Archives, Tiki Bros. Tip Talk|October 6, 2011 4:23 PM

Tiki Bros. Tip Talk – Tired of Playing Pogo On The Wrong Side Of The Pond?

By Bret D. | October 06, 2011

Green: Well, it’s that time again and I’m your host, Green Tiki, and this is your other host, Red Tiki. Say “Hello Red”.

Red: Hello everyone.

Green: No, no, you did it wrong. I say: “Say Hello Red” and you are supposed to say “Hello Red”. Bah whatever… you’re no fun!

Red: And you are a dork. Anyway, tell you what. Why don’t you play along and go ahead and read today’s first question?

Green: Party pooper! Okay, here it goes:

When I open my home page, what is causing a small yellow icon saying “done but with errors on the page”? Thank you for any help you can give me.
– Ripley

Red: Interesting little bug you got there Ripley. Let me guess, you are using Internet Explorer right?

Green: Why would you ask that Red?

Red: Well, the only time I’ve ever seen that issue is with Internet Explorer. I suppose it could happen on other browsers too though. Fortunately, this issue is rarely ever a show-stopper, or a cause for concern for your Pogo games.

Green: We can dig a bit deeper in a second, but nine times out of ten if you see the little yellow exclamation point in the bottom of your browser window, it means there was a slight mis-programming in a JavaScript script and you can simply ignore it.

Red: In the off-chance that it is causing a problem, the most likely thing you might see is an issue with the webpage displaying correctly. It could be a missing part of the page, a missing graphic, or the page not loading entirely. At this point, your best bet is to double-click on the little yellow exclamation point sign on the browser. This should bring up an info page saying what the problem is. The only problem is that it might look like nonsense programming code to you. That’s OK though. You should be able to copy down what is written, then go ahead and contact our support team with the details. They may be able to help.

Green: You can also try clearing your browser cache and cookies, or just restarting your browser. Finally if all else fails, you could try another web browser. We’ve seen a few instances where simply trying another browser can get you past the error. We hope that helps Ripley.
Red, are you “Red-y” for the next question? See what I did there Red?

Red: Yes, and yes. But it was not very funny.

Green: Aw man! You’re no fun.

I do not want to be on UK site. I never ask to be changed and do not know how it happened. Please help me change back to the US site.

Red: Uh oh, looks like some signals got crossed in between here and the Atlantic Ocean somewhere. Fortunately, the fix is very easy. The first thing you will want to do is Sign Out of your Pogo screenname. Just click the Sign out button at the top of Pogo’s home page.

Green: All signed out? Ok great, you should be dropped off on the sign-out page of Pogo. Next, look at the top of the page. You should see five little circles with flags in them. There is a US & Canada flag button as well as a UK, DE and FR buttons. DE is for Germany and FR is for our French site. Did you know that Pogo has localized content for all four regions? Voll krass! That means “Totally cool” in Deutsch!

Red: It is cool Green! So next just click the US/CA button. The flags should light up. Then click Sign In and login to your account. You should be auto-magically transported to the land of North America again! Hope that helps antie.
I’m gonna read the next question for you Green. I think it is right up your alley.

Can you give me any tips on how to win the Planting Seeds Badge? I sure could use some help! Thank you.

Green: Ohhh! The “notorious” Planting Seeds Badge for Mahjong Garden! I’ll tell you the easiest way to win it! You might think greasing up your mouse-pad, and drinking 5 cups of coffee might be the answer but it’s not! It can help though. Wow! Do you remember how long I was trying to win that Badge Red? I think I had it as a personal challenge TWICE!

Red: Get on with it Green! Sheesh!

Green: Oh yeah! Ok here is the trick. First thing you will want to do is play through *almost* an entire round of Mahjong Garden. Leave yourself only 1 match remaining then pause the game. Now while the game is paused, head over to Badge Central and *Activate* the Planting Seeds Badge! Switch back to Mahjong Garden and quickly finish the puzzle and then the next puzzle within 8 minutes. Voila! You’ve won the Badge!

Red: Green would love to have you believe that he came up with this cool trick but he did not! The idea came from a post he found on the official Pogo Forums where someone asked the exact same question as you Teri300player! The Forums are an amazingly great place to ask questions like this. You can also click the “Games Forum” link at the bottom of every Pogo page.

Green: Hey! Why did you have to go telling them that I didn’t invent this cool trick? Oh well. I got another good question for you Red although I think we’ve heard something similar to it before.

The game room is now so small I cannot see it enough to play anymore. The actual game no longer fills the window. It only fills about 1/3 of the window. Thank You
-A Seeing Impaired Player.

Red: Hi Seeing Impaired Player. Did your Grandchild come over lately and help you with your computer? If so they may have messed with your computers “resolution”. Your computer and its monitor have the uncanny ability to change resolution. If the resolution is set higher, more information can fit on your screen at once. If the resolution is set lower, less information can fit on one screen. Green and I have talked about this extensively in previous episodes. Check out how to Increase the size of Pogo Games. I really hope it helps!

Green: Thanks for the question Player. Alrighty we have one final question today. I thought it was interesting because we talked about it last recently.

You will never convince me that there is anything random about any of this. Too many things happen too often for it to be random chance!

Red: Oh my… you are still not convinced that Pogo Games use random chance. Green do you have any ideas?

Green: I do! I read this great story on the Internet. A math teacher split his room in half. Next he told the students on the left of the room to get together and flip a penny 100 times in a row and record the results. He told the other half of the room to imagine flipping a penny 100 times and invent what looked like random results. The results sheets were mixed up so the teacher did not know what side of the room’s results he was looking at. The amazing thing is, almost every time he ran the experiment he could guess correctly if he was looking at the invented results or the real coin flipping results!

Red: Interesting Green. How did he do it?

Green: The key was how long of streaks of multiple heads or multiple tails he saw in the 100 filps. The invented results almost never had streaks of 5 or more heads or tails because the students inventing results almost never would create a streak so long since it didnt “look random”. But oddly enough a streak of 5 is actually very common if you flip a coin 100 times in a row! Weird huh?

Red: That makes sense Green. Cool! I hope this helps Mike. If you are not convinced, try flipping a coin 100 times and let us know the results!

Green: Yep, at the very least that will keep him occupied, and not complaining in the chat-rooms! HAHA

Red: Oh Green, you are such a pill! Haha. Thanks for the letter Mike. And everyone, thanks for sending in your great questions.

Green: Thanks everyone. Have fun on Pogo! We’ll see you next time.

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