nice job passing
  • np = nice passing
  • ns = nice solo
  • ty4s = thank you for sharing
  • ty4w = thank you for wilds


  • nf = nice find


  • nm = nice meld


  • sl = super lottso card
  • tyfc or ty4c = thank you for charity

Pogo Bowl:

  • nd =  nice double
  • ifyp = I feel your pain
  • n(*)> = nice turkey
  • nr = nice run
  • nt = nice turkey
  • nx = nice strike
  • sir = strike it rich
  • ss = so sorry
  • sso = so sorry opens
  • ifyp = I feel your pain

Poker Games:

  • gs = good split
  • nf = nice fold
  • nk = nice kick
  • ns = nice split

Tri-Peaks Solitaire:

  • fud = face up deal

Word Riot Deluxe:

  • cg = clue giver
  • gjt = good job team
  • te = team effort

League Abbreviations:

  • blnr = better luck next round
  • blnt = better luck next time
  • bolnr = best of luck next round
  • bolnt = best of luck next tourney
  • rd = round
  • rds = rounds
  • tyfpm = thank you for playing me
  • tyfj = thank you for jumping/joining
  • tyfh = thank you for hosting

Funny or Obscure Abbreviations:

  • bw/bs/moa/hf = be well, be safe, most of all… have fun!
  • ibdiyh = I bow down in your honor
  • inw = I’m not worthy
  • iwiwiwimiwtwtgt = I wish I will I wish I might I wish to win this game tonight
  • ltalwdls = let’s twist again like we did last summer
  • lumcomn = laughed until milk came out of my nose
  • rofgmbo = rolling on floor giggling my butt off
  • ualhagnuheer = you all have a good night, you hear? (Southern talk)
  • witsoohc = what is the sound of one hand clapping?

Ms. Netiquette’s Favorites:

  • grmn = go read ms. netiquette
  • utm= use the mute

So there you have it! If you use any acronyms that you do not see on this list, please let me know by e-mailling

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