Archives, Ms. Netiquette|January 27, 2006 10:25 AM

What are the Rules of Etiquette Regarding Age Related Rooms?

Dear Ms. Netiquette,

I and many people have been playing in the over 50 room PhlingTut, and we enjoy each other’s company. Recently, players in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s have been meeting in this room and have hogged the chat space. When I innocently ask”is this an over 50 room”? The answer from these people say “it is NOT a law…we play wherever we want,” and some other impolite answers. My friends and I have been using this room for many years as a respite between badges, and we really don’t want to change.

Why do these people do this? The room turns into a Mommy and Me class, although it is labeled 50+. I would appreciate a way to remind theses people that Pogo labels the rooms for a reason.

Thank you

Peace In the Fifties

Dear Peace in the Fifties,

I am sorry that you’ve had to endure such impolite behavior.

In many games there are several age related tabs. These tabs are designed to guide players to their appropriate age range. While these underage players may not be polite about it, they are correct. It isn’t a law, rule or Term of Service that you play in the rooms under the age appropriate tab.

If you don’t wish to find another room, the best thing you can do is to either use the Mute feature, or create a private chat with your friends.


Ms. Netiquette,

You had an e-mail from a person using the name Can’t appreciate Gibberish that was complaining about young children on the keyboard during games and chat. I cannot believe you suggested that they report this person for abuse. I am appalled! I am a mother of two young children with a husband in the military t hat goes away overseas for sometimes a year at a time. I have no family near me and very few friends since I move all of the time. Sometimes Pogo is my only escape. You can be playing and then your 9 month old or any age child decides they need some cuddles and want to join you. I think it is absolutely ridiculous to think that i will climb down under my desk, that is after I go to the garage to get a flashlight to open the panel to see where the plug in is for my keyboard so that I don’t disturb someone that can quite easily hit the mute button.

I agree that it can be annoying for some people, especially if they never had children or it has been a while since they had little children, but come on. We all pay to play here and I have been told in the past when I was cursed at continually from another player to mute them. I reported them also, but nothing was done. Now if I am tired of fighting with my kid, want peace and just give in and let them have at it with the keyboard, then I have to worry about being reported for abuse! And for you to comment about the person not looking out for the best interest of their child.

Shame on you! You have no idea what is going on in their life and for a person who seems to respect others (especially when showing others that foriegn language is ok since we are all here to play and have fun with our friends – no matter what language we speak), you should be more tolerant and respectful of the other people who sometimes need a little forgiveness for what you see as their shortcomings. I just thought you should know that you really hit a raw nerve with this one and I am sure I am not the only one that thinks so.

Thank you for listening.

Mother Mostest

Dear Mother Mostest,

I did receive several letters from other mothers who were unhappy with my advice. I stand firmly behind what I stated.

The original letter writer was not referring to an occasional gibberish text entry, but to a parent allowing their child to endlessly enter gibberish into a chat room. The complaint was not so much about the child, but about the parent allowing their child to use the keyboard as a toy. The end result is called screen scrolling and the rules regarding it apply to the account holder.

We all understand that children are children, and we do expect them to get their hands into things. However, allowing a child to “play” with a keyboard as if it were a toy is inconsiderate to the other people in the chat room. The bottom line here is that chat disruption, done by a child or an adult, is a Terms of Service violation and can be reported and actioned upon.


Dear Ms. Netiquette,

I have a concern about chat that I have been seeing in rooms lately. A couple of individuals start chatting about religion who seem to have lengthy conversations about their personal beliefs. I come to Pogo to play games not to recieve a sermon. Is it good netiquette to ask them to take the chat to private chat? I have been afraid to do this in fear of retaliation, and being reported for abuse. Please help.

Fredom of Choice

Dear Freedom,

In this case the most polite thing you can do is to simply mute the players who are engaging in the conversation that you don’t wish to see.

Pogo understands that not every player is going to want to see every conversation, and that is why Pogo has provided players with certain tools to help them shape their game playing experience. There are are very few rules that govern the topics of conversation on Pogo, thus you will see all sorts of discussions and you will have to make the choice whether to tolerate the chat, or to mute the player.

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