Weekly Badge Tips|January 30, 2013 12:41 PM

Weekly Badge Tips 1/30-2/5



Word Whomp – Heavy Lifter Badge
Spell 31 words that start with a vowel this week!

  • Make as many words are you can from the 6 letters you are given.
  • A, E, I, O, U are vowels.
  • If you’re stumped, click the MIX UP button to get a fresh perspective. You may find words you previously overlooked!
  • If you have an “S”, don’t forget to make plurals. “ACT” can easily become “ACTS”!
  • Words are listed alphabetically in each number bracket (3, 4, 5, and 6 letters). This can help you guess what words you may be missing towards the end of the game.
  • While you can use your mouse to click to letters and “Enter”, it’s quicker to type using your keyboard and tapping the Enter key!
  • You can control the difficulty using the Skill level. 1 is the easiest and will give you more time to find words.




Euchre – Euchre Face Badge
Win 5 games this week!

  • As a Trump Maker, take 3 or more tricks in a round to win a round! As a Defender, keep your opponents from taking 3 or more tricks to win the round! The first team to hit 11 points (the default amount unless changed) wins the game!
  • The lead player chooses what suit to play for that hand. You must play a card in that suit if you can. If not, you can play any card, including Trump.
  • The highest Trump card will win the trick. If no Trump was played, the person with the highest card in the suit that led will win the trick.
  • The Trump card ranks are as follows; highest-lowest: Jack of Trump, Jack of same color as Trump (Example: if Trump was Hearts, then Diamonds.), Ace of Trump, King of Trump, Queen of Trump, 10 of Trump, and 9 of Trump
  • Remember, you play in teams. Pay attention to what your teammate plays. You may decide to play a lower card and save that high card for the next hand.
  • During either of the bidding rounds, the Trump Maker can choose to go alone. In this case, his or her partner does not play the round. This is recommended only if, as the Trump Maker, you believe you can take all 5 tricks on your own.

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