Latest News, Winners Circle|January 5, 2012 4:10 PM

UschiWilson! Winner of $2000!

Congratulations to UschiWilson — Winner of $2000.00

Since the day we launched prizes on Pogo, players have wondered about the folks who win them and what it’s like to win. We’re pleased to provide the Winners Circle so that we may all get to know some of our Pogo Prize Winners a little better!

Congratulations, UschiWilson, on winning a prize on Tell us your first name.Ursula

Well, Ursula, tell us a little about yourself. I was born in Germany and came to the United States as a teenager. I first lived in Detroit but soon moved to California and remained there until 2000, when I moved to Las Vegas, NV. I live with my husband and three fuzzy children, Toby, Tiffany and Schatzie — our beautiful dogs.

Fuzzy children. :) What is your Zodiac sign? Aquarius

Our members would like to know, what prize did you win? $2,000 in Lottso Express

What did you do when you realized that you’d won? Woke my husband and dogs from a sound sleep and made them come to the computer to see the notice.

More loss of sleep cause by our prizes. :) And what did you spend your winnings on?Haven’t received it yet.

Before you go, do you have anything else you’d like to say? Any special “shout outs” to your friends or family? I love Pogo and my very special Pogo friend Sandi in California.

Thanks for your time and congratulations again on your winning.

If you have a question about how to win a prize or anything else then check the Prize Help and Rules first.

If you’ve won a prize on Pogo and you would like to be featured in the Winners Circle then e-mail us at the Winners Circle and let us know!

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