Archives, Tiki Bros. Tip Talk|June 3, 2011 4:07 PM

Tiki Bros. Talk – Fullscreen Mode? Puzzle Puzzler and More

By Bret D. | June 03, 2011

Green: Good day everyone and welcome to the Notorious Tiki Brothers Tip Talk!

Red: Notorious? What?! Well, maybe only fifty percent notorious if we look at your half of the team.

Green: “The Notorious Green Tiki and his Little Brother Red.” I like how that sounds!

Red: That is not what I said at all! You are so helpless. But tell you what, just for that I will let you answer the first question today.

PJQOM asks:
I downloaded the latest version of the Pogo Games iPhone App to my iPod Touch. Now later when I try to play, I touch the icon for World Class and it closes the game! I love World Class Solitaire, and I’m discouraged I can’t play it. What can I do?

Green: Oh that’s too bad PJ. Can I call you PJ? It sounds like the save-game on your phone somehow got corrupted. We’ve heard about this happening to some people but we’re not sure why it happens yet. Fortunately there is a pretty easy fix for it. Red, why don’t you tell her the painful part and I’ll tell her the easy part?

Red: Do not listen to him PJ. The first step is not that painful. All you need to do is delete the game from your iPod Touch then download it again. To delete the game, close the Pogo Games App and then find the icon for the App on your phone. Once you find it, instead of clicking the icon once to open the game, I want you to hold your finger on the icon for a second or two. It will suddenly start to jiggle along with all the rest of your App icons. Once it is jiggling, look for a little X on the top left side of the app icon and click that. You will be asked if you want to delete the app. Click yes. The app will be removed. Click your home button to get the icons to stop jiggling.

Green: Yay! Now the fun part: Downloading the Pogo Games App again. First, on your iPod Touch, visit the App store. Since the iPod Touch does not have cellular data you’ll need to be connected to WiFi to do this. Now in the App store click “Search” and look for “Pogo Games”. The first thing that should come up is the “Pogo Games” App by Electronic Arts. Just FYI, Electronic Arts is Pogo’s parent company. They make games for the PC and Consoles such as Madden Football and Need For Speed. Cool huh?

Red: Alright, great – you have the Pogo Games App downloaded again. Simply login to the App with your Pogo account and you should be able to play World Class Solitaire again. If you do not have a Club Pogo account, but you downloaded the Ad-Free update, you can simply download that update again free of charge and you will have access to World Class Solitaire again. Thanks for the question PJ.

Green: Well that was fun, lemme see here what’s next in our grab-bag? Ah here we go:

I have enjoyed the Daily Challenges to win extra tokens. Today the site underwent a big facelift and those challenges seem to have disappeared. Are they gone forever?
Thank you,

Red: First off, thanks for calling the changes a “Facelift”. our designers worked hard on the changes and hope you like them. Secondly no, the Daily Challenges for extra tokens have not disappeared, but they have moved a bit. Just click on the “Recommended Games” tab. You will see a “Daily Challenge” label on both of today’s Daily Challenge games. Remember though only one of the Daily Challenges are available to Free Members.

Green: And just to clarify a few things if you’re asking yourself: “I didn’t see any homepage changes!” The new homepages changes are only for Free Members at this time, so Club Pogo Members shouldn’t see any differences on Pogo. Also, as a bit of an “Experiment”, we are only sending some Free Members to the new homepage right now. If you are a Free Pogo Member and seem to have the old home page, check out the new Home Page here. If you are Club Pogo, the link will just send you to the regular Club Pogo Home page.

Red: Thanks for the question Lainie. O.K. what do we have next? Uh oh, looks like someone did not like our answer to one of last month’s article much! I blame you Green!

RE: Tiki May 5th Column:
Possibly you may have gotten more responses on this. I think you misinterpreted the sender’s question. They were not trying to get tokens from the same promotion more than one time.

Hi, I just was wondering why you don’t change the puzzle on the promotions page? It’s been the same one forever and yet you give us 10,000 tokens each time to “solve” it. Not that I’m complaining, but that’s a lot of tokens to keep giving away for the same thing over and over. -clfplyr1,

Although there have been a very few different puzzles, most times it is the teacup/teapot one. Each promotion has a limited time in which to collect the tokens. When the next “new” promotion comes out again, it’s usually the teacup/pot puzzle mentioned above.

Don’t get me wrong… I appreciate all the tokens awarded. I just think with all the great games, badges and graphics work Pogo staff has done, they are capable of coming up with a new puzzle.
Thank you,
Pat in Pogoland

Green: Oh yeah… we got an earful on that one! Red and I asked around on this one and we pretty much found out that there are more promotions than art for promotions! And while that means less variety, it does mean more easy tokens for you! We’ll try kicking some cubes and see if we can get some more art for these soon. Thanks to everyone who wrote in about this one. And thank you Pat in Pogoland.

Red: Oh Green. Guess what? This next letter came in a few days ago and I saved it just for you.

Hi Tiki Brothers,
Just wondering if Pogo plans on bringing back fullscreen play. I know for a little while Thousand Island Solitaire was able to be played in fullscreen. It did lack some graphics but was still nice.

Loves Thousand Island Solitaire

Green: Bring fullscreen back! Bring it back! Bring it ba… Ouch! You punched my arm!

Red: Hey! Snap out of it Green! Are we going to have an intelligent conversation about this or what?

Green: Oh, sorry Red. You’re right. The reason the fullscreen mode, which I loved, was removed from Thousand Island Solitaire and never made an appearance in any other Pogo games was because it never really worked as well as we hoped it would. It didn’t work on several levels actually. First off, for all but the very best computers, it slowed the game down to a snail’s pace. While not that big of a problem for Thousand Island, it was still noticeable. Not that I cared with my souped-up computer! Right Red? Hah hah! The next problem with fullscreen mode was the weird “blockiness” the games graphics would get when the game was expanded to full screen. And yes, “blockiness” is a technical term!

Red: In the end, we decided that having a fullscreen mode just added more confusion and problems than it was worth. No matter how much Green Tiki screamed and cried about its removal! And while that does not mean that a fullscreen mode might not make a triumphant return some time in the future, if it does, it will likely be done differently next time. Thanks for the question “Loves Thousand Island Solitaire”.
Green, do us a favor and read the final question please.

Green: Sure Red, thanks for saving me from the “edge!” Here’s the last question:

Hello Fellas,
I would like to know if there is a way for me to go invisible while playing games? Every once in awhile I like to play alone and don’t want to hurt my friends feelings by blocking them.
Signed: -I vant to be alone!

Red: Alas, at this time it’s not possible to go “invisible” on Pogo. Your best bet would to leave a note on your profile page that says something like: “Just playing games by myself today” Then play in a room that is different from the room you usually play in. For instance, an unnamed numbered Temporary Room. In the game turn off your chat and cross your fingers that your friends don’t track you down.

Green: Another option would be to play in a game that has no chat, such as Poppit! Sprint. Hey great questions this month everyone! Please keep them coming we really appreciate it! And for my next trick, watch Red and I become invisible ourselves!

Red: Yep, thanks for all the great questions. Email us anytime and your question could get featured in an upcoming Tiki Brothers Tip Talk.

Green: Don’t you mean Notorious Tiki Brothers Tip Talk?

Red: You are so lame Green. Bye everyone. Have a great day!

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