Archives, Tiki Bros. Tip Talk|December 9, 2011 4:33 PM

Tiki Bros. Tip Talk: Using the New Pogo Help Pages

By Bret D. | DeCember 09, 2011

Green: Don’t panic. We’re going to deviate from the usual Tiki Brothers tip talk a bit today.

Red: Yes Green, but for good reason! We heard it through the so called “grapevine” that there is a bit of confusion on how to use the new Pogo Help Pages.

Green: Why do they call it a “grapevine” Red?

Red: I don’t know Green. Focus man!

Green: Oh fine! We are here to clear up that confusion with an example on how it’s done! Since you won’t likely have the exact issue as us, your results may vary a bit but this should give you a good idea on how it all works.

Red: Okay, let us say for instance that you are playing a Pogo game such as BATTLESHIP. And suddenly the game closes on you. And let us say the game is doing this over and over again and you have tried all the normal steps to fix it and you do not know what to do next. At this point you have decided to get some expert help from our Customer Experience Team.

Green: Customer Experience? I thought we were getting Customer Support!

Red: Ah ha! Green. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet?

Green: Uh oh! Shakespeare. That’s right – what used to be called “Customer Support” is now called “Customer Experience”. It is still designed to do the same thing as “Customer Support” and that is; Getting you help! So Red, what is our first step?

Red: Glad you asked Green. The very first step is the same as before. Hit the trusty “Help” button on the top right hand side of Pogo’s home page. You can also find a link on Pogo’s footer. Or just go to You will be whisked away to Pogo and EA’s (Electronic Arts) help page. For those who know a little Pogo history will know that Electronic Arts is the parent company of Pogo. And if you are trying to get help from Pogo not EA, well no fear there too. EA Help has dedicated people there to help people just like you, specifically for Pogo issues.

Green: Your next step down the help chain would be to search for an answer to your issue on these help pages. At the top where it says “Have a question? Ask or enter a search term here:” click in the box and type in a keyword such as “Crashing battleship”. Then hit the little Magnifying glass.

Red: You will be presented with several help articles to go through related to your search. We highly recommend you look through the knowledge base articles and try the things contained within. You could have a Java issue, a Flash problem, or maybe just low memory and you need a system reboot. Whatever the problem hopefully those help articles help you out.

Green: And of course… if they don’t help out, now is when you need to start considering opening up a support incident for your issue. To get this ball rolling you’ll need to login to the help site with the little “Login” button on the top right of the page. Even if you are already logged into Pogo you will be required to login to the help site. Fortunately, the help site uses the same login and password as Pogo so there should be nothing new to remember.

Red: Great, now that you are all logged in, now what?

Green: Easy Red, now is when you can contact Pogo and our CE team. Go ahead and click the “Talk To A Game Advisor” button on the right hand side of this page. It looks like this:

You will be first asked 1. What product is this question about? Your product will be “Pogo”.

A new option will open up asking 2. What game you are playing. In this instance, let’s choose “BATTLESHIP”. Since I like that game. But, you should choose whatever particular game you are having trouble with.

Finally, an option 3 will appear and you will be asked to choose how you want to contact Pogo. Your best bet is the email support button on the right side. There are other methods to contact or be contacted by our support team, but we are focusing on Email Chat only today. Our agents are prepared to contact you back within 24 hours, but ‘t be surprised if you get a response even sooner!

Red: And then?

Green: Phew! OK, now you will have an incident open and you will be asked some questions. The first thing you will be asked for is a Subject. This is similar to an email subject. For example, we will put “BATTLESHIP – Game Closing”. There are also some other required pieces of info you will want to include such as your first and last name, as well as the issue category. For this issue we choose “Technical Support” with “Crashing/Freezing” as the issue. Finally, you will have to put in an “Error code”. We just typed “None” since there was no code.

Red: You may notice a required field called “Bandwidth”. This is asking how fast your Internet connection is. If you do not know, just put in “unknown”. Finally, you can choose Wired or Wireless for your connection type. Once you have filled in all this info, hit “Submit” at the bottom of the page.

Green: An incident will now be created in the Support system. Before long, you should get an email from WWCE (or World Wide Customer Experience) acknowledging that you’ve created an incident. It should include a reference number. Sometime after that you should get another email from the CE team with some first steps on how to resolve your issue. If you still have an issue, respond to that email with your results or more info.

Red: At this point you should be well on your way to getting your issue resolved. We encourage you to reply back and forth with our CE team until your issue is addressed.

Thanks again for stopping by our Tiki shack and we will see you all next year!

Green: See you all next time! Have a great holiday! If you have any questions or comments, be sure to email the Tiki Brothers and let us know.

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