Archives, Letters to the Editor|January 25, 2012 1:10 PM

Weather Ready Minis, Blighted Balloons, Fabulous Forums and MORE!

Singin’ in the Rain About New Weather Minis!
Singin’ in the Rain About New Weather Minis!

Hi Editor,

I just wanted to drop you a line and say THANKS for the new weather release in the Mini Mall! I am an avid weather bug and love each of the new items.

I admit, when I first entered the Mini Mall and things were loading, I started to grumble: “Why are they releasing summer weather items (tornado and dust storm, for example) in the middle of the Northern hemisphere winter?”

But then I scrolled and the entire set was wonderful, just wonderful! Now my mini will have something to showcase every season’s extreme weather around here, something I have had on my wish list for a while. Please pass along my appreciation to the team. It’s a balmy -32F here in Minnesota today, and I’ll be spending the afternoon curled up with a cup of hot tea, arranging my mini.




Nice Mini Release! Can You Spare a Snow Shovel?

Dear Pogo artists,

Great Mini Mall release for those of us here in FreezerLand!

Maybe we could get a snow shovel or snow blower to help us dig out?? (“Chattering teeth” would be a fun goodie.) Thanks for a great release!

Nebraska Pogo Fan


I Feel Like a Prehistoric Cartoon Character!

I noticed when clicking on the “Try” button for the Storm Chasing background (Item# A-BG-0502) that the feet are showing under the car. It reminds me of the Flintstones cars where they used foot power. I just thought you might want to take a look at it. I love playing Pogo.

Frequent Pogo Player

Editor: Yup! We will fix this funny little oddity in the next release. Until then, we strongly recommend that your Mini wear thick shoes!


I Don’t Care Who Has it, I Just Want to Know Where it is!

I have seen several references to this game, Biggest Brain, and would like to play it, but how? I can’t seem to find it listed anywhere. Can someone explain where and how to find and play this game?


Editor: Ah yes, the actual title is Who Has the Biggest Brain, so look under “W” in the games list.


Near Tears for Two Reasons…

Dear Oh-So-Nice-To-Everyone-But-Me Editor,

I’ve sent you several mails over the past few years of being a Club Pogo member, yet, they haven’t been published. But this one, I BEG YOU to publish.

Why? There is a game in your downloadable games section that has become so vacant that I saw tumbleweeds blowing across the “cartooned” stage while waiting for members to join. I downloaded the trial version of Word Riot yet no one was in it.

I nearly cried.

(OK not really but I was close to it)

The game looks like it would be so much fun that I could spend hours on end playing it.

Here’s what I propose Pogo to do. RIOT!! Where are all the Word Riot gamers out there? Editor, please, kidnap some Pogo members and put them in Word Riot :-(


Mr. Riotless

Editor: Well, Mr. Riotless, in case you haven’t heard, kidnapping is illegal, and your editor would never do anything illegal (outside of a car anyway – don’t tell the Highway Patrol!).

There are other Word Rioters out there, but because they are so few, it may be difficult to find them. That’s why I suggest you head to the Pogo Forums and do a search for “Word Riot”. You should fine some other folks looking to play, and maybe if you all congregate one or two nights a week somewhere, you can all enjoy the game when it’s full of people.


Add This to the List of Mix-n-Match Mysteries!

Dear Editor,

I was looking at the news page where its talking about the “best” of Mix and Match albums and it reminded me of something I’ve been meaning to ask.

I absolutely love that we can name our Mix and Match albums whatever we’d like and change the theme of the pages, but I think naming the album is kind of pointless because as the picture on the news page one of the album says its for Poppit! But when you purchase Mix-n-Match badges you cannot choose which album they go into, so unless you purchased 20 Poppit Badges specifically for your “Poppit” album, any Badges you purchase will go in the the next album available without 20 badges in it.

I hope you understand what I’m trying to say, I was just wondering if there will ever be an option to choose which Mix and Match badge we want in what album. I hope to hear back from you on this.

Curious BadgeAHolic

Editor: Good catch! Alas, at the moment there are no plans to change the way the Mix-n-Match Badges are added to the albums, so your point is well taken.

I have passed your e-mail along to the folks who plan for Badge Central so they can consider this when we do make plans to change Badge Central.


New Poppit! Format Bursts My Happy Balloon

Good morning Editor!

I wanted to voice my displeasure in the new Poppit format change. The bottom of the screen (skill level, stats) is so close to the suggested games that it is easy to accidentally click those. I have voiced this same concern over the other embedded games.

Why did Pogo highlight the messages as if you actually have a message awaiting? The most surprising, useless addition, is seeing which of your friends played the game last and how long ago. Pogo should offer the ability to turn that off in our in our privacy settings, as this is a privacy issue. I see no improvements whatsoever. The page is a cluttered mess.

As a Club member, I want to know why I am seeing the “game will load in so many seconds” notification? I don’t pay for Club Pogo to see that.

I am more concerned that Pogo decided to go ahead with this when an overwhelming majority asked them not to. We have asked for improvements, such as the ability to organize our closets, that has been ignored for years. There are so many issues currently, I cannot comprehend why these are not focused on first.

Thank you for your time.


Missing old Poppit!

Editor: Thanks to you and to everyone who voiced similar concerns about the new “embedded” Poppit! There are still a few bugs with the game that we expect to have fixed in a bit, and we are still going through all of the feedback and will be posting a News story later this week to address some of the concerns.

Until then, however, if you’d like to experience Poppit! in its own window, you may want to follow the advice of Just4FunThisTyme, in her Forums posting Poppit! New format tutorial.


The Mix-n-Match Numbers Don’t Add Up!

I have completed all 20 challenges in my 15th Mix-n-Match album but for some reason My Badges list shows that I have only been awarded 19 of the 20.

Even worse, I have completed all 20 challenges in my 16th Mix-n-Match album, but the album list shows only 17 of 20 have been completed.

I am unsure who to write to about this but would appreciate it if someone could look into it for me and fix the problem.

Many thanks,


Editor: We actually do have a bug where some of the Mix-n-Match Badges from some of our newer games are not showing as counted in the Badge Album covers. The Badges are there, but the numbers are a bit off. This should be fixed in an upcoming release.


Ode to Quick Quack

Ohhhh Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!

Made the coffee, impatient to see
The Challenges weekly Pogo gives to me,
But what did appear to my amazed eyes
That darn game of “Quick Quack”, a game I despise!

I said it then and say it now,
Straight from my keyboard, here is my vow-

You can dress it up pretty, with talk of rainbows,
You can offer tokens but everyone knows
I meant what I said, and I said what I meant,
No QQ in my future, one hundred percent!

Other than that, I adore you Pogo!


Editor: And we adore you as well. Thanks for the entertaining little ditty.


Perhaps a Poetry Corner?

Dear Tahd,

I know this would probably be to much work, but just in case it could be done, I was wondering if you might be able to put together a “Poetry Corner”. Members could submit their poetry entries and you could feature a couple of them every week.

You could pick the theme for the following week or just leave it open. I know there are so many creative members who would love the chance to participate in something like this and have the thrill of having one of their works published.

Thank you again for publishing my Ode to Naga. The response I’ve gotten has been overwhelming. And so many members who have said they have never taken the time to read your column before, have now vowed to read it more often, if not, each week.

Best wishes to you… Always…


P.S. I’m working on another poem. It is entitled “Letters To The Editor”… A work in progress.

Editor: Thanks for the idea! Alas, it is too much to add into our already too-large workload at the moment. However, I do recommend starting a thread in the Pogo Forums. That way everyone can participate and read an unlimited supply. Plus, they won’t all have to be about Pogo (which rhymes with ‘logo’ and about nothing else). If any really stand out, send ’em to the Editor and they may get printed here too!

I’ll be looking forward to the “Letters to the Editor” poem!


Do you have something you want to say? E-mail

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