Archives, Tiki Bros. Tip Talk|August 5, 2011 4:15 PM

Tiki Bros. Talk – Chill out with Green Tiki

By Bret D. | August 05, 2011

Green: Good day fellow Pogoians, and welcome to Tiki Bros. Tip Talk! Now, you might be wondering why I am wearing a winter jacket, scarf and a wool hat in the middle of a blazing hot summer. Well that’s because I’m reporting to you live from an ice cave in Anchorage, Alaska. Ain’t that right Red?

Red: Green, do not tease our loyal readers. Sorry to burst your bubble folks, but Green has actually setup his computer inside the walk-in freezer at our local mini-mart. Besides Green, being “Cold” does not make you “Cool” hehe.

Green: You’re so mean Red! Fine! I am in a walk-in freezer, it’s still better than being “out there” in the heat! But, boy is it cold in here… I think my teeth are starting to chatter.

Red: Well, maybe reading today’s first question will help warm you up!

Green: F-fine, I’ll give it a s-s-shot!

Dear Tiki Bros. Something is seriously not right with my games. When I try to play I see a huge white bar between the chat side of my screen and the game. This pushes the game over to the left and I can’t see the whole game play! I’ve included a screenshot so you can see what I mean.

Red: Goodness, that screenshot does look odd eh Green? But good news, this situation is usually very easy to alleviate. This seems to be due to the “Zoom” level in your browser being set to something other than the default.

Green: This is pretty easy to fix adjust with one button combination. Type CTRL+0. (that’s control and the zero key not the letter O key.) This key combination will set your browser zoom level to zero. What your browser is doing is attempting to zoom in on a web page to make it easier to read. Pogo games cannot be zoomed into though, so this just messes up the formatting of the game page.

Hey Red, do you have an extra p-p-p-pair of long u-u-u-underwear I can borrow?

Red: Hah! No my “Long Johns” are in storage! So where was I? Ah, so, now that your zoom level is fixed, how did this happen in the first place? Well it is usually one of a few ways.

First, you may have been browsing a web site and unknowingly held down the CTRL button on your keyboard and pressed either the plus or minus key at the same time. This would have zoomed you in or out on the page. Or, you may have been scrolling up or down on a page with your mouse-wheel and held down the CTRL button on your keyboard. This also would have zoomed the page in or out. Finally you may have intentionally zoomed the page through your browser’s settings screen without realizing that it would cause the games to go slightly haywire.

Green you going to come out of there now? The thermometer in that refrigerator says 40 degrees Fahrenheit!

Green: No way Red! It says 40 d-d-degrees Celsius outside! That’s 104 Fahrenheit! T-t-t-tell you what though. I’ll read the next question. M-maybe it will keep my lips from freezing s-s-s-solid!

You suggest that in a game I click on a player to view their profile. In doing so I find that more than half of the members have yet to edit their profiles. It would be nice if everyone had to fill in something. Your thoughts please.

Red: Interesting suggestion David. I suppose we could “make” people fill in their profiles, but Pogo is primarily a gaming site and we like to let people play as private or as open as they are comfortable with. In fact we even let players fully block their profile if they are not interested in letting anyone else see it, except for their friends.

Green how the next question before you freeze solid?

Green: F-f-f-fine. I’ll t-t-try to r-r-r-read the n-next q-q-question! *shiver*

We were in a room and another member won a wallpaper. Someone said they contain viruses! I have downloaded so many wallpapers I have enough to wallpaper the house. This sounds like a “Pogo Myth” to me. What do you think?

Red: Oh my! The short answer is, Pogo is a secure site and we do not send out viruses! That is definitely as you say a “Pogo Myth”.

Green: That isn’t to say that you shouldn’t be safe while browsing the web. Your fellow player may have had a bad experience in the past with a virus or some other sort of spyware on their computer. This would obviously make them extra cautious when downloading files on the internet, especially screensavers or backgrounds.

Red: If you do not trust a file from Pogo or any other page, please feel free to run your favorite anti-virus and spyware software and check that file before opening it. If you ever see anything weird or suspicious, we ask that you please report it to our Customer Experience team using the “Help” button on the Pogo home page. They would be happy to investigate it and confirm that nothing shady is going on.

Ok Green, go ahead and read the final question then come on out of there. Otherwise I am going to have to call you “Blue Tiki” since that is the color you are starting to turn!

Green: I don’t think I’ll come out of here until tonight and starts to cool down out there. Maybe I can borrow your heated blanket in the meantime t-t-though. Wow, I c-c-can see my own b-b-breath!

Hi there! I was just wondering when, if ever, we are going to see the cities of Douglas, Hagley Gap, Chinotimba, and more recently San Jose and Trondheim in full daylight. They look like they would be fun to search but alas we only see them with the flashlight or fog glasses so we never truly see the entire city. Love Pogo and Clue!

Red: Now that is an idea! Repurpose art we’ve already put in a game. It is such a clever idea it might even work! Tell you what. Green and I will kick some cubes and ask around and see if it is even possible.

Green: Yeah maybe we could call it “The Case of the Lifted fog” or something! I think the only problem might be that those cities may have been designed to have fog in them and could look a bit odd if the lights were turned on or the fog was lifted. Also I think new items would have to be hidden; otherwise you’d be searching for the same items you found in the fog levels. Thanks for the question Denise. And thanks for being a fan of Clue: Secrets & Spies.

Red: Well kind folks, that’s all the questions we have for today. Do you have a technical question, tip or suggestion about Pogo that you would like to share with the Tikis to answer? Email the Tiki Bros. and you could be featured in a future Tiki Bros. Tip Talk!

Green: Now Red… about y-y-your electric h-h-heater… *Chatter*

Red: Green… you are impossible! See you all next time everyone! Beat the heat and stay safe!

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