Archives, Tiki Bros. Tip Talk|February 23, 2009 1:02 PM

Tiki Brothers Discuss a Beaker Full of “Flashy” Creatures!

By Bret D. | February 23, 2009

Green: Good morning everyone! *Yawn*

Red: Green! Morning??? It’s half-past noon for heavens sake!

Green: Yeah, so! I just woke up! I was playing Beaker Creatures till 2AM last night! Let’s call it “Research”. Can I get some overtime pay?

Red: Sigh… How about you start by answering this question from a reader first?

Nathan from Suffragette City asks:
Hi Tiki’s! I can play all the games on your site but Beaker Creatures won’t work, what gives? My Java is all up to date!

Green: Hey Man! Uh… I mean Nathan! So first thing to mention is… the joke is on you! Beaker Creatures doesn’t use Java, it uses Flash! (A first for the Pogo games that have Chat!) Don’t worry though Nathan, Red and I are going to help you get Beaker Creatures working like a charm!

Red: Right Green, so why did we go flash with Beaker Creatures?

Green: Well, I can’t speak for our engineers and producers exactly but to my understanding, there are a few cool graphics tricks we can do with Flash. For instance, now your cursor looks like a little eyedropper. Cool huh? Also, 99% of computers out there have Flash, so I guess it’s kind of like a little experiment.

Red: I’m putting you on the spot some more Green. What is Flash?

Green: Well, to make a long story sort, it’s kind of like Java, except, not like Java. That is, it’s a way of displaying cool Web content, such as games, animations, video etc. Actually Flash one of the most commonly used way of watching video on the web. Our Pogo Youtube videos are all in Flash. (So are all of videos on Youtube for that matter!) All the Pogo Widgets are also Flash! You do remember our Widgets episode don’t you?

Red: Impressive Green! I guess I should give you a break and take over a little bit. Lets get into the so called “nitty gritty”. Let’s fix your Flash Problems if you have any. If Beaker Creatures isn’t working, or its running slow or something, or any other weird issue the first thing you want to do is simply check your Flash version and make sure you are up to date.

First check your Flash Version here: As of today, (Feb 2009) the latest version of flash is 10,0,22,87 (This will change as new versions comes out, so make sure you have this version or higher.)

Green: Oh Oops! Let’s just say you found out that your Flash version is out of date. Now what? Well, update it of course. It’s super easy. Just go to the Flash Update page here. Just hit the “Agree and Install now” button and you will be on your way.

Red: So any other knowledge you want to drop on this whole Flash thingy? Do you think any other games are going to use Flash?

Green: Well that is the real question isn’t it? If your computer is up to date, everything should just “work” and be “transparent” to you all. Like always, Red and I would be dreaming if anything in life went exactly as expected. And what fun is that? So I, the all powerful Green Tiki predicts that Pogo *might* use Flash again. Is that a vague enough prediction Red?

Red: Green, your impossible. Haha. Well, I better start practicing my Beaker Creature skills, or your going to keep bugging me about your 2AM high-score all weekend. Good bye everyone!

Green: Cya all next time. Oh yeah and you’ll never beat my Beaker score Red!

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