Archives, Tiki Bros. Tip Talk|November 20, 2008 11:55 AM

Tiki Brothers Offer Tips on Better Pogo Performance!

By Bret D. | November 20, 2008

Green:Hey Everyone, I am Green Tiki. Red:And this is Red Tiki, and like always, we are here to talk a little tech! Thanks for joining us today! Green:Let’s make this quick, I’ve got a fifty pound turkey in the oven. Red:I still can not believe you bought a fifty pound turkey. And you just put it in 15 minutes ago, so I think we’re okay.Anyway, on that note… Let’s do this week’s question:

Tom from Boston asks:

Hi Tikis! I’ll be playing lots of Pogo this Thanksgiving weekend, and I’d be thankful if you were to give me a couple of quick and easy tech tips for smooth Pogo sailing!

Green: Great question Tom! Let’s give you a few! We’ll start with the most obvious.

Recommendation One: Fully Reboot your computer every once in a while.

Rebooting your computer every once in a while is sort of like refilling the sink with fresh hot water and suds when you’ve been doing dishes and the water has been sitting around for a while. For most computers I recommend it be rebooted very day or so at the very minimum. Remarkably, it can help fix “weird issues’ that come from memory intensive programs.

Red: One more thing to note on this. On a fresh boot, your computer might run a tad slow for the first five to ten minutes or so. Just give it time to get everything up and running again at full speed and you just might be impressed by how much better things run after a reboot.

Green: Red, why don’t you do the next tip?

Red: Worn out already, Green?

Green: Well, I *did* just put a fifty pound turkey in the oven, you know!

Red: Fair enough! Here’s one a lot of people already know, but conveniently forget, especially when there are cute videos of kittens involved.

Recommendation Two: Close programs and browser windows you are not using.

Obviously your results may vary, but depending on your Internet connection speed, how much memory your computer has and what other websites you may be visiting while you are on Pogo.

Green: This can make a big difference in some cases, for instance, if you are running a file sharing program on your computer, turning it off can greatly increase the loading speed of Pogo games. What if you are trying to watch that cute kitten video on a website while you are playing a Pogo game? Try closing that browser window if Pogo is running slow.

Now, we have one more recommendation for everyone out there today.

Recommendation Three: If you have a Wireless connection, make sure your connection strength is as strong as possible.

Red: Correct-a-mondo Green. This is especially true on modern laptops, many of which come with built in wireless. More and more people are using wireless connections, so this is a great topic to bring up.

Green: There are bunches of ways to increase your signal strength, but the first thing you will want to know is how to see your current signal strength. If you are on wireless, you will usually see a small icon for your connection on the bottom right hand side of your computer screen near the clock. It looks like a small antenna, with vertical bars designating how strong the signal is. The more bars filled in the better. Usually if you have a lousy connection strength, the bars will turn yellow or red, instead of Green.

Green bars are good and red bars are bad… ain’t that Right Red?

A good sign! Note that these bars are GREEN!

Red: As much as I hate to admit it Green, yes red is “bad” in this case and green is “Good”. Besides traffic lights, this may be the only case in which this is true. Anyway, here are a few tips to increase your signal strength:

  • First – move your wireless transmitter closer to your computer.
  • Second – put your wireless transmitter higher up, usually closer to the ground gives the signal more interference.
  • Third – if your transmitter is near a wall, move it away from the wall by a few feet.
  • Fourth – try turning off or moving devices like cordless phones and Microwaves away from your computer or transmitter.
  • Fifth and finally – if all else fails, skip the wireless and plug in!

The documentation that comes with a wireless transmitter should have more tips and tricks for improving your connection.

Green: Ah, the Invisible world of wireless. I love it! Red, do you think those invisible waves affect your brain in any way? Just by looking at you I know it must be true!

Red: Take a look in the mirror, dude. I’m not the one who bought a whopping 50 pound turkey for just two Tikis!

Anyway, unfortunately our time is up for today. Have fun on Pogo everyone. We will see you next time!

Green: Fine Fine! Have great fun on Pogo. Have an awesome Turkey day! And don’t forget, if you love the Tiki’s make sure you tell the Pogo Editor!

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