Archives, Tiki Bros. Tip Talk|April 24, 2008 11:35 AM

Tiki Brothers Revisit Java

By Bret D. | April 24, 2008

Green: **SNORE**



Red: *Shhh* Good morning folks. It’s 4:30 AM here in the Tiki house. I’ve snuck into my brother Green’s room. Think he will mind if I crash these cymbals over his head and wake him up for a new Tiki Brothers episode? Nah, of Course he won’t!


Green: YIKES!!! Wha?! Wha?????
RED! What the heck was that for, you scared the heck out of me!

Red: Hey Green! Guess what? It’s time for a new Tiki Brothers episode!

Pretty Penny from California asks:
Hi fabulous Tiki’s! Where y’all been? It’s been about two months since your last article, I miss you guys! Secondly, your first Tiki article was all about Java. Is there any new or updated information you’d like to revisit? Thanks!

Wow, great questions! Thanks Penny! *Wink*

Red: Four thirty in the morning and he wants to revisit Java. *Shakes head* If I help can I go back to sleep?

Green: You sure can Green. As a quick reminder, Java is the software that makes Pogo “Go”. To put it simply Pogo needs Java and if you don’t have it, or if it’s not working right you’re going have problems with your Pogo!

By the way, if you want to see our original explanation of what exactly Java and why it’s used for Pogo is, you can check out our Very First Tiki article!

Green: *Yawn* Okay, where to start? Okay, Pogo is designed to work with 2 main versions of Java. The current and most commonly recommended Java is the Sun Java version 1.6.0_05. This is also known as “Sun Java Version 6 update 5”. Most people will shorten this to “Sun Java”. Don’t be fooled though, there are a TON of different versions of Sun Java so it’s good to know what version you actually have on your computer and how to get the latest version.

Red: The other version of Java you might be using is the “Microsoft Java“, or the “Microsoft Java Virtual Machine“. This is sometimes shortened to “Microsoft JVM“. To keep it simple, We refer to them as the “MS Java” and the “Sun Java“. If you have the MS Java you are most likely to have version “1.1.4”. As you might have noticed the version number is older than the 1.6.0_05. This is because development on the Microsoft Java ended around 2003. Oddly enough Pogo still supports the 1.1.4 version of MS Java. I don’t know why but we do!

Green: Phew, a little more awake now! So, if you go to this link:, You can see exactly what Java version you currently have running. If you read the first line of the Java tester you will likely see: Java 1.6.0_5 (or higher) or version 1.1.4. If you see any other versions, your computer might have some troubles playing Pogo. Oh and if the Java test page doesn’t show anything about your Java at all, Java isn’t installed on your computer or it is simply disabled in your browser. Read on to fix that.

Red: Thanks for stepping up to the plate Green! Moving on…

If the Java tester doesn’t work and if you suspect that you do have Java but that it might be disabled in your browser, there are a few thing you can check to see if that’s the case.

If you have Internet Explorer and Sun Java 1.6.0_05 there are a few places you will need to check to make sure everything is enabled:

In the Internet Options/Advanced screen.

  1. In your Internet Explorer browser click on “Tools” and choose “Internet Options”
  2. Click on the “Advanced” tab.
  3. On the Settings list, scroll down until you find the listing for “Java (Sun)”. Under that make sure that “Use JRE 1.6.0_5” is checked. Then click “Apply” and reboot your browser.

The Internet Options Screen

In the “Manage Add-ons” screen.

  1. Click on “Tools” button and choose “Manage Add-ons” (This will bring up your add-ons screen)
  2. On the menu at the top make sure it is set to “Add-ons” currently loaded in Internet Explorer”
  3. Scroll through your add-ons and look for the following add-ons: SSVHelper Class
    Sun Java Console
    Make sure both of these Add-ons are on the “Enabled” list. If they are currently “Disabled” enable them by clicking on the add-ons name, then clicking the “Enable” radio button at the bottom of the add-ons screen.
  4. Next change the “Show” drop down menu to so that it says “Add-ons that have been used by Internet Explorer”
  5. Make sure the following add-ons are enabled (If you have them): “IsInstalled Class” and “Java Plug-In 1.6.0_05” (There may be more than one of these, enable them all).
  6. Finally click the “OK” button then restart your web browser.

If you do these changes correctly the Sun Java should now be 100% enabled in your browser.

For more info on enabling Java with your manage add-ons screen you can visit the Pogo Tech Site

The Manage Add-Ons Screen (click to enlarge)

Finally in your “Java control panel”

  1. Click on your Windows Start button and choose “Control panel“.
  2. Double click on the Java icon (You may need to click on “Classic view” to find it) this will bring up the Java control panel.
  3. Click on the “Advanced” tab then click the + next to “Applet tag support.
  4. Make sure the “Internet Explorer” box is checked.
  5. Click “OK” to accept the changes.

You should now have Java “Enabled” just about anywhere it can be if you are using Internet Explorer.

Java Control Panel Screenshot

Green: Hey Red, Even though nodding off, I managed take some screenshots for you.

By the way if you have Firefox and are using Sun Java (the only Java supported in Firefox is Sun), there is only one thing you need to do.

  1. Click on “Tools” and choose “Internet Options” in Firefox.
  2. Make sure “Enable Java” is checked then press “OK”.

Firefox Options Screen

Whew! That was easy huh?!

Can I go back to sleep now?….

Red: Man Green, you’re breakin’ my heart here! Did you notice that the suns coming up though? And if I’m not mistaken, the tides are *Perfect* for surfing right now. Look at the tide table on your wall over there.

Whoa! Where are you going Green?!

Green: Dude why didn’t you say so in the first place? I’m getting on my wetsuit and goin’ surfing! Yeahh!!!

See ya everyone! Until next time! Have fun with your Java!

Red: Wow that was fast. Bye all, Have a great morning afternoon or evening! Remember if you need help is only a click away! There are hundreds of tech articles there to keep you satisfied until next time.

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